What states are BASED?
I would think Virginia is pretty based.
What states are BASED?
I would think Virginia is pretty based.
Utah is based
Alaska master race
Moved here from a non-based state, can confirm
Texas. We have arguably the best governor in the whole country presently.
Virginia is not based anymore user
Mississippi here is based
Montana is based, except Missoula.
Why not?
Depends what part of VA youre talking about. Northern VA- "Diversity" fuckin central, pretty much a mix of central americans, niggers, muzzies, se asian gooks, ragheads and rich white liberals
Hampton Roads/Norfolk/VA Beach - Niggers
Richmond - Niggers and hipster faggots
Rest of the state is pretty based tho, especially in the SW and Appalachian regions, but my vote would still go to Idaho or Montana
I like their flag.
Is NoVa that bad?
I mean sure it's diverse but they're respectful and educated
Been looking for this image, fellow VAbro.
virginia is cool
t. dc resident
Moved from there to a non-based state, can confirm. Someone save me please. I have no shooting friends in CA where I had many freedom loving non-degenerate Mormon friends in the UT.
Maybe to those who were rejected from UVA and chose VT, m8.
>UT to CA
why just why my man
granted the ocean + cali girls are good reasons, but your freedom is at stake
I'm not mormon but it's nice being around them, they're chill
Sarvis is shit tier man, cmon now
NOVAfag here. Fairfax County. It's the perfect cross section of what America should look like (economically), given the current demographics. Our racial demographics are very similar to the racial demographics of the entire country and we are still one of the top 5 most developed, educated, and wealthy counties in the country. The immigrants who come here are by and large the exact type of immigrants this country should be taking. Still too liberal though.
Any state that isn't California or Florida is OK/has OK areas
So the minorities aren't as rabid as they are in other areas?
You can only post ITT if your state started the fight against federal bathroom policies in schools
Theres a lot of good and bad, just like any metropolitan area, but liberalism is just plain rampant here for the most part.
Respectful? Hell no, ive lived all over the commwealth and grew up w/ the southern hospitality thing (i.e. ill say hello if i pass you on the street), but ppl here are for the most part, living in their own little bubble
Educated? Yea, the counties that are considered Northern Va (Fairfax, Arlington, etc) have always had highly rated public schools, and the DC area in general has a lot of highly educated transplants (lots of federal employees) but theres always your share of dumbassses
Out of 10 how would you rate Fairfax?
It was the last thing I ever wanted to do but my field led me here. Hopefully in 3-4 years I can transfer out to a free state.
Also my wife (married and faithful, so I don't even get to enjoy Cali girls) is getting her master's here so we're sacrificing a bit for the time being.
The traffic is helping me convince her that I need to buy a motorcycle though.
hell yeah pardner
if i hadn't gone through the wake county public school system i wouldn't hate niggers nearly as much as I do today
>But faggots belong in the girls bathrooms at school user.
The left in this state gets outraged over the dumbest shit.
>cali bro here, got a question for virginia bros.
I'll be going to Navy OCS real soon for surface warfare (ships n shit yo) and i'm thinking about requesting Norfolk, Virginia since i hate San Diego and the cost of living is too high for junior officer pay.
>Any tips for me when i get there?
Also thinking about just buying a small 2bdrm house since they're dirt cheap (~50k in okay neighborhoods) and all military are automatically approved for super low mortgage rates with nothing down.
We have our fair share of petty crime, but you have to be pretty wealthy to live here and obviously financial security plays a huge role in propensity to commit crime. The majority of my friends who are fist generation American citizens come from families that probably earn 250k+ a year, and their parents come from places like Pakistan, South America, and Asia (lot of Filipinos) and they're pretty much indistinguishable from White Americans culture wise. They still retain cultural customs from their home countries but don't seek to impose their cultural values on others and they've integrated very well.
Aside from the triangle it's pretty based
Why is every Navyfag on Sup Forums always an officer candidate? Army and Air Force guys are usually enlisted and already joined up.
Maybe a 7, most of the areas in fairfax (Lorton, Burke, Clifton, half of Springfield) are nice overall...if you can afford it and deal with horrendous traffic. Theres prerty much everything you need here, major city nearby, mountains are close, ocean is close, NYC, Philly, the Carolinas, etc are all a days drive. Great place to run a business, etc but the major downsides are cost of living and increasing influx of shitskins
Born in fairfax, moved to Texas. Never going back
Not that guy but I've lived in Fairfax my whole life and I can't complain. It's the stereotypical suburb which isn't what a lot of people want but I think it's pretty ideal. You're 30 minutes away from the nation's capital and also 30 minutes away from pristine wilderness, pic related. Plus almost everyone here is wealthy, even the "rednecks". I'd give it a 8/10
What part of Fairfax you from?
Good old Great Falls
Does Sup Forums like South Carolina?
>NASCAR pls visit
nigger your state gets 4 sprint cup races a year
Arizona masterrace goys
Prince William County is disgusting mud central...Born and raised here.
PA has nice forests and stuff, Amish country, and the Pocono mountains where that cop killer was hiding out for a while (fun fact: I knew a kid who learned how to fire a rifle from him years ago, he trained boy scouts to shoot), but if you live within 50 miles of Philly it's pretty liberal. If you go to school in Philly prepare for mandatory white guilt propaganda classes.
+1 for Great Falls, i was jus there a couple weeks ago, heres a pic of Sehandoah Valley from the top of Old Rag
also it's 100° at 12am right now
kill me now
Abbott is truly one of a kind.
Your governor is a Clinton croney whose best skill is having a lot of contact cards
I work in Springfield atm but ive lived in the area off and on since i was a kid
Any state with a low population of nogs.
nobody posted it yet. VA Beach fag reporting.
This one barely ever gets posted. I had to wait for weeks to collect it.
>Hopefully in 3-4 years
It will be too late then.
Get out while you still can. Live in your car if you have too. I hear that isn't illegal in CA.
Too many nogs.
which state is the coldest
>Cucked for Canadian rat spic state
I think Washington would be a great contender if Seattle didn't ruin everything
Howdy neighbor :)
i've lived in VA my whole life. it's based other than the nigger places like richmond/woodbridge
Holy shit, I always thought that Seattle was in Canada, next to that town that Microsoft is based in.
I like this state
anyone have the WA one ?
Indiana is bretty based, famalam. Just stay out of Indy.
Seattle is west of Redmond(Microsoft). Which is also in Washington.
New Jersey is patrician. You are a fool if you think otherwise, except don't live here if you are poor.
This is mind-blowing.
I've always had it in my mind that Nirvana was a Canadian band.
Thank you, burger friend.
For better or for worse...
holy shit kek
>mfw some Brit attributes all of Washington's shit to Canada
have Somalians really ruined Minnesota?
Is Alaska stills good choice?
Thinking of moving back to Ohio...
In Texas now...
Austin if it matters
>it does...it's too expensive Etc
Never seen that one before.
Can we make this a state feels thread? I'd like to complete my collection.
New York
I too am a former Utah fag that moved to Cali (for uni) but hopefully I'll get out of this shithole soon enough.
I fucking hate this place, man. The weather is overrated as shit and the laws are retarded. Utah is a goddamn gem and unfortunately the spics from here are spreading like a virus over there. West Salt Lake is spicville.
I just imagine the Nevada Wojak holding every fucking Gambling Player's Rewards card.
Nova is aids. I live in Nova.
The only good thing I have heard about my state (WV) is what JFK said....and that was probably a lie.
Also interested in a WA one.
>I know I've seen it posted around here and /k/ before
>can't google it up without a bunch of George Washington memes popping up
Texas represent
Where's muh Field's pecan pie? Or is this just Tulsafag stuff?
sup WA bros, where from?
Edge of Bremerton reporting in
Fuck yer. Vancouver reporting. Ready to go inna gorge when SHTF
San Tan Valley reporting in.
Cali is shit but we still have strong republican holdouts!
>tfw I still have no idea what the best/easily accessible place to hide out is in the event SHTF
I got lots of camping shit and a decent amount of nonperishable food, so I'll probably end up hitting up a state park or shooting for olympic national park. My place would be hard as fuck to secure if SHTF and I am by no means a prepper.
Who /NorthernMichigan/ here?
I've got a bit of food and water, and am on the second floor of my condo complex. Probably wouldn't be the safest place either.
There's an outdoor gunrage about 10 miles away that is full of redpilled people..might try there
>tfw texaboo
>I'll never live in texas having shitload of guns
First to secede, pretty based
Most of our Nogs are pretty good people though. Not much nigger violence round here.
The same here.
I just want to have some guns, daily BBQ and a big ass pickup...
I hated living there. its missouri or Nebraska tier absolutely fucking empty
I used to live in Houghton.
Tip of the Mitt bro.
Fuck Virginia.
Just. Fuck your shitty state.
NOVA fag reporting in.
It's like living on the Mason Dixon line. You have Cletus and Jimbo who are both your drinking/shooting buddies, and GS 15s in the DoD and CIA driving their pickups to the Pentagon.
We're the quintessential Americans. (the white ones anyway)
Here's the master plan more and more young Americans are figuring out.
>go to college
>rack up debt like you don't care
>get degree
>go into the Navy
>become officer
>wipe away debt with relative ease
>get your Masters and maybe even Doctorate through the Naval Officer Academy (I think that's what it's called)
>finish service
>come out debt free
I thought I was the only one who figured that out, but I guess not.