Green Lantern just got confirmed by Henry Cavill.
/dcg/ - DChad General
cool that he gets to play both characters. I wonder how theyre going to explain it though
>Armie Hammer as Hal Jordan
>Trevante Rhodes as John Stewart
Why is WB taking so long to confirm this?
guessing they liked his chemistry with Hammer in UNCLE so having them do a film of Superman and GL?
Wouldn't surprise me they are copying the marvel films having Avengers-lite films with just a couple of the big characters per film
OP, we've always known Green Lantern would be on the team, Unite the 7 remember?
Superman, Batman, Cyborg, Aquaman, wonder woman, Flash and Green Lantern, that's been the JLA roster since 2011.
There have even been articles about the upcoming Green Lanterns movie to follow his appearance in Justice League which will have Hal and John Stewart.
Cavill's late.
Well a lot of dummies thought "Unite The Seven" exclusively meant the 7 seas since it was on a poster of Aquaman.
Now post a picture of yourself fatty
>Well a lot of dummies thought "Unite The Seven" exclusively meant the 7 seas since it was on a poster of Aquaman.
>Rock with his shirt on
There's lazy, and then there's frustrating.