do television and film accurately represent the current stigmas and hardships of today's society?
Do television and film accurately represent the current stigmas and hardships of today's society?
I know, it's legit funny.
>queer and trans middle schoolers
we need a nuclear war
So are they both males?
uhh, please dont post fabricated comics
Snowflakes that don't think they don't have a gender, or they have a mythical/theoretical/fantastical "third gender", regardless of what "cruel reality" they're keeping in the pants.
Anyway, the bisexual is by definition swinging both ways so that'll be the guy then. Problem solved.
Snowflakes that think they don't have a gender
>if I esperience living and being perceived as a girl, then my brain wil ltake a specific shape
really fired up my neuronal synapses
See shit like this reminds me of Sup Forums posting their """""""science"""""" that """""""proves""""""" that blacks are inferior.
Cherry picking nonsense to back up your identity politics is retarded.
Why do trans people always portray themselves as dejected children
can you prove it's the same?
because they unfairly prejudiced against
Please stop, I'd forgotten this existed
Because playing the victim game works very well.
Can you prove its not?
What the fuck is that punchline?
I don't get it.
>dum de dum minding my own business
>hmmm wheres the bus stop, ill ask those kids
>excuse me lad, do you know where the bus stop is?
>autistic screeching
>jesus what
I hate when parents get mad when you can't tell if a new born is male or female too.
Fucking hell, who writes shit like that? People don't talk like that.
Burden of proof lies on the person making a claim. It's assumed that the natural state of things is something not being true, unless it's proven otherwise.
Is this meant to be ironic?
jesus christ, all that fucking text. show, don't tell. I hate comics that are like this
but god not a real pls make evidences
I hope so.
>Just ignore an actual argument. That means you win the debate!
I consider myself to be a pretty calm and level headed guy, but this shit really gets me going. Why do these 4th wave "feminists" make it so combative? It doesn't have to be us and them and surely being inclusive and getting along with others is more likely to result in outsiders seeing and relating to your point of view than outright aggression.
I thought it was a toilet. Looks like it has toilet paper
>you don't really have to defend your blatantly incorrect ideas, just call someone a sealion and keep spouting off made-up shit.
One of the men responsible for discovering the structure of DNA believes Africans to be genetically less intelligent based on studies but it's something that will never ever ever be supported by the community because of hurt feelings
because mike pence is literally gunning down LGBTIP's in the streets
For about 150 years it was believed that Africans were inferior. New research proved it to be nonsense.
Or does the past 50-75ish years of scientific research hurt YOUR feelings?
>that dismissive, patronizing sigh
Look, I'm bisexual myself. But these people are fucking nutty.
lol is this real?
if africans are so average than why can't they build a single successful country without a dictatorship led by a single extraordinary man
its poorly drawn motors+propellers
>gay men
>wanting anything to do with vaginas
fucking lel
>it's white people's fault
i don't see your point, when has a single african country managed to extend their influence outside of a few neighbor states?
What research? The only research I've seen is that Africans are consistently less intelligent and more violent
You're the one bringing race into it
Why do they have to?
You should check the stigma of these digits.
not at all
Because mudhuts can only advance a civilization so far.
They are inferior. And history proves it.
you're claiming expansion of power was the reason africa never expanded their power?
>You shouldn't have to speak the language of the country or at least make an attempt at learning it meme
>There are no shows about old people meme
>Being fat is genetic you guys meme
>black being a race
if you even took one class in population biology, anthropology or ethnicity related medicine you wouldn't be this retarded