>be my friend >work for a Polish movie distribution company >jokingly suggest inviting Tommy Wiseau and make screenings of The Room in several cities in Poland >somehow everybody loves this idea but he has to contact Tommy >after some calls he finally gets Tommy on the line >'No, never, not in Poland, thank you very much goodbye' was his exact response'
>2017 >still no decent investigation into Tommy's past
And there never will be, at least not while he's alive. He seems to have disowned his heritage in the same way that Rutger Hauer considers himself American.
Alexander Martinez
>never, not in Poland is wiseau jewish? why does he hate poland?
Kek, are there many Polish films? I saw an independent film theater near me playing some "Polish" film. Turns out it was made by Jews, with some Israeli actor, was about kike horror.
Jason Price
I'm an american living in poland and i prefer being in poland most of the time