The BLM leader Deray has been arrested and #FreeDeray is trending right now on twitter
#FreeDeray Is Trending On Twitter
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They already took down #DeRayIsInJailParty and #DeRayBigHouseNames but I guess #FreeDeRay is just fine.
Top Kek
Why was he arrested?
#BlackLivesMatter also has a new emoji attatched to it.
Has he gotten his free phone call yet?
YUSSSSS get fucked
So what exactly did he do to get arrested?
Watch the live feed of tweets containing this hashtag -- Currently trending at #1 in the United States:
> - - - - - - - - - -
Give us free
*tears and shit*
fuck that shit ngger
its pronouced shofcough
who would he call?
his father?
>mfw #FreeDeRay is also on of DeRay's big house names
Shafquat u sayin?
Wouldn't it be nice if he was arrested with conspiracy in connection to the shootings in Dallas?
If you could do that, that would be great...
I hate how Twitter/any social media trends are newsworthy. Literally nothing happens as a result of them.
>Get out your Twitter
>Use FreeDeray and RIPDeray hash tags
>Claim he died in police custody
>Watch blacks chimp out over a rumor
"DeRay arrested by black officer"
At least DeRay isn't a white guy pretending to be black like the other fucking leader of #black lives who gives a fuck.
Prolly for protection. Obongo used him to start the race war so he still has a purpose, but this #OccupyFreeway shit's pissing EVERYBODY off.
how did this guy become famous
can we all just do this?
Twtitter is simply a means of subversion against ones self. Hig profile people end up fucking themselves out of a job thanks to thier opinion and the PC run amok.
kys ffs if you use twitter in any non-observer capacity.
Pure propaganda, completely staged. Don't fall for this.
>It's not illegal to block the freeway, destroy property, assault people, and chanting threats
I don't get it.
can we not
you know some Sup Forumsaks are on the force and don't like standing in the freeway for 6 hours
For standing in the middle of a busy road. It's a shame a car didn't run him over.
KEK has spoken.
I like how he drew everything so well but then just wrote "I belong in lynch factory" in paint right over his shirt so sloppily.
who cares that guy is a fag
What is it with BLM people and thinking "peaceful protest" means "immune to consequences for any laws broken"?
Needs more #DeRayISIS
spread rumors that deray died in police custody
flint and steel this paper trap house nigga
Im going in, DeRay RIP everyone pay respects. Someone create a new thread
True. It's all a false flag Op.
Just like Obongo's cops following guidelines HE forced on cops so shit like this would happen, that he could then move to nationalize our police, like the TSA.
He's not dead. He was beaten into a coma in the back seat of a police car on the way to the station. They printed and booked him before calling an ambulance.
Going to be honest, friends.
BlackLivesMatter is dying out. They were completely shut out tonight in 3 (three) different locations. They will get desperate now, especially when they wake up tomorrow to see that the leader of #BLM, Deray, was put in jail.
They are going to get desperate because of this: expect EXTREMELY violent protests soon. But this is just jumping the shark for them - when they go violent, they will end their "peaceful protest" mantra in doing so...and be completely ravaged by the media.
Tonight was the beginning of the decline. We did it boys.
>Deray was slayed in what can be called a brutal racially motivated attack by his cell mate white supremacist, Sam Hyde
>I hate how Twitter/any social media trends are newsworthy.
Remember when MSM was biased but at least well-written? Now we live in world where major news outlets cover twitter fights and have buzzfeed style headlines...
~ It is better to be a slave of America than a free man of Africa ~
But what was Sam Hyde arrested for?
the only answer is war. if the kkk doesn't gear up and start cleansing the US, we will lose the world.
Socialist propaganda in BLM protest.
Original stream:
Webm with audio:
Webm without audio:
Original link for the pamphlet:
Mirror for the pamphlet:
Spread it.
Headlines have become the articles.
Don't underestimate niggers user
And he's up there, what's that? Hawaiian noises?
He's bangin' on the bongos like a chimpanzee.
Yep. Engage "get theirs mode", only a matter of time. Not hard to see when they cant even act civilized when they gather for a "peaceful protest"
Good to see McCarthy-ism is still alive and well though, gotta say that, what a time. Fucking Idiots. Cold war never ended.
FUck me never thought of things like that before but yeah probably true, at least for 95% of africa.
#RIPDeray #FreeDeray
Fire em up boys.
public lynching
Bullshit. BLM will be here for as long as terrorism will be here. You can't make them happy. You can't make them forget that they are black men in a white man' world. Their resentment is massive and they have nothing to lose. They're going to be a thorn in America's side forever.
deray died bro
BLM supports Palestine now, apparently.
Think Obama and him are gonna have a nice little chat.
Obongos media? The same media that enables them? I'll believe it when I see it.
Police say he was found unresponsive in his cell and could not be revived. They think he had a stroke.
it'll be hard to stick up for them when they actually kill or severely injure people, which they're going to feel the need to do after a failure like tonight
This hilarious. It was the Arab traders that sold them into slavery in the first place. Arabs hate niggers as much as anyone. The Palestinians have a legitimate case and BLM just wants to ride on their coat tails, but the Arabs would view them as fleas.
>completely ravaged by the media
Nope. The media will still take BLMs side up until they're the ones with BLM guns to their heads, and even then they'll apologise. Anything to not be seen as racist.
Terrorists like BLM and ISIS don't have strong leadership we can attack or structures we can infiltrate. They are just loosely associated borderline schizophrenic mobs with suicidal tendencies
they were already dumb enough to throw fireworks into agitated cops after a dozen were fucking shot the day prior.
They don't even need to feel like it was a failure, some other group is going to do more stupid shit and find people less relaxed than minnesota pd.
Sprinkle some krokodil on his body, Johnson. Our work here is done.
I can't believe BLM people compare themselves to MLK I am so mad
I'm retarded ignore me, it was just a re showing of earlier
I KEKD... a lot
Whitey gone too far
We need some disinformation twitter accounts to spread believable lies in moments like this. "Deray was PUNCHED by one of the arresting cops. He didn't do anything! "
They make excuses. Obongo said today that it wasn't the Dallas Terrorists' fault, 'he couldn't help himself, he was mentally ill'.
Aside from a few people at Fox, the media has their collective tongue right down the back of Obunghole's trousers.
Those aren't even names nigger, cmon
BLM General?
CNN and the like will defend them so Obama can enact martial law
Better to be
a slave of America
than a freeman of Africa
my instagram account got deleted forever because I posted this
not surprised they are suppressing anything thats against the narrative
Remember when Ghost warned us that Obooga was gonna use Deray to help institute martial law?
>Get on Sup Forums, after getting hammered at neighbor's wedding
>Lookin on /k/ at first
>drop by Sup Forums for some sick trump memes
>see this thread
>bringing twitshit to Sup Forums every fucking day
if i gave the slightest inkling of a fuck about twitter i would go to twitter. :^)
make it end.
#FreeDeray because putting a gay nigger in prison is like putting a fat kid in a candy store unsupervised
>doesnt understand the opportunity
Sup Forums much?
It seems like before people would get behind a cause until the leader fucked up.
>Kony 2012
Now it seems people will stand behind the message of someone no matter what.
It's a shame that facts and reason can't be used to convince people of their flawed beliefs.