How realistic is the world of Mad Max as a possible post-apocalyptic scenario? Would gasoline be that important?
How realistic is the world of Mad Max as a possible post-apocalyptic scenario? Would gasoline be that important?
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Walking to the next town over would be like a day long process. Yeah, gas would be pretty important.
>Would gasoline be that important?
Nah user. Guzzoline is a meme. No one really needs it.
>he has no idea how much space there is out there
sad basement kuk
keep stocking up on hotpockets
If they can figure out how to work a refinery, why can't they figure out how to work a power plant or a factory?
Unrealistic as fuck because all that feminazi SJW muh powerful womyn bullshit in Fury Road isn't grounded in reality.
Electric vehicles, even if you're charging them with solar energy, require more complex technology and are harder to maintain or operate in a primitive society.
>he hasn't studied EE
Most gas would be gone in under a year. It expires inside tanks, you know. Nobody would be able to refine enough on their own to justify the effort needed. If there were larger communities maybe, but there's s lot of people with cars and not a whole lot want to share.
I imagine horses would be more appropriate for travel than cars
this tbqhwy
handing down knowledge generation by generation is not the same thing as figuring out how to operate a power plant
Until guy in a truck runs over you and your stupid horse, takes your stuff and makes steaks from your ride
The only thing that might throw a wrench in that is the lack of water scenario. Maybe donkey's or camels better?
Yeah I can see Islam taking over in the post apoc
>already used to deserts
>cities already have supplies for surviving in a wasteland IE bread and camels
>roaches are immune to nuclear fallout
Guess the meek inherit the earth after all
>makes steaks from your ride
my horse would easily backflip over him then I do a mad max run along the top of the truck, swing into the cab kicking him out at the same time. then my horse chews the flesh from his bones. checkmate, faggot
Diesel would probably be more important than gasoline.
>Nobody would be able to refine enough on their own
Did you forget about Gastown?
There's no reaources to make anything in those factories.
You clearly miss the pint that it is a representation of the actual world where all we care about is oil.
Wew >2deep4u
Also, gasoline evaporates almost instantly it wouldn't last if not kept properly and even so...
I was referring to OP asking how realistic it is.
My mistake
I feel like Lord Humongous' siege in Road Warrior probably involved expended a ton of fuel, which is confusing because he conducted the siege to acquire more fuel.
>"Men destroy we preserve" shows hand full of seeds
>Immortan has an aeroponics environment in his citidel
>Spends the whole movie trying to get to a women run paradise with plants everywhere
>The women failed to maintain it
>Goes back to the citidel and dumps all the water a dozen people have been working to pump and will need to continue to pump if they want the citidel to survive.
Calculated expenditure for large potential gain, lad.
food and clean water would be more important
Don't forget
>all the water for everyone
>not understanding how rations work
because a local refinery is simpler than a power plant with a power grid.
as long as there is gas a car is better.
Its better now it will be better in the future.
If you've ever gone multiday hiking you'd understand just how long it takes to walk places. 10 or even 30 miles takes hours and hours on foot.
Gasoline would be so important that we wouldn't be wasting it on retarded cars.
Yeah, but water would probably be easier to aquire than gasoline
What I think Mad Max got right is how people flock around warlords, and how they would start skirmishes against other warlords over resources
If anything, we will just build societies closer to one another. It would be hell at first because people would be too used to vehicles, but eventually people would settle closer to others.
Cars require paved streets to function. Try driving a sedan through an open field and watch what happens.
I'd imagine 4x4's would be more valuable than gold but gas would be treated as a last resort. You wouldn't burn gas unless it was absolutely necessary. Most scavanging would be done on horseback or with a pack animal.
the whole premise of scavengers and gangs roaming the desert in cars, wasting one of the most valuable resources is one big flaw.
>Cars require paved streets to function. Try driving a sedan through an open field and watch what happens.
I've taken my 99 Chevy Lumina through places you wouldn't believe.
This could be fixed by having reliable fusion or hydrogen powered engine technology invented before the nuclear war.
Just a thought.
Have sex
That and with the power grid down portable generators would be one of the few sources of electricity.
>why can't they figure out how to work a power plant or a factory
You mean like the ones that run on oil or natural gas?
>why can't they figure out how to work a power plant or a factory?
Bartertown in part three produced electricity with natural methane.
But Max fucked it up that glimmer of hope for civilization because some retarded kids.
Nah, water would be far more important. The Tribals in New Vegas would be more realistic, small communities of survivors who barely know what's going on with anything more than six miles beyond them.
Mad max is basically Ancap: the motion picture
That's the whole point.
Neither would anyone who survives an apocalypse you fucking nerd
To be fair to the women, the aquafir Joe was taking water from was bigger than the UK.
>The Great Artesian Basin contains 65,000,000,000,000 liters of water and if spread across the globe would cover every landmass in half a meter of water
William Kamkwamba dreamed of powering his village with the only resource that was freely available to him.
William stands at the top of one of his windmills.
William Kamkwamba fits a lightbulb to a house in his village in Malawi.
His native Malawi had gone through one of its worst droughts seven years ago, killing thousands. His family and others were surviving on one meal a day. The red soil in his Masitala hometown was parched, leaving his father, a farmer, without any income.
But amid all the shortages, one thing was still abundant.
"I wanted to do something to help and change things," he said. "Then I said to myself, 'If they can make electricity out of wind, I can try, too.'"
Kamkwamba was kicked out of school when he couldn't pay $80 in school fees, and he spent his days at the library, where a book with photographs of windmills caught his eye.
"I thought, this thing exists in this book, it means someone else managed to build this machine," he said.
Armed with the book, the then-14-year-old taught himself to build windmills. He scoured through junkyards for items, including bicycle parts, plastic pipes, tractor fans and car batteries. For the tower, he collected wood from blue-gum trees.
"Everyone laughed at me when I told them I was building a windmill. They thought I was crazy," he said. "Then I started telling them I was just playing with the parts. That sounded more normal."
That was 2002. Now, he has five windmills, the tallest at 37 feet. He built one at an area school that he used to teach classes on windmill-building.
The windmills generate electricity and pump water in his hometown, north of the capital, Lilongwe. Neighbors regularly trek across the dusty footpaths to his house to charge their cellphones. Others stop by to listen to Malawian reggae music blaring from a radio.
>white people can't EE
No, horses and pack animals would be far more important.
Good on him. Africa needs more thinkers and less mindless breeders.
how many horses do you think there will be after an apocalypse event? you think the farmers are going to take their horses with them into their bunker?
I hate niggers, but good for this guy. Odds are he'll get machete'd or die of AIDS pretty soon, but good for him.
What is ISIL?
ISIS works all of those things though.
Want me to peepee in your mouth?
The problem with stuff like Mad Max is that it's based on certain (false) notions of the way people behave. For these writers, people are nothing but shitbags whom without technology just revert to their most primal instincts, but that's not necessarily the case except in areas where people are just totally incompetent when it comes to basic survival that they can't think of any other way to get food other than stabbing someone.
More likely, rather than just complete chaos with murder and rape right and left, after a initial period of sporadic tribal conflicts as everything collapses and people begin redrawing social and economic boundaries, things would just revert to something closer to medieval times, which while far rougher in some respects, was still probably more peaceful than the last 100 years of human social order has been with its tendency towards "total war".
>Implying you can work on your Prius if you have an EE degree
Fuck off
Guzzoline would be lifeblood.
Only if they couldn't get gas for cars.
Modern gas goes to shit so quickly because of ethanol and the other pointless bullshit they put into it. If they were making their own at Gastown or something they could manage alright because it wouldn't have that crap in it.
>not converting to ethanol which can be produced from whatever plant is easy to grow atm
Bullet farm is a factory
The warboy didn't even know what a tree was. They could never grow enough of anything to make ethanol
potatoes can grow almost everywhere
and I'm pretty sure corn is almost the same
>potatoes can grow almost everywhere
They're in the middle of a massive desert, potatos require water just like any other plant.
>"Everyone laughed at me when I told them I was building a windmill. They thought I was crazy"
>"I started telling them I was just playing with the parts. That sounded more normal."
I know that feel 2 well
At first individual survival would be the most important - so food, clean water, medicine and shelter would have a lot more value than gasoline.
If humanity managed to get over that barrier, gasoline would probably become one of the most important resources, since it would enable industry, expansion, exploration, etc. But even then there would be far too many factors to consider - like weather or not a community has a river in proximity, terrain, resource availability and so on.
>I feel like japans attack on pearl harbour probably involved expended a ton of fuel, which is confusing because they conducted the attack to acquire more fuel.
well, not in that place specifically, but generally
plus, they still have to have places where they grow food and gather water
they don't eat each other **yet**
That's wrong though. We like to believe how advanced and civilized we are as a society, but I can pull up tons of examples from the 20th century where that was proven wrong. During the seige of Leningrad in WW2 there were intelligent, educated people who resorted to cannibalism and rape. During the Holodomor in the Ukraine in the 30s government officials had to post signs in town reminding people that it was morally wrong to eat their children. People usually retain their humanity during short crisises that are over quickly, but when suffering lasts years with no end in sight most people will start reverting back to animal instincts. There were reports after the battle of Stalingrad of roaming feral children that were afraid of human contact and could only speak in grunts.
Strip away the clothing and warmth of civilization, and you will see man in his natural state. We are nothing more than animals.
that's not what the movie was. if you think there's ever that much substance to a mad max movie, the problem is you.