>plan to colonize a whole planet
>send 12 people
>2 of them are gay
>plan to colonize a whole planet
>send 12 people
>2 of them are gay
Other urls found in this thread:
I predict that they will be the 2nd and 4th people to die.
I wish we could cleanse faggots from the earth too OP, but unfortunately they exist and Hollyjew isn't shy about putting them in movies. I guess the only thing to do is never watch tv or movies again.
so its ID2/stake land 2 all over again?
You can't colonize a planet with 12 straight people anyway so what does it matter
I think the concept of sending couples on a planet to start a colony is fucking dumb. They should have just sent a buck of women and done test tube babies. Why would you need men?
the big twist is that homosexuality is the alien's one weakness and it gets really weirded out by gay shit and leaves
Heck, you could save money by just sending 20 women and three dudes
Realistically though, any colonization effort would require hundreds if not thousands of colonists put in hyper sleep.
They are only the crew who runs the ship you fucking retard.
They have thousands of people in cryo-sleep pods on the ship who are the actual colonists..
Thank you for Correcting The Record!
>he hasn't read the spoilers on Sup Forums which were confirmed by the trailer
lurk more, redditor
But if you want to colonise a planet you send as many breeding pairs as possible. So why the gay couple when they could be replaced with a normal, heterosexual couple? Are they really saying that out of the billions of humans there wasn't a man and a woman who could do their job?
they want to make sure the future is open minded
I hate gays
>get facehugged
>chestbursters arrive
>they scuttle off to mature but promptly die from teh aids.
>the end
>gay couple in a movie
where were you when alt-fags became turbo SJWs?
Gays are so fucking disgusting desu, they're all riddled with personality disorders too.
Why the fuck are they being forced into everything?
It's funny because """white nationalists"""' are so often homosexuals
Just recently in Dallas the leader of a neo-nazi group cameron diggs was revealed to be a gay porno actor.
1.) Just because you're gay doesn't mean you can't impregnante women
2.) You don't send 12 people to fully colonize a world. They're the first expedition meant to scout out the location. Any colony that consists of 12 would die out extremely quickly due to inbreeding and lack of manpower to sustain themselves.
3.) Is there any proof they're gay or do 2 guys palin around make you feel uncomfortable because you've never had any friends and don't know what realistic human interaction is like?
That's what they were from the very beginning. Just as tumblr feminism has its roots in overweight unloved females trying to get revenge on the world, so does the "alt-right" have it roots in overweight white male teenagers trying to get revenge on the world that shunned them.
Theyre not for breeding but for farming
t. i read Ridley hacks script
The Day of Rope will come for all degenerates, no matter what mask they hide behind.
I thought you muslims didn't have internet access?
>It's funny because """white nationalists"""' are so often homosexuals
Oh, that's interes-
>Just recently in Dallas the leader of a neo-nazi group cameron diggs was revealed to be a gay porno actor
So one of them is
>only Muslims are repulsed by faggotry
All poorly educated religious fanatics are homophobic.
Not just religious people, according to "science" and the "theory" of evolution homosexuals are completely pointless and should not exist. Homophobic much?
>hurr science concerns itself with moral judgments
you tried
>have technology of interstellar flight
>can't make test tube babies
You can argue that Hollywood is forcing an agenda of normalizing homosexuality on you but you can't really argue that it doesn't fit into the plot.
Plenty of educated people think homosexuals are vile too.
>unironically using terms like 'homophobic'
>It's a "small minority" when it's about my demographic
They send more than 12. Covanent has hundreds of colonists on board. The new film is set around the transportation crew and how they like sucking cock and eating minge.
For a long enough trip I could see a company doing this for psychological reasons as opposed to their being only one gay dude. I would also assume that those 12 people aren't all the colonists, because no matter how gay or strait they are that's pretty much doomed to be a Hills Have Eyes situation down the road without more people
>should not exist
>does exist and has been since for a long time
Give me 5 articles published in scientific/medical journals that says homosexuality should not exist.
>book smart people can favor emotions over logic, too
no way
good luck Alien chan!
Will the aliens born from these two become gay too?
Maybe homosexuality is a built in population control mechanism, though? Obviously it's a shitty one, but that doesn't mean homosexuality doesn't have any evolutionary purpose.
Is homophobic a fake word now?
The more you learn about it, the more homosexuality seems to be a symptom or a mental disorder in its own right.
I spoke to a clinical psychiatrist who admits to seeing a correlation between homosexuals and personality disorders (specifically cluster b types, like narcissism, psychopathy, histrionics), but he can't publish his findings because of irrational retards.
It's these retards who favour emotions over logic.
>replaced with a normal, heterosexual couple?
>>It's these retards who favour emotions over logic.
>thinks correlation = causation
>he can't publish his findings because of irrational retards
Or because his anecdotal evidence are worth shit and made spurious correlations.
>implying it's not a possibility
>implying you didn't just throw that out there because you're butthurt and thinking irrationally
>educated man of science
>opinion is worth shit
I would watch that.
>This one guy told me anecdotes that fit comfortably in my worldview. That's science, right?
it's over men
society would disregard facts over their emotions
the jews finally won
Technically it is as it tries to mix greek with latin and it's rarely used correctly in its intended meaning. I think it's safe to say that most people are not afraid of faggots.
I really doubt that faggots will exist in the future.
The more accepting we become the less gays exist (gays don't get HeteroMarried anymore and have faggot kids)
Plus we will eventually find a cure for gayness,
>all doctors are of equal intelligence and quality
>especially those who can't get their findings published in a journal
I'd say it seems like a lot of people on this site (Sup Forums redditors) are afraid of faggots
>>implying it's not a possibility
>An MVP (minimum viable population) of 500 to 1,000 has often been given as the average for terrestrial vertebrates when inbreeding or genetic variability is not taken into account
>send 12 people, two of whom won't even breed
Good job space dorks
>I think it's safe to say that most people are not afraid of faggots
Under what rock do you live?
You confuse hatred for fear. Arachnophes don't go around attacking spiders now, do they? Agrophobes don't go and try to knock down tall buildings or ladders either.
The Moon
they all die horrifically, though
that's the only thing that makes me want to watch it
>You confuse hatred for fear.
Sounds like fear to me:
>some comedian talking
boy you sure showed me
Apparently nature is homophobic too seeing how they're infected with disease
all fags tend to die horrifically though
AIDS isn't exactly a happy disease
The bit wouldn't be funny if it wasn't relatable.
You can be a white nationalist and suck black dick, bigot
Post another smug gif so you can feel intelligent.
>implying it's not because of lefty censorship of things they don't like
Even asking questions about race and sexuality is considered 'offensive' to these retards.
>basing your opinions off of what comedians say
>literally describing your post is an assumption
You could if you brought a ton of different eggs and sperm and then did transplants and artificial insemination
you could send 23 women and a vat of frozen sperm
the real question in this case is if humans can travel to other planets how come we've not got the tech to breed humans from vats?
>implying I was referring to my post
Stop trying to sound smart, and use your brain for once.
>not genociding all spiders
That mission would go to shit immedietly once nobody wanted to farm the wheat
I guess the only thing to do is never watch shite movies, which this next Alien movie is gonna be
Gay guys had lot of unprotected sex because they thought they don't need condoms since they can't get pregnant. Now due to sex education and HIV awareness, AIDS has dropped significantly.
And gay guys aren't promiscuous because they're gay, it's because they're men who aren't limited in sex opportunities by women, who have lower libido than men.
>>implying I was referring to my post
You sound confused. Did you lose track of the conversation or are you some random user who jumped in halfway through and started shitposting?
>And gay guys aren't promiscuous because they're gay, it's because they're men who aren't limited in sex opportunities by women, who have lower libido than men.
You mean to say that men are hornier than women? Nah, that doesn't sound right. I think fags are just diseased crazy perverts.
I misread what your last post.
Still, you assume I have a poor understanding of science.
I have an interest in psychology myself, and I've personally witnessed behaviors that would unanimously be described as pathological from homosexuals in my social circle.
This isn't just a feeling, it's an observation.
>Even asking questions about race and sexuality is considered 'offensive' to these retards.
Who? Name at least 3 institutes, doctors, or scientists have done this.
So are they Gaylords, or two straight drunk dudes acting homoey for keks? That's how the scene played to me, then I see everyone on Sup Forums all, "spaaaace faaaaaggggottttssss!"
... A few days after that, I open
up the mail and there's a pamphlet in there, from Pueblo, Colorado. And
it's addressed to Bill Jr. And it's entitled, "Do you know what the
queers are doing to our soil?"
Now Stuart, if you look at the soil around any large U.S. city with a big
underground homosexual population - Des Moines, Iowa, perfect example.
Look at the soil around Des Moines, Stuart. You can't build on it, you
can't grow anything in it. The government says it's due to poor farming.
But I know what's really going on, Stuart. I know it's the queers.
They're in it with the aliens. They're building landing strips for gay
Martians. I swear to God.
how come every time there's a gay person in a movie you guys lose your shit? Maybe you'd enjoy movies more if you weren't looking for a political statement in everything
waist of /resources/
how would that help a species survive?
Not when it's all going to be embryos in stasis being birthed in tubes. You need your crew active at all times for building the future and maintaining the species, not getting knocked up and vulnerable. There's no way you'd try and start a colony with so few people and not expect major birth defects from inbreeding, so we can assume that the composition of the crew means jack.
>a trait that has evolved to prevent itself from being passed on
Really makes me think desu senpai.
So why didn't fags die out within the first few thousand years of humanity, or rather, within a few thousand years of the gene or defect itself being presented? Why is it that it still appears in nature despite fags overall not really breeding?
you would think scoliosis should have been fazed out by evolution but since a curved spine is a most favored trait it just continues to effect a few people here and there. could be same with homos. sometimes nature is retart
You are this mad
>Gay gene
Mental illness has always been around.
I'm sure my boyfriend and I will love this movie when we go see it :))
men can work harder, and since they can't reproduce it'll be less mouths to feed in the early years when everyone is shooting out babies and at the same time trying to get used to a new environment.
Most English colonies were mostly men at first, and unlike the Spanish it often wasn't very acceptable to mix with the native populations.
>you could send 23 women and a vat of frozen sperm
Uhh no. You need a man to take charge or it will fall apart.
Vats babies when?
make a movie that is fictional have armys of reality removed dorks get mad its not truthful to science that will never exist get sad
Except when they tried a men versus women survivor reality show, the women were fucked in a matter of days, while the men already had a made shelter and plans for rationing food.
There's a reason why most primitive societies were dominated by men. And why equality only really happens when a society reaches a level where survival is no longer an issue.