>We want the Mexican audience
We want the Mexican audience
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So it's Book of Life, but with a far more bland artstyle compensated with a far more polished (but very safe) script?
this looks bland as fuck, it's almost Mars Needs Moms level of appealing to almost no one.
t. illiterate negro
so Santa Muerte is the big baddie?
eh, looks alright. I'm not too big on that theme. and Dia de los Muertos or whatever is barely known to...anyone. I just know it from seeing it in movies.
makes me want to watch Casa de mi Padre
Should have just made a grim fandango movie
I bet I'll be beetween the lines of normies defending this movie. I should stop being a pixar fag.
Holy shit didn't knew that movie
>all these studios and tv show Jews think Hill shill will be La Presidente
>make this garbage
>mfw El Donaldo become ¡El Presidente!
tumblr wants to boycott it because apparently the book of life was pitched to disney and they didn't want it.
>La Presidente
it would be "Presidenta"
>tumblr wants to boycott it
>tumbler is 1 person
>Sup Forums isnt 1 person
>Disney makes a movie about a non-white character
you need to step outside of 4chinz for a bit
Isnt Santa Muerte the one Cartels pray to?
some do, it's also popular among poor stupid people
That's the problem with american productions.
People cannot stop filling their mouth with shit instead just taking the movie for what it is.
Note that I'm not saying it will be full of shit, but at least bring more solid arguments to criticise
book of life was beautiful visually and actually made by mexicans (del toro and another guy)
Dia de los muertos is a day in which we remember our loved ones that have passed away. It has nothing to do with worshiping death.
We decorate altars dedicated to people who have passed away with stuff theylike really liked, like a dish, clothing, music or any other items that hold a special significance. Theres no mystical bullshit nor adoration for la sannta muerte (only cartel subhimans do that).
Besides its not even that big of a celebration here. People dont dress up as skeletonss or any of that other silly shit. At least not the north master race. Who knows what those south plebeians do.
>pedrito being disgusted by kissing
>implying he wouldn't already have fucked his dog and all the marianitas in the barrio
ay ay ay ay ay pero qué pendejada!
>north master race
>forgetting the north is the most violent part of mexico
>forgetting the poor "indios" actually fight back against northern narcos
>Be mexican
>FBI, DEA and CIA rape my country through the Cartel because americans sure love their cocaine
>American conglomerates appropriate our whole infrastructure cause our leaders are neo-liberal cucks
>Somehow evrything is ok cause Pixar is making a caricature movie of your country's culture
I miss Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa
>friendly reminder an American ambassador had a democratically elected Mexican president killed
We really do have the worst fucking neighbours
>support Drumpf
>know alt-rightard culture warriors are gonna sperg out about this
They try to be progressive but this movie is like a big fucking stereotype. Its like they made amovie about a chinese and all he did was practice Kung-Fu... oh wait.
>be mexican living in Mexico
>think this looks bland and shitty
Hi chairo
ugh you got them short stumpy nails
fucking gross
>Wanting my country to have their own sovereignty and not be America's lapdog
ugh could you not!
This looks shit
t. Morenazi
Looks pretty boring. They really should've just done Grim Fandango.
I'm so glad that Sup Forums is familiar with Book of Life.
Underrated movie.
do you think this appeals to Mexicans or hispanics in any way?
...this is just the book of life though?
Man, they are going to shill the fuck out of this and del toro is going to get shafted isnt he? And he actually did it for his heritage too, bummer.
Vete a comerle la verga al Peña Nieto y al Trudeau, pinche come vergas
>and Dia de los Muertos or whatever is barely known to...anyone.
Not him
But I have several sudaca friends and they like dia DE muertos, they find it interesting
It appeals to Chicanos, not to Mexicans. They are our own plastic paddies.
t. Chairistegui
No, i just want Incredibles 2
they do look gross though
how does it appeal to chicanos? im a first gen chicano and i couldn't relate to it at all
whats the difference? also i thought this Dia de los Muerteos stuff was all Mexican.
Ya llego la gusanada
I know, I fucking hate spics.
>it's about day of the dead
racism desu
chicanos are the poor border jumpers or their offspring, who have no real identity
Chicanos are americans whose parents are mexicans. They think they are mexicans but most of them don't speak or know anything about Mexico outside a romantizised and idealized picture of it.
and i hate whites
el gusANO
Buena respuesta subnormal, no te olvides de ir pronto hoy a la cama que mañana hay escuela.
its the only thing white people know about your culture user. That and la chancla haha xd
>"Coco" is rolled out across the country
>release day, the cinemas are full of Mexicans.
>Halfway through the image on the screens cuts to PRESIDENT Trump's grinning face
>ICE agents pour into the cinemas
>It's the biggest mass deportation in history, America is one step closer to being MAGA'd
el Sup Forums cancerANO
Americans wouldn't have to meddle in the affairs of latin american countries if only you retarded spics elected the right people.
Start electing people who believe in the following things:
>free market capitalism
>rule of law
>having good relations with gringos
But nope, you idiots keep electing people like Hugo Chavez and other pricks.
Don't blame Americans. Blame yourselves.
>Guacamelee but a film and with mariachi instead of wrestlers
Looks fucking great desu.
oh man i can see this spreading as a scare story, sad.
Shut the fuck up gringo, the day of the rope will come soon. California and Texas are Mexican clay, maricón.
You can blame left-wing identity politics for that.
It used to be that immigrants were encouraged to respect and assimilate into american culture. Now, mexicans are basically educated by the left to balkanize and secede from those dirty gringos.
Most Latin Americans do not practice Catholicism but some bastard form of Christianity and the pagan beliefs they picked up from the locals.
Fuck off cunt, keep sucking jewish cock if you like but leave the rest of us alone you fucking kike nigger-loving faggots
>tfw only American born in family
>speak Spanish batter than Mexican born sisters
>know more about Mexican culture than Mexican born sisters
>been 10 years since we last visited Mexico
>sisters don't even care
>I love it and I cant wait to visit again
am I still a CHI?
>that disney-pixar red star logo
these kikes aren't even trying to hide it anymore
Who's your Mexican actress waifu?
why do you subhuman spics think you're not niggers? it's funny when subhumans think they are superior to other subhumans. sad!
California and Texas are first world regions thanks to American governance, culture, and ingenuity.
If they were under control of Mexicunts, they'd be drug cartel kleptocracies where the average form of entertainment would be live skinnings and decapitations.
Expansionism and conquest are not intrinsically immoral or evil. If a superior culture seizes territory from an inferior culture, then it can be argued as moral action.
Si te sientes mas gringo que Mexicano entonces eres un chicano wey. Yo no tengo nada en contra de ustedes, lo que me molesta es la visión tan romantica y estúpida que tienen de nuestro país. Que sepas que no existe mayor enemigo de Mexico que los putos grigos wey, así que ya te estás decidiendo.
>plastic paddies.
You've been hanging around with Brits too much. We only use the term Paddies and we mock the septics for their St Patrick Day shit. Real Irish fucking hate that shit. The only ones who care are the bar owners. Especially since septics order Guinness. I hope every time an Irish bar owner pours a pint of it, a part of his soul dies.
cuando el nene le agarra los cocos a las compañera juaskjujjuaksja
Nigs don't behead and skin people like latinos. That's how you know that nigs are not as dangerous as spics.
Also, the worst nig gangs, like the Crips and Bloods, are disorganized and harmless rabble compared to the extremely dangerous mexican drug cartels, who have net worths estimated in the billions along with advanced military tech.
>from the creators of
Did they have to do that? everyone knows Pixar works
>American thinking he is white
Sure thing Schlomo, go gib your hard earned scheckels to some kike on Wall Street while they cut all your rights away.
You are so deluded its almost as if you are satirizing yourself with these half assed arguments
wow you must not know a lot about the mexican revolution
>An American ambassador killed a well educated, spiritualist, capitalist, champion of the people, who planned his revolution in the United States in favor of a super conservative cathiloc dictator
in hindsight it worked out though,the nation was swayed far to the left after the revolution, which would never have happened if the president was never killed
It is surprising that even as fucked as our country is, our education still is better as american education
Go to bed Kevin or mom won't make you hot pockets for dinner tomorrow
Well now they do, they don't really have a distinct style anymore. This is can seriously pass on as something from Illumination to be honest.
Born in California, so she still counts
>the people responsible for the revolution that fucked the country beyond salvation and sent us back at least 50 years from progress
>blaming other countries for our shortcomings
why do beaners like bart so much
So it's a rip off of Book of Life and Pokemon Platinum. Stupid Chicanos ruining the day of the dead. How many of you are even from Oaxaca?
sudacas, but una vela posting is kino
If this was released half a decade ago absolutely no one on Sup Forums would be bitching about "muh SJWs" and "muh pandering", stop being such sensitive faggots. It's an interesting setting and it makes me curious to see what they are going to do with it.
IMHO, modern Pixar isn't exactly in their glory days but the sole fact that is not yet another sequel makes me at least somewhat hopeful. Guess we'll have to wait more info and trailers to see if it's actually promising to be good.
Take your gay cartoon spic shit back to > and stay there.
How many people who worked on Toy Story are still with """Pixar""""?
Tu lo querías era seguir comiendole la verga a los gringos o qué? Yo no digo que los mexicanos no tengan culpa de nada porque no es cierto, pero no me vengas ahora con la verga de que los gringos no joden siempre que pueden la marrana. La culpa de que estemos así de atrasados no es de Zapata o Villa si no de estos políticos hijos de puta que venden toda la infrstructura y riqueza de nuestro pais a empresas gringas para hincharse los bolsillos. Hasta que Fox y Peña Nieto no cuelguen de un árbol le doy la razón y le digo que a los mexicanos les gusta ser oprimidos. Vivimos en un país secuestrado por polítcos que se creen gringos y el pueblo tiene síndrome de Estocolmo.
looks good
>binary thinking
>not understanding the immediate and long term repercussions of a revolution in a country during process of development
>thinking international relations during Diaz regime were exclusive to USA
Come on, man. Read some more. It is well known than the two biggest mistakes Mexico has made in its history as a country were the revolution and forcing neoliberalism. The arrival of the socialist movement in the 60s is a close third.
> It's an interesting setting and it makes me curious to see what they are going to do with it
Watch Book of Life and find out!
I usually love Day of the Dead aesthetics, but this looks like shit for some reason.
>Come on, man. Read some more. It is well known than the two biggest mistakes Mexico has made in its history as a country were the revolution and forcing neoliberalism.
Eso lo dices tú wey, la revolución respondía a una falta de representación de los sectores rurales en la vida política y se agravó por culpa de la intervención de los americanos en el asunto. La revolución pasó porqué tenía que pasar la culpa no fue de Zapata o de Villa. La culpa la tienen el Porfirio, Victoriano y Carranza por no intentar consolidar su poder mediante un acuerdo con las fuerzas revolucionarias y directamente intentar aplastar las revueltas.
So this movie is about cocaine?
i had a dog called coco, which is short for "cocolo", which means "dog with a cropped tail"
coco sounds ridiculous as a proper name in any other sense.