whites btfo
I don't get it? I guess it's a non-white thing.
I wish niggers took jokes as well as they take bikes
>admitting we are good at war and civilization building
I aint even mad brah
>call a white any racist slur
>they dont care
>call a nigger a nigger
good one retard
>snarky comment missing the point of saying you're nothing but meat should the grinder ever be engaged
I wish black people would develop their own countries instead of bitching about others oppressing them and claiming gibsmedats
Exactly, its nothing to laugh about, its a good thing fucking niggers.
I wish niggers took showers.
Not wrong at all. Literally every society in the history of the world when given the opportunity to opress has opressed, whether its slavery, authoritarianism, genocide etc the whites have always been the most efficient.
what the dang? I dislike white people now!
o shit waddup
>doesn't use oxford comma
Which joke? BLM?
I wish black people cared about black people being killed by black people as much as they did when White Cops shoot black people.
I wish black people kept themselves as clean as they do their Jordans.
I wish black people spent less time trying to become a rapper and spent more time trying to become a functioning, useful member of society.
I wish blacks took jokes as well as they take welfare
kek no, fuck your tribe shit nigga, you was slaves and will always be slaves nigger, just close your eyes nigga
I wish black people took jokes as well as they can't take jokes.
i wish black people took jokes as well as they take each others dicks in prison.
you have to go back
I wish black people took english class as well as they take televisions.
Why do black Americans think they have culture? Is it because America is so deprived of it?
>pussy grip instead of stabbing grip
he deserves death
I wish black people would quit fucking up tree limbs when we hang them
>stop stealing culture white boy
>now let me just put on this jackal mask and shout about how we wuz pharaohs n sheeit
If we've taken black lives, land and culture then haven't we already demonstrated that we can take a joke?
I painted my PC black so it would run faster
But instead it stopped working...
Lol well memed friendo, toppest of keks
the rising race hate in USA is glorious. I'm thinking the next few years will be action-packed
Black people can't take jokes at all though.
Black culture is just being gaudy and making everything whites do degenerate.
>it's a "Sup Forums falls for bait that has been posted 400 times already" episode
your insecurities are so strong that you can't help yourselves. Worst board confirmed
This ×10,000
If only black people took bullets as well as they stake bikes.
>mfw I'm finishing school soon and am applying to several major cities police departments
Fun times ahead indeed, user. I've never seen shit this bad before. Was talking to an old black guy, he hates the nigger culture and said its been a long time since he can remember shit this bad between whites.
You forgot welfare too
good luck being hired as a cop. hope you do it. just study procedure extra hard these days.
black people's memes are top tier
post more
Blacks would bang their heads against the fucking wall if they read the multitudes of nigger jokes on Sup Forums.
Minorities are by far the most stuck up about jokes and are more willing to respond with violence over it.
I say this as a Hispanic man who LOVES racist jokes who lives around minorites who don't. It's a real shame, and it's insulting to say the situation is in reverse. Unless THAT's your joke.
Absolutely no name a minority has called me could ever offend me
It's like a child saying he hates his parents
They forget who the real authority figure is
13 year old le'genius here shot like seven people
>they're lethal at eight years, and i do mean lethal
Anyone can explain to me why niggers laugh with their hand next to the mouth?
he's doing God's work
So we're openly permitting reverse racism now.
God I hope we disappear off the face of the Earth faster so they finally have no one to blame for their problems but themselves.
cover their big lips
I wish niggers took jokes as well as they take drugs, welfare checks, and rides to the police station.
black people bring the best bants
>whites take culture
>bitches in the photo have straight hair and fake nails
you deserve it white america
you are living in the most powerfull country in the world and you have chosen a nigger muslim for a president to govern you for almost 8 years
you deserve to get shat on
>straight hair
>ball cap and painted filed nails
>wife beater shirt (and a beater of wife)
remind me whos stealing culture again
also way to steal technology with computer and photo editing, stealing cameras, stealing language both written and spoken
No such thing as reverse racism. It's just racism.
I wish blacks contributed to society and actually did something useful
I never knew eating Dirt Cookies and fucking infants to cure themselves of AIDS was culture.
Being sold your own culture just isn't that funny to us senpai. For real.
Awesome colorful music, that just happens to be tied to violence at all times. and it's a culture of peer pressure, you expect this behavior from one another or else they aint a "real nigga"
baka but that's not what's really hood right? white people laughing at your hyperbole about your self destruction, fucking hilarious.
>13 suns
Jesus Christ kangs really are from another world and a fucking hot one at that.
hadn't you heard? apparently we're exporting that shit like oil or something
>live in America for 200 years
>still can't speak English properly
Here's to you, niggers.
Ironically, you can't really insult white people with a joke because they'll ignore it or laugh it off. People of color are the ones who are fragile and get offended incredibly easily.
white people killed indians for their land
made blacks into slaves
white people, shut the fuck up about who needs to develop what. Rock music was a black then , whites stole it. Blacks have rap music, here comes eminem iggy azealia and that faggot macklemore. fuck off
I wish black people didnt smell like a mix between compost and cool wafer.
Africans had a culture ?
>New Zealand
>Relevant ever
why did the sniper kill only whites when the guy who killed castile was hispanic?
could it be...racism? no impossible blacks cant be racist
it wasn't indians' land, it was nature's land. drunken indians from siberia came and raped it, white humans merely reclaimed it.
"reverse racism" isnt a fucking thing
its just racism
all races and all tribes stole land via back-and-forth skirmishes.
the difference is white people are more intelligent and were capable of using technology to not only take land, but actually keep it.
i have zero guilt about my ancestors did and i am glad things worked out the way they did.
God this is cancerous
how did we take something that never existed in the first place?
LoL. Do you know how many white inventions Japanese people have stolen, made more efficiently and then built empires?
"White's stole music!!!" Lol. When your ancestors were beating on goat skulls working on their tribal rhythm skills and communicating with clicks and farts, mine were busy creating all of modern society.
The most recent society changing thing White's have bestowed upon the world: the internet.
The most recent society changing thing blacks have bestowed upon the world: AIDS.
While we were working on a revolutionary creation that has changed entertainment, communication, society and how you interact with all of humanity, some nig was banging a monkey and unleashed a terrifying and deadly disease that's killed thousands.
We should have just picked out own cotton. Would have saved us a ton of trouble.
Do black retards just parrot the same shit?
The balls to even speak of thievery. You fuck off, and fix your shit culture of abandonment and recklessness. TNB up in this bitch.
LMAO underrated post desu
>Juvenile Nigger actually goes home that night and beats her for drug money
He took it well until 11 seconds, then you see his silverback strength start to waiver.
Best comment.
Good Lord, they said British humour was dead.
Good show old bean.
Yes their is. Hierarchy is important for organizing shit. Ever see a Chinese phone book?
>black people talking about controlling children
nigger memes or not that whole coffee & socks and sandals thing is spot on.
Long socks and flip flops is what all that jocks at my high school wore
Socks and sandals is 100% nigger thing in Texas