Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
>all these black people in power
I hope she doesn't believe in white privilege then.
None of them were part of black subculture or nigger culture.
>race that generally can't hit center mass at 3 yards because the gun is sideways
Nah, not too scared.
She looks so white
>#1 athlete
How do you rate a singer as #1
>implying that anyone of those expect for president is objective.
optimus you are not black. you are a mulatto.
my balls are black
yeah im a nigger anons
but they are afraid anyway
afraid of future potential
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That really made me think and all but I just don't really want to live with them.
>only racial demographic whose population is actually decreasing because they literally can't stop murdering their unborn children
Fucking terrified
Nigga, what? How the fuck does she look white? Because she's pretty?
>B But black people c can't be raycis cuz dey has n no powers.
>niggers think that upper class black people are on their side
>they don't realize the class struggle is real
>Look at all the shit we """""achieved"""" through affirmative action
plastic surgery and skin bleaching to look like a white woman
She had white features.
She literally looks like a white person with dark skin.
Pretty much all attractive niggers are because they have white dna in them somewhere.
her mother has french, native and some irish/spanish roots
Is there a ranking system for humanitarians, scientists, or doctors?
Stop lying to yourself to excuse your disgusting desires.
shh dont tell them, infact we should keep abortion legal for a while
Only 6 more months
That's not Tom Brady (also a Republican)
>Miss USA
Clearly affirmative action at work
Imma let you finish...
Wait a second... I thought blacks were being systematically oppressed by racist white people...
You can't have it both ways.
Prison System: BLACK
Violent Crime: BLACK
Welfare Recipients: BLACK
Single Mothers: BLACK
Aids Carriers: BLACK
No, she looks ugly.
Don't forget
>Smartest man in the world: Black
beyonce father is black and mother is mulatto(African, Native American, and French)
beyonce is black. does obama look like white?
what did he mean by this
and yet she's still predominantly black. Hence the nappy hair and need for wigs.
#1 singer has blonde hair???
President half-black
#1 athlete is about to be white when he starts making $50 million a year to play baseball.
yeah she looks nothing like in that OP pic. I wonder if she was powdered
But they have to look cool when they spray bullets all over the place and miss their white target, killing other black people then blaming white people. Same reason drive-by shootings are so popular among blacks.
>#1 athlete
Obama is literally as much white as he is black.
Wow it's almost as if black people aren't oppressed!
neil degrasse tyson is astrophysicist
far away from Nobel Prize in Physics
Did you ever heard of Solvay Conference?
>not realizing white people have merely been kind enough to let them have the spotlight
>their legal ability to run for president was granted somewhat recently, yet they feel like they're winning because they got a half-coon elected once
>be native english speaker
>don't know another language
>still speak wronger than non-natives
niggers are cucked by the nature
She spends 4K US$ a month on lypo-spheric and topical glutathione.
the tennis player is also arguably in the wrong gender bracket
Underrated leafpost
who that light skin in bottom right is?
>select all coffee
>fika fika cafe
If that's the case, then why in the fuck do they still cry that racism is so rampant?
Yet, what we've become since then. Just sad.
Teddy looks like a top notch doggo
President: HALF WHITE
#1 Tennis player: MALE
#1 Pop-star wash-up: WHITE
Indeed, quads given for mentioning our quad-legged friends
~ It's better to be a slave of America than a free man of Africa ~
She could have at least put Lebron instead of a woman for the athlete
Literally handled by an entourage of Kikes. Basically a trained monkey.
Oooga booga, me run fast.
>Miss USA
Ugly ape. Got the sympathy "i'm not racist" vote
Handled by an entourage of Kikes. Trained monkey.
Meanwhile the most intelligent, richest and most attractive are all white.
Scientist: WHITE
Teacher: WHITE
Police: WHITE
Doctor: WHITE
Criminal: BLACK
Obama isn't black. He's interracial. His mother didn't look like mine. Geez...
And yet they will say that white privilege exists in the same breath.
and how many of them are 25%+ white?
leaf getting his #rekt on
All completely and utterly useless "professions".
Lol Ted and Dave look like fucking savages 10/10 advice
>Half white Harvard law grad with no American nigger blood
Yeah you sure showed us LaQuisha
>13.2% of the population
JJ Watt/ Aaron Rodgers/ Tom Brady beg to differ. As does Adele. Whatevs
You just blew these inbred rednecks minds. Goodjob lol
> if you die you're hair your white
>your the most athletic person if you make the most money!
Cletus you gotta stop posting
Will we ever recover?
If 28% of all black men end up in prison and 60% of all black men in prison are there for violent crimes,
You have a roughly 1/5 chance of any black man you meet being or becoming a violent criminal.
Isn't the #1 athlete Michael phelps?
really makes me think
>because the gun is sideways
Not because of that, but because niggers can't understand what aiming even means.
Where do Asians and Hispanics fit into all of this?
#1 athlete. A tennis player.
>1 post by this ID
Wait! i thought that niggers are the ones that "they scared" 'cause they are "being killed off" by whites so they have to go down to the streets and "defend themselves" by killing cops?
Obama is 60%+ white. And anyways being the best hoola-hoop dancer monkey doesn't mean shit. What have black people invented or constructed? Nothing.
General attorney its a black woman too.
They didn't even invent welfare.
You also have something like 65% with out fathers. That's insane to me how it is more common for them to leave their children than raise them.
>What have black people invented or constructed?
peanut butter
Sup Forums BTFO
good thing they're not #1 in grammar or we'd be in trouble
>tfw have a small dogger named Teddy
He's a real badass.
they made the guitar too, like that's the only thing im thankful for. kangs can go back to afrika
>they made the guitar too
Fucking what?
>The design of the modern classical guitar can be attributed to Antonio de Torres. The construction of these guitars has been considered the standard in "traditional" instruments since the mid 19th century
Tell the stupid nigger running the stream to stop trying to be funny with the music and shit. It's just making the stream lag and no one cares about what he thinks is funny.
they are right though.
White man is not acting enough, he is just standing getting slapped by his mortal enemy's pets.
The real enemy is the Left. Destroy the Left and everything else will fall with her.
>Twitter post
>Sup Forums BTFO
>guaranteed replies
>not using sage
i fucking forgot about the sage thing. Thanks man
And all those niggers are owned by the white man aka Jewish bosses/elite. That is if you consider Jews white.
Obongo is mixed though
beyonce is
Countries need athletes and sport prodigies so they can show off in another important field, that is the battlefield of the physical prowess, which I find is admirable and one of the pillars of the classical society.