Redpill me on incest Sup Forums.
I don't see any reason why two consenting adult humans shouldn't be allowed to have non-reproductive heterosexual sex just because they're related.
"It's degenerate" isn't an argument.
Redpill me on incest Sup Forums.
I don't see any reason why two consenting adult humans shouldn't be allowed to have non-reproductive heterosexual sex just because they're related.
"It's degenerate" isn't an argument.
it's bad for the gene pool
Of course its a fucking Canadian...
I jerk off to hentai with incest in it.
Does it involve ara ara?
Not an argument.
Read the fucking post.
Should try it IRL sometime. Feels fantastic, doing it with those you really love.
Incest is only okay if it's one of the good kinds(like father/daughter) and if it's only when she's little.
A girl's daddy made her and he loves her more than anyone else can, why wouldn't it be okay for him to have sex with her?
Oh, no, when a girl is grown she should be married, not messing around with her father or brothers.
Can we kick Canadians off this planet?
There is literally no good argument for keeping incest illegal.
It's stupid and bad in real life, but incest porn can be quite hot.
I bet he's one of those imouto faggots
Tell us your story.
Cousins are acceptable with only 4% chance of genetic defect. The same as a 36 year old woman giving birth. Anything closer and it goes miserably higher and should be illegal.
Didn't they do a 3some scene with the Romain sisters ?
This is assuming that you have complete control over whether or not sex is reproductive. Birth control methods can fail.
>a FUCKING leaf
Keep sex to marriage,you degenerate pornography addict cuck
I only jerk off to it because it's hard to find MILF creampie porn that isn't wincest.
>a Jap not liking incest
|What is the world coming to?
Here, "Romains of the Day"
I agree. Milfs are super hot but its always incest or realty.
To conservatism and non degeneracy.The jewish pornography programming has to stop.
>"It's degenerate" isn't an argument.
>our behavior should be supported even though it offers no contribution to society at all, the state's priority should be releasing my sexual frustrations!
>Sadaf Ahsan
of course it's a sandnigger
if you need anyone to tell you why you shouldn't fuck your family,
you must be canadian
Maybe another time. On mobile.
>Birth control methods can fail.
Never seen a failed abortion before.
Marriage is a socioreligious construct. The recorded ramblings of millennia ago should have no power in modern civilization.
At least they are non degenerate
It makes bad children.
I'll fucking get him, but first I need to get my moose out of the shed, and strap on supplies to my sled, about 6 40's of maple liquor and a lb. of weed. Give me another moment while I destroy my igloo so I leave no trace of my favourite stomping grounds and I can make the trek across the tundra without some degenerate snow-bear making its nest on my bed.
No tell it you faggot. I know you have time.
Sexual relationships are inherently highly emotional and volatile.
The family unit is supposed to act as a stable base of emotional support
To introduce an unnecessary sexual relationship into the family is stupid and irresponsible
a brother can't love his sister. He can't!
Degenerate. Saged. Goddammit leaf.
>tfw incest fetish
>no sisters
release me from this hell
Maybe one day I'll be allowed to marry my qt sister
Absolutely eurphoric m good sir.*Tips fedora*
pedophillia now.
However I don't see the issue with incest desu.
no mate you don't get it
it's all a social construct
so what if it's the foundation of all of society, it's not real
Just fuck your brother.
You have a mother, don't you?
>tfw visiting mom to "help around the house"
The purest pleasure plebians will never know.
Oh right, why be civilized when you can abort your issues away?
>implying i would ever actually do it in real life
im not a degenerate
oh yeah true!
Really makes me think
Reminder that allowing incest to flourish will make it acceptable for men to have sex with their children (the most degenerate form of incest).
Sure is boys having sex with their mom and sisters is cool and all, but when a Dad does it to his children, that's when shit hits the fan.
If I had a hot mom i'd definitely fuck her.
I have a sister who's alright and honestly if the situation ever arises i'd probably fuck her.
Bullshit, I'm not on my pc otherwise I would've done a reverse search. Give up the sauce m8
I'll admit that the reason I've always thought brothers/sisters fucking was a hot idea only because I don't have a sister. As a teenager, I remember thinking how hot it would be if I had a girl who was about my age sleeping down the hall.
So long as brothers and sisters were close in age, I see no problem with them experimenting with each other. Of course parents would have to provide birth control and a willing privacy for their kids along with guidance if it was so desired. It'd probably be a lot safer for siblings to experiment than the normal experimentation that occurs normally among teenagers. Less potential for embarrassment.
>that's when shit hits the fan
And their daughter's face
Hey you think we're going to be content with just dog fucking?
It's not just incest it's bestiality and pedophilia too. I can count how many steam faggots I've come across in games with pedo names or loli avatars. Every day that stupid image of the "steps of degeneracy" becomes more and more real.
One day you'll have a daughter. You can have sex with her.
>men to have sex with their children (the most degenerate form of incest).
No, it's not. Father/daughter is the purest form of love.
>boys having sex with their mom is cool
No, it's not, it's disgusting and bad.
can you guys cook dogs?
Neither of my sisters have ever had to have abortions. I'm just saying the safety net is there if contraception fails.
>desensitizing the taboo
If that were the case incest pornography would fall not rise. Most people are into incest porn not cause they seriously wanna bang a family member but instead due to the extremely taboo nature of it.
I feel so degenerate
Who hasn't messed around with their cousins? Literally everyone I know fools around with their cousins when they're young. Just a normal part of growing up
>can you guys cook dogs?
You are one sick fuck. That's not how you treat your best friend - or daughter.
I'll do it for you
Ladies and gentlemen, rural Canada
Only oral is legal. Penetrative sex with animals is still haram.
>put an age limit on sexual relations, 18 for example
>know perfectly well that kids down to 12 might theoretically be physically and mentally prepared and willing to have sex
>know perfectly well that people far older than 18 are not mentally prepared for sex, and some may never be
>still keep the hard cap because it makes it enforcable and deals with most cases where someone is abused
The same logic is at play. If you believe that a big enough proportion of incestuous relationships would be abusive, there is reason to make incest illegal, even if a few incestuous couples would be perfectly fine together.
Ok, I'll bite. Have you fucked her yet?
Can I get my Great Dane to penetrate me?
Sure because he's thrusting, his consent is demonstrable.
forced concept riding on the popularity of milfs/cougars
very few asked for this.
Just tell us more of your made up story or don't say you have a story to tell.
This leaf gets it.
Still illegal. It's less about consent and more about the way the law is written.
I think if he fucks your throat it's okay though.
Babies more likely to be retarded and this burden society
>never seen a failed abortion before
Ok leaf, you beat me tonight. I lose.
Uh, yeah, by the time a girl is old enough she can make babby she shouldn't be messing around with her dad.
You guys don't understand how incest works
The taboo is what makes it so hot
It's because retarded children
All I know is that I sniffed my cousins used panties earlier tonight and it smelled like heaven.
I don't want to fuck my family so I don't see the point of being pro incest.
Sorry OP. Maybe if my family was as hot as the bitches on game of thrones and porn.
Really dude he downloaded that off another thread.
Incest isn't illegal dumbass wallaby.
My older sister and I did MDMA/rum one night and she rode me for two hours. It was the first and only time, but . . .
>Tfw she's in prison for unrelated issues, and has said she's ready to have fun again once she's released.
What do you consider to be adult?
>adopted by family with "siblings" old enough to be my parents.
>nieces legal but still significantly younger know I'm not part of the family bloodline.
>1 defiled so far and another in my sights.
> I don't see any reason why two consenting adult humans shouldn't be allowed to have non-reproductive heterosexual sex just because they're related.
> I don't see any reason.
They're not just related, leaf. It's not some 4th tier cousin you met for the first time after 19 years in a wedding (t.). They're brother and sister.
The origins of this degeneracy (yes, argument) you're trying to justify had REPRODUCTIVE reasons. They did it to keep lineages 'pure' and as a result created a lot of fucked up kids. So adding ''non reproductive'' in your statement to defend something that started as reproductive is a fallacy.
Also, what is the point of ''just having sex'' with a family member? Are you that big a loser you can't score with a stranger? You go up crying to your sister about how lonely you are for some pity sex?
Lastly, if you advocate in favor and allow more and more degenerates like you to be accepted, there will be NO end to it. You will end up having sex with horses, dogs and maybe even kids because IF IT BLEEDS, IT BREEDS, which has several negative effects for them.
Do you ''not see any reason'' there either, maybe?
Get ahold of yourself before you end up like that cucklord who watched cuck porn and felt like letting his wife get fucked.
She's right.
Only butthurt, sick fucks hate her.
So then you don't condone cannibalism?
If she's started to bleed she's too old to be doing incest.
defiled so far and another in my sights.
That's terrible. You shouldn't have touched her unless you planned to marry her. And like you said, you've defiled, you've ruined her.
It's degenerate precisely because it's unhygienic for the species in terms of reproduction. Even if it isn't for the purpose of reproduction, all sex is a simulacra of reproductive behavior.
Don't really give a fuck what a cartoon from the other side of the world says. Most intense sex I've ever had.
But bleeding I hope you dont mean periods and that you fuck kids
Nah she was already a hoe, going after her """uncle""" whos 11 years older just made it dirty and exciting
Also puts incenstous little bitches in their place
how is game of thrones to blame? I've been watching incest porn for years
Why is she in prison?
>bleeding I hope you dont mean periods
What else would be meant by it?
>and that you fuck kids
I don't, I don't have a daughter to play with.
Well, I guess if she was already a slut it's not so bad. It's still not good.
Manami a shit
Get out of here you fucking pedo