>Being this mad
Being this mad
After all that shit, they didn't get charged with anything? lol
didn't one get shot? lol...
>white supremacists
they were protesting something about land and ranches iirc
>group of people occupy government building armed to the teeth
>nothing fucking happens
>the press tries to cover a peaceful protest
>press gets arrested
rly makes u think
Le voy or whatever got blasted by alphabet agents. It's on yt.
All of them are currently in jail and being denied bail except for LaVoy Finicum, because he was shot and killed by police.
except one got shot and killed and two(?) others arrested
several were arrested one was killed
this is just stupid
I distinctly remember seeing the police gun down a white guy after he crashed his car off the road.
Several others got arrested.
I guess those are facts though so they aren't relevant to this nigger's claim.
yeah one got shot and killed then all the others got arrested
Amon did get arrested, no idea what he's smoking.
I guess because they are white land owners they are white supremacists? Even though they were fighting for practically the same thing BLM is fighting for. Less government control.
>le goy
BLM is not fighting for less government control, they want more welfare and less cops.
maybe the tweeter thought they were protesting black lives matter when he read BLM, and not the bureau of land management
Big difference is the Oregon people cleaned the place up, and were trying to bring attention to a judge doing criminal activity (such as approving Hillary's sell of US uranium to Russian company), whereas the #BLM terrorists are screaming for murder of police online, and chimping on them in person.
Ironically they were protesting the other BLM movement that resulted in several of them being arrested and another killed.
Deleted that shit quick, didn't he.
A nice piece of info is that the Bundys are still being held in Multnomah county jail in Portland without bail. The Malheur Wildlife Refuge is hundreds of miles away in Harney county.
I'm excited to see that cunt governor Brown leave but I'm sure there'll just be another democrat cuck running Oregon.
>implying BLM has a central goal other than chimping out
Oregon has got to be the most beautiful place in the world but the entire state is held hostage by Portland and Eugene commies.
It's not ironic or coincidence, that was intentional. BLM stealing people's private property for the #champagnesocialists was search engined fuzzed by coming up with the black lives matter (#BLM) push. It's fully connected.
So where's the reply to this of him getting btfo by facts?
I don't have a twitter but I thought i'd see a screencap already
Just reply ~ Better to be a slave of America than a free man of Africa ~ then post response.
>Govt bullying a bunch of innocent red-blooded ranchers.
>Tinfoils say it is because there is uranium in the land and Hillary sells that land to the ruskies through a canadian mining corp.So they bully the ranchers to make them GTFO.
>They peacefully occupy a BLM building and demand to stop the bullying, after the last standout did jackshit.
>Media buries it, not a single fucking report about the guy who got shot
>See you Tarp Cowboy...
>Not a single fucking new about what happened later.
>Some nig gets killed again for resisting arrest.
>The media explodes it to oblivion.
Unabomber and Breivik were right.
An abandoned building, and they took the parking lot
That's actually plausible
Sandnigger's like lightning on the block button......
That explains so much.
Eugene is not as bad as you think, but Portland more than makes up for it.
Okay user let's compare them
>Be Bundy
>don't hurt anyone
>occupy an already closed government building in the middle of nowhere
>get ambushed by FBI and shot
>be Black Lives Matter
>constantly blocking major highways and occupying police buildings
>invoked in dozens of murders
>get praise and support from the Obama administration and liberals nationwide
also is right, they didn't give a fuck about race issues one way or the other, they wanted to graze their cows on federal land for free.
uhh didn't one get ambushed and killed without even having a weapon?
Of course. Facts, like job applications, are anathema to the Nogkin.
It burns them.
>there's video of one of them being shot to death
>hurr nothing happened
fuck niggers
seriously I'm done
bring back lynching I don't give a shit anymore
Notice it went to shit right after the californians stated fleeing the state.
Everything Californians touch turns to shit. They should just be offed.
I actually really like Eugene, but there's no denying the lefty cancer that infests the place.
Remember when some white guys who were expert land managers occupied a BLM facility because the BLM squanders land that should be managed far better?
"domestic terrorists!" they cried.
"drone them!" they chanted.
A few days ago some black guys who really hate cops shot 11 of them and killed 4.
"They've got a point!" they said.
"Black lives matter!" they said.
"It's about time!" they said.
Definitely not wrong about that.
Cascadia is an amazing region.
nah the bundys were a bunch of welfare leeches, fuck 'em
didn't deserve to be killed though
>White spremacists
Are you dumb? His tweet is bullshit. You don't have a standoff with the feds and not go to prison.
Why do people believe this shit?
Trips of fucking truth, m8. That state breeds pure, unfiltered dystopia.
Californians really do ruin everything. They've been moving to my town in droves. They always say crap like "It's so nice there's like no crime!" and then immediately "But where's the nightlife?"
Then they vote garbage that just makes the state more into california, which they fled from
>white supremacists
Niggers are fucking stupid.
except there were tons of arrest.
FBI killed Tarpman, and shot up a truck full of people
Weeb kid was ready to An hero.
The real question is why isn't the guy in the middle Ben?
>white supremacists
>trying to stop two people from going back to jail because of prosecutorial misconduct.
Holy shit
We even have them in Alaska and they are all idiots with no skills outside of complaining.
>protesting against the BLM land grab, which is not listed in the constitution
>white supremacists
literally what?
It's most definately there, but it's more libertarian than the usual line of bullshit. It seems like most of them are about less government and minding your own business rather than getting government to force peaceful, equal shit down your throat. I lived there for a while. Used to go to PYCO.
>canada making sense
what has the world come to
I didn't even realize this is why libs were so upset
I lost my sides.
Wasn't it about how the government is holding an illegal amount of land according to the constitution or something like that?
Top kek
They're definitely libertarian in terms of culture especially due to the fun hippy attitude and how popular pot is, but they do love socialists like Bernie Sanders.
Eugene has lots of stoner hippy liberals while Portland has lots of Blue-haired bitches who hate western society.
Actually blue hair is pretty hot, let's call them Dyed-haired Dikes.
bundys made a deal to graze their cattle on government land back in 1954
bundys got upset and wanted to be welfare leeches in 1993 and stopped paying
BLM stopped recognizing their grazing rights in 1994, but they kept grazing for another ~20 years for free.
He accrued $1 million in unpaid grazing fees and the courts repeatedly ruled against him.
bundy went full libertardian "MUH STATES RIGHTS" and claimed the BLM has no power and he doesn't recognize the federal government and is a citizen of the sovereign state of Nevada, not the territory of Nevada.
Fucking dumb nigger...
All of them got arrested, their leader was killed, and it looked like the wasted screen from GTA.
How can anybody live with lying to themselves and others like this?
>Constantly shill false stories about your criminal "martyrs" and threaten people who dare try to speak the truth
>Start shilling false stories about white people to make them look bad
Jesus Christ. I think I'd go nuts trying to be so delusional.
BLM is literally Islam.
The kikes are just saying whatever they want at this point, not even trying to be discreet
In '93 the Bundys got sick of the BLM trying to kick them off their land and decided that they'd only pay grazing fees to the state of Nevada or Clark county. The state and county refused to accept the money but Bundy never tried to get free grazing.
>but Bundy never tried to get free grazing.
>grazed for free
>he dint try get no free grazin nuh uh!
Thanks fampai.
If the state doesn't take their money what the fuck are they supposed to do? To keep paying the BLM is to keep paying for the noose around their necks.
he deleted the previous one
look at the comments
can someone with a twitter please ask him why he's calling them white supremacists and post response
It's so typical to see these 90+ IQ niggers brainwashed by whites repeating these white cliches and have no actual clue what's going on.
>FBI literally murdered one of them
>everyone else was arrested
This whole event was amazing and nobody gave a shit.
For some reason, Thomas Edits always crack me up.
Thanks burger
>one post by this id
Haha yeah Tweet is all wrong. One of them died.
Most of the people ran off by the end, the ones that stayed were suicidal. That livestream was pretty entertaining.
DeRay makes $165k with his new city job.
Protesting can be lucrative.
Lol so deray got arrested for revolutionary activity, trying to take over a federal building like in Ukraine, where they threw the government out.
If he doesnt get felony charges and 20 years, youl know its a rigged system, but then again Hillary just got off, so we already know that.
He'll just block you. He did me.
Oregon resident, this is complete bullshit.
>1 post by this ID
why did it took longer to arrest a group of armed individuals than a single guy that had no weapons?
>government land
Funny, where in the constitution does it mention the responsibility of the federal government to institute and maintain a Bureau of Land Management?
>"while resisting arrest"
I gotta say it's not nearly as funny when it happens to one of us.
lol, reply back
>remember all the people they killed
>neither does anyone else
But they all got arrested, and one was even killed.
At least one of them is going to have to explain to a judge how he has a machine gun (no, really, a machine gun. I was surprised when the photo had a machine gun too and not just some fudded up AR-15) with a filed down serial number that he didn't have permission to own.
Thats because no one said he dindu nuffinz or gave a rats ass on what happen.