Why is reddit so unfunny

Why is reddit so unfunny

their jokes must appeal to the lowest common denominator of humor

But that's hilarious because it's true

Because you have no social life, kiddo. When was the last time you went outside?

It's funny because trump is the president of pr

Yep. That's the joke. Plan on telling my co-workers this tomorrow.

I bet they won't get it

Oh they will, friendo. They will.

Without the cover of anonymity experimentation with humor becomes more difficult


It's an empty insult, it means nothing. Far from "hilarious".



Those are three of the funniest pictures of the day according to Reddit

Because they bring politics into everything and then censor any dissenting opinions if they aren't hidden by downvotes first. It's all just a string of several echochambers and quipchains where everyone pats themselves on the back for how funny and intelligent they are.

>Because they bring politics into everything and then censor any dissenting opinions if they aren't hidden by downvotes first.

really reminds me of modern 4chaniz bar the downvotes part of course.

It's really easy to spot a tourist when they are backed into a corner because they will always repeat the same "argument" and post the same pictures because its their only defense mechanism.

Except 4ch isn't split into thousands of locally censored boards where everybody circlejerks their own special opinions for virtual goodboy points and getting the best quip and/or rightous comment at the top of the chain.
Sup Forums is a special case obviously but it's basically just reddit at this point anyway.

the image in your image is true

Had a chuckle.

Up/downvotes ruin any forum that has them.

Because you can't tell people who make shitty jokes to kill themselves.
You can just ignore them, which leads to them trying to make more shitty jokes.
Good subs ban memes and jokes to prevent degradation of quality.

>Up/downvotes ruin any forum that has them.
basically this, the entire system makes discussion impossible since disagreeing opinions will always get pushed to the bottom and out of view of most people.
also leddit deletes dissenting points of view anyways so it's not like they want it to not be a "hugbox"

It's one of the most popular sites in the US, number 7 actually, even above twitter. It's basically as normalfag as Facebook at this point.

Oh you...

I love this hypocrisy.
When it's in your favour you will defend the most infantile bullshit as 10/10 meme, if it's the same shit but from the opposition you're butthurt and summon your 20 "leftists can't meme" shills to whatever post calling you out on that.