Started this on Sup Forums, but most were confused about the 'gender terms'.
So, regardless of how you feel about Undertale itself.
How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
Started this on Sup Forums, but most were confused about the 'gender terms'.
So, regardless of how you feel about Undertale itself.
How does this make you feel Sup Forums?
Why are they all so ugly?
Cuz theyre gay
Is gender terms a fancy word for Down Syndrome?
As if normal Memetale wasn't cancerous enough.
Fuck sake.. I'm in the process of making an actual video game, something graphically better than autismtale, and it's completely done by me. I've worked hours into it, and it pains me to see something so cringey get the spot light.. fuck this.
Didn't a white draw this shit?
Fucking cucks
To think I already hated tumblrtale...
ayy lmao
>transman gay
So a heterosexual woman?
>transwoman lesbian
So a heterosexual man? And what the fuck is aeroflux or whatever?
>in the process
You aren't even done and already you're whining about being unpopular? Sounds like you're more interested in being bitter than making games, fampai.
Fanart of some indie game is irrelevant, regardless of the pathology behind it.
Focus on the real issues.
Remember to add LGBTQIIBBQ characters so your game can be mad popular
2d is for no talent hack plebs
Sage, hide, and report offtopic bullshit like this. Keep the board clean
I am threadsexual and this offends me
Please delete your post
I sexually identify as broccoli and I demand a safe thread on pol where we post trump memes and broccoli
How can they be gay if they're all dead
>tumblr "artists"
I like how the only white ones are the bad guys