How long before he's doing Spider-Man/Elsa videos to pay off his crippling debt?

How long before he's doing Spider-Man/Elsa videos to pay off his crippling debt?

Whoa!!!!!! Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Ant-Man, AND Hulk???

Something about these videos don't sit right with me.

>Superheros IRL! Joker vs Elsa and Spiderman!

Something about them just seems evil.

How big of a fuck up is he?

Illuminati litmus test. If you don't cringe you are ripe for grooming. Some of us still have a soul.

all he has to do now is marry a gold digger and claim the title of JUST king from Brendan

Just capitalism at work my dear friend.

But it's not like there's a better alternative, so we're stuck with shit like this.

They're pretty fucked up for showing odd acts for kids. Farting, pooping, pregnancy, etc. They are made to exploit YouTube algorithm for ad money

I would have thought they're somehow money laundering for drugs or other illegal activities.

That or there's a hidden website where you find out these videos are the build up to porn

>implying he has any gold to be dug

Doesn't he play Spiderman in the latest cartoon? How can he get away with this without being fired?

What are the roots of this shit. Who even watches this.

The videos are targeted at young kids with iPads that search youtube for "elsa" or "spiderman" because they don't know any better.

>third row, fourth video

>Fourth row, third video


>fourth row, fourth video

I hear it's judt YouTube recommending it to everyone. Like those hot knife videos.

edups was right

I don't get those recommendations.

It's based on searches done by parent/child demographics. Easier to queue up a playlist and give your kid a tablet to stare at than finding something on TV.

I got like 2 through the whole thick of it. Never clicked em and they fucked off. Hear they don't recommend those as often though. Been replaced with this weird shit.

They're definitely fetish shit.

Remember when parents actually did their fucking job and parented instead of sit their kid in front of a screen and fuck off to the other room because they can't stand their very own spawn?

It was a different time I guess....


we have the nuke, the jews are behind this, what are we waiting for?


Parents have been parking kids in front of TVs since the 60s. How fucking old are you?

Whoa calm down there teen mom. Didn't mean to trigger you. If you had used a condom while fucking Chad you could still be enjoying your own youth and not despise your son as much as you do for taking that from you.

Please don't kill him btw.


The fact that it's weirdly plausible is making it even more disturbing.

>Implying I have children
>Implying you're not full of shit

Parents have been trying to find ways for children to entertain themselves since the first one ever popped out. Acting Superior doesn't get you anywhere. My grandfather was forced to pay outside when he was younger, not because it was healthy, but because his parents didn't want him in the house, my dad sat in front of the TV as his parents did other things. People haven't changed, just tactics.

>Elsa cheats on Spider-Man with Black Spider-Man!