Due to white racism, it's time for Mexican and Hispanics to unite, and fight against the white man. They complain about us, when they would starve without our workers. We demand amnesty, and we demand that are wives are given child support from the government.
No fuck off
Spaniards will never fight with criminal beaner mutant injuns. Quit stealing the word "Hispanic" and turning it into some fucking injun thing.
Fuck off and go back to Mexico with your mixed race injun genes and quit ruining shit for the whiter hispanics who actually value American culture.
Fuck off, pocho.
This meme where white people were starving and dying until the cheap Mexican strawberry picker came along and saved the day is pretty dumb
Sure, because Mexico and the rest of them have done such a great job at building their countries
5/10 decent bait
too obvious/10
It's time for your mom to unite with my cock faggot. Kill yourself.
This is the tool fascists use, to try to divide races against each other. Why? Because they are whores and the true enemy (the mega wealthy like Soros who's funding #BLM terrorism) have enough money to pay the whores.
>would starve without our workers
Believe that if you want to, Juan
Mexicans are White too
I thought Latinos / Hispanics hated niggers as much as we do.
How dare you associate us with the white devils. Our enemy has pale skin and blue eyes.
Mexicans and whites are on the same side, fuck off kike
fuck off, just appreciate that they let us stay here and not in the shitholes from where we got out. Make something decent of yourself and stop self victimizing.
All I want is a gf
GR8 B8 M8.
Fuck off mexicunts
You're universally despised
Fuck off.
They let us stay here. HAHAHah. Come on brother, they would shit themselves if we actually left. Who would work for them? They need us. It's about time they start respecting us brother. BROWN PRIDE
Mexicans are genetically the same as Europeans you stupid
Mexicans are White just like Europeans some have brown skin because of the harsher climate of Mexico but they are still white
Fuck off, I can't stand you indio subhumans. Mexican fucks have tarnished the image of hispanics with their 'la raza' shit.
Also, as the grandson of Cuban immigrants you can take you call for unity and shove it. Your people refused to accept Cuban refugees during the early years of revolution.
>A bunch of half-Mongoloid mutts
How the hell do you self-hating mestizos come up with this crap?
We are descended from Aztecs and the natives. But good idea- we should pretend to be white and infiltrate them. It will all come crumbling down soon enough. Help me brother, make more threads like these and convince the whites we are just like them and that we need us.
> respecting us
if latinos can't respect each other how do you demand respect from others?
btw you fell for mu brown pride meme, if you have so much pride wtf are you doing here then?
Mexicans have the same DNA as the European Spaniards
Its not rocket science Mexicans are genetically White
nah, brah.
> mu respect and shit
if they want acceptance how come you fuck off all immigrants from their south border
Nah, my only enemy is the blacks. My mom always warned me about los negros growing up. I was raised well.
Except Spaniards don't have nearly 50% Amerindian genetics like mestizo rapebabies.
We do respect eachother. It's the whites who keep dividing us. Once we make whites the minority we will turn this country into a prosperous Latino nation. We need to keep breeding and then kill the whites.
There are Aztecs here?
don't fall for that meme
there's a mix of european, meztisos, indigenous heritage
I hate people like you to the root.
how the fuck do you make this country a prosperous Latino nation when the Latin american countries are shitholes? Start by fixing the situation there.
>Mexicans have the same DNA as the European Spaniards
No they don't.
Operation Wetback was a step in the right direction and should be implemented again. Every new wave of immigration reinforces the inferiority complex of angry illegals and their familias.
>We demand amnesty, and we demand that are wives are given child support from the government.
Fuck off. Always dependent on welfare.
>Mexican and Hispanics to unite.
After you guys ruined the Trump rally in California, I don't even want to be associated with your kind.
It's funny that we've gotten so far into 'feelings' that we'll let people tell lies that we can see with our own eyes are lies.
Also, why are you people such criminal scum? You commit almost as much crime as black people, and not all of it because of your never ending drug fetish. You always top the FBI most wanted 'white' people.
Why do you think we should have to tolerate you when you make no efforts to clean up your act?
My Mom was Born in Costa Rica, she worked every day of her young life to keep her family stable. her dad died and she was sent to a family as a maid to help, now she is a business woman who loves America and is a red pilled
trump Supporter. Time for you to actually work and stop complaining
Go back, nobody likes a whinger. USA is full.
>we demand that are wives are given child support from the government.
It gets a little annoying, especially when they actually make these demands.
Thank you dad
Have a good day at work
They are mostly mixed with Native Mexicans.
Nah fuck yourself brown scourge.
t. white hispanic
>Who would work for them?
anyone and everyone else
you guys are the laziest fucks on the planet pablo
Mexicans don't wish to feel entitled to anything, they aren't niggers.
We love your food don't fucking abandon us banditos.
I am Italian so no I will not fight for you I am finally considered white I am gonna side with the North Europeans like my brethren did in WW2.
We do. Always will.
>side with genetically more distant people
Go unite with central america and peru, MexicANO.
Why would you lend your shoes?
white man hasnt done anything bad to me desu. i enjoy their shit food and the happenings (mass shootings) they bring to my life
>lends his shoes
lmao what is this another american tradition I wasnt aware of
Don't worry, user. We do.
I bet the OP is a self-hating white cuck (((shill)))
>their shit food
Such as?
If you love Mexico, then go back. Anchor babies are citizens of Mexico and belong there. No American is putting a gun to your head and stopping you from leaving. Adios niggers
the most stupid and ridiculous thing i've read so far today...you're delusional as fuck if you actually believe in that shit,pal
>also, you have to go back
I wonder who's behind this post..
So.. Mexico. BUILD WALL. We'll be alright.
They're not even trying anymore.. Fuck off fagget
No, fuck you
Says two white people. Foh
Mexicans are a weird situation.
Mexican Illegals are bitter and jealous of Americans being a better country than theirs. They claim they hate niggers like any Hispanic, but they would betray the rest of their race and side with niggers if it meant getting a go at those American meanies. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are mixed mutts.
Legal Mexicans, like one of the victims in Dallas, love America and would go against niggers threatening their nation.
Other Hispanics hate niggers PLUS Mexicans in about equal amount because of the Mexican Illegals. They'd happily go against both in an American race/civil war, though Legals could wrongly get lost in the crossfire unless they openly show their support of America beforehand.
Because unlike blacks, Mexicans don't guilt trip whites over shit, even though they lost land to them.
What are the possibilities of a Asian white alliance?
I don't give a shit.
Nice B8 M8
Here we are dealing with BLM nigs chimping out and faggots like you stir even more trouble.
Kill yourself
Whites are against latino's? Since when. Illegal immigrants are mostly fucking up other latino's by fucking with the wages. Whites mostly own businesses so they are fine with that.
Nope it's not time for that. It is time for all of you loser-that-couldn't-try-harder-in-their-onw-country to end this shit, stop whining and behaving like fucking niggers.
What asians. Soulless dog-killing chinese people? No thanks. Also fuck fucking fuck japs. I sure haven't forgiven them for Indonesia. Asians are only slightly less bad as shitskins.
Why are the women so fat?
>they would have to pay their workers more without us
Hispanic is not Mexican
Fuck off with this b8
We do
are wives.
Lots of lard used in cooking and the food is just so damn good. Plus, it is hard to tell if they are just prego, since that is the default of mex women.
It's time for whites and non-cholo Mexicans to genocide cholos.
Current mexicans are maybe sometimes 1/32nd genetically aztec. Mostly white.
nah nigger elitism exist and we will always be different faggot go be poor somewhere else
Go back to Mexico if you like it so much.
Only 15% are white in total
> tfw no mexican gf
> tfw no gf
> tfw
Gebaseerde paal mijn broeder
>tfw no mexiloli
>tfw no gf