"Leather Special"
All-Right Trolls Amy Schumer
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This is really entertaining to watch play out.
fucking Reddit always putting down women. What a garbage site. Thankfully Sup Forums is respectful to women and hope to see them succeed in the world.
I think it's funny they blame reddit
>endless threads about their fat new mommy Amy Schumer
Sup Forums is hella pathetic
You dont need le reddit for tanking when youre unfunnny as fuck.
the alt-right posters here ARE reddit
Daily reminder that anything the left do is now perfect and the only reason they receive criticism is because some right wing shitlord is racist or sexist
Also this is why people hate the media now
Why do you guys keep going to these garbage click bait SJW websites? I avoid them but I come here and I keep getting inundated by it.
Was it autism?
>Everyone I don't is Altright
wtf I love Amy Schumer now!
Seriously though that was a pretty rational response, still not watching her movies or stand up though.
>it's what the current administration wants
Did she just blame Donald Trump for her special getting poor reviews?
This isn't some clickbait site. This is all mainstream media. No, ignoring it doesn't make them stop
>only hacky "journalists" report on these trolls!
>read the splitsider article!
>D-Drumpf caused this!
Not even finished reading and it's obvious she's panicking and grasping for damage control
It's almost like they've been using our hivemind mentality against us for years and we still haven't learned from it. Hmmmm...
I have never heard of Splitsiders before. And if you meet someone who believes this click bait shit, either correct them or avoid talking to them.
It's weird that she calls herself brave in that instagram post when "brave" is negative in one of the bits in that special
Those trolls from Ebaumsworld really have it in for Amy Schumer
So you ignore the mainstream media entirely then. Good goy, if you ignore them they surely won't be successful
>Call me a thief
JESUS CHRIST, please for the love of god shut up. You've been exposed multiple damn times for stealing jokes into your standup or shitty movies with jokes also. You have literally no defense against that.
i member the days when Sup Forums was blamed for stuff like this
>Splitsider is mainstream
>garbage click bait affects life somehow
Tell me how this affects you.
Lonely basement-dwelling virgins BTFO.
GG drumpfkins
Dude, they blame Trump for EVERYTHING now. That faggot in Iron Fist? He blamed Trump for leftist cucks shitting on the show. What's her jew face with the jew nose? Blamed Trump for getting fat. Fake news CNN? Blamed Trump for a """"hate crime"""" being committed against a jew cemetery which turned out to be nothing at all.
So then I decided it was time to be honest with myself and my sexuality. My wife agreed. We found ourselves a bull and now my wife gets what she really wants every week.
It has made our relationship so much stronger.
Edit 1: Wow! I never post here, but wanted to thank the /r/cuckolding community for their advice and support
Edit 2: Thank you for the Gold!.
P.S. maybe I'll post some pics of Latavius doing work ;o
Edit 3: I'm starting to have doubts about raising my wife's son. Should I start a new thread?
And it was wrong to do so then too; it was always Gaia and Ebaumsworld getting us into trouble ;__;
>watch bits and pieces of it on youtube
>no laughter
>maybe a few chuckles here and there, but nothing that constitutes anything but a bored crowd
>reviews say it's terrible
>first woman standup selling out arenas
>retells men's jokes
Didn't Carlos Mencia lose his show and career over the same thing?
It's not just splitsiders you fucking moron. If you don't see how the mainstream media has been acting, it's because your head has been shoved far up your ass
fuckin REKT m8 xD
how will the alt-right trolls ever recover?
Wow Reddit is so mean.
I'm not into her comedy but, if you get to talk to her on a casual basis like I've done you'll find she's a nice, friendly person and not the man hating & eating she-beast that reddit thinks they know she is.
>why don't you follow all the stupid shit I like to get angry about
Eat shit you moron. Don't get mad at me because you can't answer me and convince me.
Get help.
>Call me a whale
>reddit bans the alt-right from having a community on their website one month ago
>this week reddit is alt-right and responsible for Amy Schumer failing
liberals are cancer
How the hell wpuld a group of people organize just to tank ratings? Spam 1s on IMDB? I don't get it.
>knowing about all this reddit shit
back you go
inb4 Bill Burr defends her on his next podcast.
She blamed Reddit
honestly if people are really doing this shit its pretty pathetic,
if it truly sucks then give your rating, but purposely trying to tank something because you dont the person i pretty sad
Learn to type, you goddamn mary.
>anything remotely related to reddit
>le you have to go back
I'm sure its just shit.
Why can't anything just be shit anymore?
I don't get it, how does a group of people "tank" a show's ratings? Do they stop others from watching it or something?
>lovers of truth
Bet he had a bit of a laugh writing that.
#sobrave #suchstrength #inspirational
isnt the donald or whatever its called the same shit?
you might be retarded.
its like saying if pol were removed there wouldnt be any more pol posters on this site
Yeah I'm very confused about this too.
She's honestly right. The alt-right here and on reddy can't stand when a woman is having success. You just can't deny this.
>negative ratings must be the work of nazi trolls
>there's no way the show is actually bad
there was no tanking, no hacks, no raids.
its just a poor show and people dont like it.
she blames it on alt-right and trump like the stupid libcuck she is
That's how safe-space retards think in this day and age. "No one likes me, it must be because I'm so awesome" "Oh, i failed math, must be because the teacher hates me", "My NETFLIX special is shit, it must be the internet trolls".
Zero accountability nowadays.
What goes around....
You're an idiot. The reviews ON Netflix have been overall very negative. I knew the alt-right were fucking retarded kids, but you're ignorance is quite astounding.
>Rating suck
>It was the Alt-Right, my show is great everyone should watch it
Maybe, just maybe it's a shit show. How demented do you have to be to believe everything is a conspiracy against you and that everything you do is flawless
wew lass
just wew
You're a fucking moron
Still waiting on a response to this.
art is all about theft but the problem with comedy is that's it's very difficult to steal properly.
Plagiarism is lifting whole paragraphs verbatim and changing a few nouns. It's lazy. Good writing is stealing concepts and plots from multiple sources and arranging it creatively.
But how can you do that with jokes? You can't take two jokes you like and mash em together and create something that is funny. Comedy is difficult, probably the most difficult art form besides Tibetan sand painting.
>caught explicitly stealing jokes from comics she says she loves
>haha you're lying stay mad haha
So rational!
Not that anyone should care. Other than Sup Forums posting about hating her I almost never see her brought up.
Saying one line that another comic said ISN'T stealing a joke.
You don't think the reason the reviews were negative were because the people didn't enjoy it?
amy schumer is funny for being so stupid. youre the leather
do you really got a vagina. show it to the world
A response to your rethoric? Are you autistic?
Yes. Which makes Joe Rogan look more like a cucked bitch for calling him out about it but then not only lets Amy have a pass, but defends her right to do it.
How can one post contain this much assmad?
wtf I hate le funny pull that thing man now!
>if you ignore them they surely won't be successful
This is unironically happening with CNN, you know.
Yes, it's not because she isn't funny at all it's the alt-right boogeyman that's keeping her down.
don't be retarded
obviously the people in these reddits can't be accounted for 100% of the negative reviews, but they are certainly a part of it and if you deny it you're a fucking moron
>Haha I'm such an amazing comedian with amazing jokes and I'm so stunning and brave for standing up to the evil redditors
What a narcissistic pig
>the alt-right made steal jokes
lol go suck her dick more
>1 thread has 19 comments
>the other three have 0
>none of this bothers me but here's an essay on why it doesn't bother me
>any critique of me is an attack
But I thought all the alt-right trolls cancelled their accounts after the Dear White People show
Its the new scapegoat. Really fucking sad when you think about it.
This sounds so paranoid-delusional.
>LOL MY VAGINA jokes run out of steam
This. Its nu america. Single moms were a mistake.
>I may go to reddit but I'm not a redditor :^)
what did you mean by this?
>everything that I don't like is alt-right
To be fair he probably couldn't call her out even if he wanted. Hed be labeled a misogynist and have his career ruined.
>thank you trolls so much, sweeties
>Blaming negative reviews of her shitty comedy special on trump
Jesus my sides
Anyone have those shoops of her doing lynchings?
she stole entire jokes / concepts
>I am only alarmed by the people printing their organized trolling as "news"
She is right about that. The media got so fired up over fucking memes and trolling that they labeled PEPE THE FROG a HATE symbol and MILK and the OK hand sign as a symbol of WHITE SUPREMACY.
stop screaming, you hysterical little faggot
How can someone who is a comedian write so poorly?
Watch the trailer.