>not bro-tier
Farmer uses turban to save drowning teenage girl in Kamloops
Ever Sikh I've met in Canada has been trying to dick a white girl. Fuck off with your based meme. They're useful. That's it. Let them have the middle east once Sunni Islam is destroyed but I don't want them near me
They're just as bad as Mudslimes.
Sikhs are fucking terrible.
>t. high school kids
>t. a sick
t. Person that actually lives in a now "multicultural" area.
I'm white.
I lived in a "multicultural" area for over 25 years.
t. nu-pol faggot
go back to redddit
I favor this type of diversity.
I've been here since the /n/ days. Now go back to /r/The_Donald, redditfag.
Fuck off SIDF
>he knows the_donald has an underscore
like i said, go back to redddit
This is now a Canadian diversity thread.
>Muslims behave like animals
>Sikhs get beat up for it
Yeah Sikhs fucking hate Muslims and do everything they can to NOT behave like them.
>Promotes other ethnicities, other cultures, other religions in our country while claiming to be white, and an old Sup Forumsback
I guess it is true, leafs are shitposters. If they're so based why don't you move to their country, id be okay with that.
I know it because you idiots have turned this place into a reddit colony since last year.
Now stop derailing.
sure thing
So are the Iranians "based" when they fight with the Iraqis? Are the Kurds "based" when they fight the T*rks?
You didn't address what he said. He was referring to Sikhs getting beat up because they are mistakenly identified as Muslims. Guess who's beating them up?
I don't care, they should be getting beat up in their own country not here
Fighting against muslims is not a third world conflict. They are the enemies of everybody that isn't a mudshit. It is everybodies duty to fight these fucking evil cunts wherever they are found!
Largest terrorist attack on Canadian soil is Sikh.
You shitskin diaspora need to fuck off. Just because you are a sect of Islam (which is what Sikh is) does not make you bro tier.
You are third world poo in loo shitskins that were too pussy to make a change in your homeland.
Kurds are based Muslims.
Fucking faggots.
Sikh are bro-tier. I would give them the whole of the middle east.
>Largest terrorist attack on Canadian soil is Sikh.
it deserved wht it got
>Just because you are a sect of Islam (which is what Sikh is)
They're banned from eating Halal or Kosher meat. How retarded do you have to be to believe that a sect of Islam would ban its members from following Islamic dietary law?
>Largest terrorist attack on Canadian soil is Sikh.
1. It didn't happen on Canadian soil.
2. It was a single extremist group targeting Indians, not Canadians. It just so happens they were Indian-Canadians. By the way, that same extremist group was one of the few who wanted to "make a change" in their homeland. Are you supporting terrorism?
3. It was a single event. Muslims are causing chaos in Europe every single day, and even more so in the Middle East (or pretty much every country with a sizable Muslim population).
4. I'm not Sikh.
5. Sikhism is a sect of Islam. Open a book.
>5. Sikhism is a sect of Islam. Open a book.
ISN'T a sect of Islam.
Odd that a white man would defend a tribe living in a region of Pakistan so fervently
What the fuck are you talking about? Sikhs are a separate religion, they fucking fought against the mudshits when they ruled India you fucking faggot.
Are u high? Sikhism was create to COUNTER Islam because Hindu fucks were too weak to defend themselves.
The strong must defend the weak.
I corrected myself in the next post. It was a typo.
You know Katrina Pierson is mulatto, right?
Are u high? Poo was created to COUNTER loo because the streets were to designated to defend themselves
>there are people RIGHT NOW in THIS FUCKING THREAD that think Sikhs aren't bro-tier
Fucking mudslimes.
kurds are stinky, uneducated fucks who breed like rabbits. they are slightly better than the other muslims but still shit-tier
you were funny this time leaf but every other time you make me ashamed to be anglo
Sikhs are bros.
OP's story isn't the only one. About a year ago there was a stabbing in Birmingham (Muslim attacking white man) and there was a Sikh passing by. The Sikh took off his turban and used it as a bandage, which saved the guy's life.
I like these kind of threads. For once I can join racist white subhumans in bashing Sikhs
They are just violent human robots with an on-off switch. Now watch the video below
What's up with this recent explosion of sikh hugging? Why is this meme being forced on us?
It's not recent. It's an old meme
i fail to see how a sword fight breaking out in a shrine is anything other than based, possibly hilarious i suppose.
look at those martial race being based as fuck, you're just jealous you're a fucking non-martial poo in loo
I think the place is the Golden Temple, their number one holy place
Its like a swordfight breaking out at the Vatican. Only somebody nigger tier would pull something like that
There is a time and place to be martial. Just not in the house of God
>Odd that a white man would defend a tribe living in a region of Pakistan so fervently
sikhs dont live in pakistan m80
>There is a time and place for poo. Just not in the loo
Ok . That was funny. 10/10
no indians are born based martial race or born poo in loo, it's not something they can just turn on and off
I haven't posted on this board for months, but that made me kek
Sikh internet defense force out in full force