OK Sup Forums, I have a question.

FBI-san says that if HRC is elected, after the inevitable mass demonstrations and riots and political unrest is quelled with help from the UN trucks across the country, we will rapidly be moved towards a warpath against Russia.

If Putin feels threatened enough that war is imminent, he will release what information he has that was hacked from Hillary's servers. This information will contain information regarding the Clinton Foundation that will reveal corruption at the highest levels of government, potentially revealing how our government is complicit in running and undermining other countries across the globe, how there's a huge pedo ring, how Mossad did 9/11, etc.

What I don't understand is how FBI-san says that the release of that information will result in the next American Civil War. Now, I think that there will be a revolution against the government if that happens. But I don't see a civil war happening. Are there actually millions of people who will fight for Clinton; who, after everything has been revealed, will STILL side with her and her government/cronies? How would this information not be the ultimate unifier of the American people against Clinton, Soros, and the globalists? Aren't the vast majority of law enforcement and the military conservative? Wouldn't the vast majority of them side with the people? Am I just incredibly naïve?

Other urls found in this thread:


Part 2

We know user, goodluck getting anything bumped tonight due to the protests, wait till tomorrow morning or later.

Yeah, I'm making this thread again tomorrow morning if it gets archived with minimal replies.

I just finished reading the whole thing and really want to discuss its implications.

le FBI user is so reliable

I dont give a flying fuck.

brexit vote != actual brexit

Dude he said that way after brexit. He is implying you guys won't actually leave

Because some FBI employee would have insider info on a UK top-level conspiracy to ultimately keep us in the EU even though all member states have already said we must leave asap and parliament rejected the second referendum petition.

This is some /x/-tier ARG.

or because everyone knows about efforts to transform EU into a superstate and brexit threat is simply the trigger needed to push forward

There were other people in those threads who said they had been in the CIA and FBI and said some things that he was saying sounded reasonable and that they had heard some similar things.

If you read the whole thing, he said that though the EU won't remain politically in the EU, it will remain, to a certain degree, economically degree in the EU and that it won't be a 100% divorce.

though the UK* won't remain politically in the EU. Excuse my bad grammar and spelling, I'm watching the protests in another thread and not proofreading.

No, Brexit is seen as a blessing for most bureaucrats because the first step in bringing the block closer together is unifying the EU budget and financial rules, something that isn't possible unless all countries have the same currency. Denmark already has their pegged to the Euro. Sweden is the only member state left with a floating currency.

He semmed to think Nigel Farage was part of the current government and was somehow blocked from taking part in the negotiations. Also claiming new tories are pro-EU when it was precisely tory eurosceptisicm that pushed Cameron into calling a referendum in the first place.
That nigger is making shit up as he goes along and laughing like a madman at you people.

This is good, thank you. Here is a mummy

I wonder what will happen to mummy when the shit hits the fan...

I just read this tonight and started noticing that the shilling/crossboarding/b-teir thread have rampped to critial levels.
I also think he is right and really want to jump in to /cfg/ but have no clue where to start.

I was browsing the latest one an hour ago, and apparently Trump may have been on a plane with Epstein twice.

I don't know what to fucking believe anymore.

Im not sure either but the thread have uncovered a fuck load of lines that can not be denied or explained away simply and the digging has only really started a week ago.
I really want to start building a database for all the lolita express flights and try to pin missing person cases to them.
Though for Trump it could be a matter of absolute power corrupting absolutly.

I did hear that he took a flight once, Is is really up to 2 now? is there any record of it?

Anyone have the Trump staffer or MSM man ones from yesterday?

I will protect her :3

Damn, I completely missed that.

If someone has it, post it.

I've already claimed her bro, she's mine :

We can share

implying any of you fucks could satisfy her sexual needs

the threads are still up, but I was hoping someone had screenshots of it all

MSM man

Why do you have to be mean


mummy only has sex in the missionary position for procreation. mummy is pure.

sry beb

This one is fake and gay. LARPing young lad.

He said he is an analyst so he didn't claim brexit won't happen due to insider info but merely predicting from analysis.

Also, I for one still doubt brexit will actually happen, fbianon or not. Until article 50 has been actually triggered (and even after that) I'd say the chances of remaining are 90:10

Theresa May has said that Article 50 won't be triggered until the end of the year at the earliest and even possibly next year. What did she mean by this?

Unlikely FBI insider is legit.


Keep digging in the Clinton Foundation.

what if i told you i had the complete route of every IP and MAC of every 8 and 4 post ever and every hash or encrypt attempt is resolved in milliseconds?

what if i told you i also know the cell routes and live locations to every distinct device you use including the recipient, duration of connection, content (voice, text, images, videos) for all your mobile communications down to the fact that you are viewing this right now and if a cam is atached to your device a pic of this moment as well as all background noises while you read this?


>Are there actually millions of people who will fight for Clinton; who, after everything has been revealed, will STILL side with her and her government/cronies?
Pretty sure it will be the average Joe against Giants that want to stay in power and paid mercenaries.

>how there's a huge pedo ring
Called it. Can't wait to see their brains blown out in the revolution.

Do you like my cock?

>Pretty sure it will be the average Joe against Giants that want to stay in power and paid mercenaries.
Like I said, that's more like a revolution than a civil war.
Calling it a civil war implies that there's at least a very large minority of people on Clinton's side. If everything is true, I don't see how that could happen. Millions of Americans defending child prostitution and human trafficking? The conditioning hasn't gotten that far yet...

Although your post is mostly bullshit soaked with tech mumbo-jumbo, I wouldn't really care. I have nothing to hide.

i will unironically vote for shillary if she wants to go to war with russia. russia has started far too many aggressive conflicts, especially in post soviet countries and the balkans (not to mention supporting genocide in ex-yugo states), to be considered a rational government, especially since they have the world's largest nuclear stockpile.

>complete route of every IP and MAC
> route
I'd say you have no idea what you are talking about

Read FBI-user's threads and you might just change your mind.

Putin potentially has shit from her server that, if released, will bring about the complete collapse of the United States government and Russia and China will swoop right in and pick up the pieces.

I'd guess that a civil war in that case would be the government + a small minority of citizens who are too retarded to see straight + maybe some outside forces/mercenaries vs. the majority of US citizens.

But I'm a nobody, who cares what I say.

Right, but who would call a situation like that a civil war? Isn't "revolution" a term to better describe a situation like that? If half or close to half of the people are so cucked beyond belief that they actually end up supporting the government in a situation like that--which would justify the term 'civil war'--then we probably deserve everything that's coming to us.

> unironically believing this roleplay
How old are you guys?

hey shill

>Am I just incredibly naïve?
Dont know his specific reasoning but yes, the brainwashing has gone that far, and there is a sizable and growing portion of the world with a deep seated hatred of Americans (ironically thanks to Bush) and want nothing more than to see all our heads roll so they can take over this beautiful land and infrastructure we've built.

Can you believe people are that evil? Yes.

Yes that's right you caught me, your insider at the FBI is risking his job to reveal information on a racist Korean image board that's full of "mommy" and "how can white guys compete" threads and I'm paid a salary to shill these posts and I chose to do it by calling you children with over active imaginations.

Get the fuck back to x or Reddit or b

All it needs to be a civil war is to be between the citizens of a single country. If a handful of retarded cuck citizens side with the government against the majority of US citizens, that's still citizens vs. citizens.

there is no need to hide user:)

Going back is like remaining dude

>implying there weren't loyalists in the American Revolution.

I think it'd go down in the history books as a revolution, but who knows, maybe this guy was just pulling an elaborate ruse.

Buckle up before you dig too deep.

What do you know?

Jokes on you, Im from Sup Forums and I dont own a cell phone.

Weird thing is, I started looking at 9 clifford st and with in 40 seconds found some serious shit is going on. Nothing that isnt out in the open but the scale suppised me.

>9 clifford st
What is this? I haven't been following the /cfg/ threads. Could you tl:dr?

Well, either way, I think the advice to start digging is good.


all these companies are hedge funds ( most of them the to 10 in the world) all listed in the same place that only has 18 flats for rent.


and supprise they are all doners to CF

You seem to take this overemotionally.

I hope leadsom becomes the next pm. I don't trust may to activate article 50 desu

He was shitposting. He obviously did his research unlike anyone on this board including myself (probably went to some other discussion forum and brainstormed or watched cspan), and made himself look legit. He had a 50/50 chance of being right everywhere else. It's either they indict or not.

-he was vague on the certainty of what happened
-he played into Sup Forumss fantasy that the FBI wants trump for prez
-he played into Sup Forumss fantasy that there is a massive conspiracy
-he was able to make it seem 100% plausible, further affirmed by the news

You got trolled. He trolled everyone. Hard. And we are still being trolled because you are perpetuating it. Don't be ducking retarded. He claimed that the FBI monitors Sup Forums to watch how the political climate among conservatives changes.

How much will Putin release? Because some of that shit was about SAPS, aka highly classified secret technology. This would literally hyper jump us 50+ years into the future.

SAPs isnt about technology. They are basiclly black OPs
