Was LOST good, great, bad what?
Was LOST good, great, bad what?
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Nah in the end it was just stupid
all 3 at different points in the series
LOST was imperfect, rushed, wildly inconsistent, and possibly the greatest TV show of all time
first season was good the rest was varying degrees of shit
The defining TV show of our generation. Anyone that says otherwise is nu-Sup Forums.
It's too bad the two showleads had zero creativity when it came to the Island's actual purpose.
Started off great, shit the bed then rolled around in it until it ended
>time travel
>it's all magic, I don't have to explain shit
>who are these two fuckers and their mom?
Why did it have to be magic? Why couldn't it be REAL? Fuck sake, it started so well
Why is that homosexual man wearing eyeliner?
Its flawed but the GOAT nonetheless
As someone who's never seen an episode, but has seen hundreds of threads and posts about the show, so much that I feel I know a lot about it, would I still enjoy it knowing some of the twists and shit?
Or is it kinda dependent on the twists as the reward?
>locke has a crazy/magic idea/dream
>is it real or is he crazy
>nope it's totally real
>but it was a big coincidence too
>tune in next time when locke has a crazy idea! or does he?! maybe he's getting manipulated by linus for the nth time
Watching it right now, almost finishing S3
one of the best TV shows of all time
>still doesn't understand L O S T
But the magic was real, user.
I would be so dissapointed if it was more of an actual Dharma experience thing, "oh this has eletromagnetic fuel I can explore that will make me rich and control the world, these are just side effects"
Becoming invested in the characters and experiencing the journey over 120+ episodes is something you can't get through osmosis. Watch it.
The show was fantastic but the ending was beyond stupid,pathetic and artsy fartsy, prolly written by a 5 years old autistic blind kid.
An amazing show with only 2 bad episodes. Stranger in a strange land, and Expose
would be funnier without the last caption and just the image
please post more verticals, I've LOST them all long ago
It should have been cancelled after second season
I'm shitting on it, but it was enjoyable to rewatch (except the flashes in s6 and parts of s4/5 which I ended up skipping), so I would say yeah watch it.
I finished Lost recently. You guys must be fucking joking when you call it one of the greats. I wouldn't even put it above fucking Sons of Anarchy.
LOST had the potential to be good, but instead of actually planning out the mysteries the Producers simply made it up as they went along while pretending they did plan.
is that fuckin Tara from TWD
I will dump what i have.
>skipping parts of s4/s5
>speaking authoritatively on whether or not someone should watch the show
I can abide skipping a few episodes in S2, maybe a few from the lull mid S3, if you're like, in a rush(?!??). But you need to leave
>tfw you strongly.identify with Locke because you are autistic, righteous, beta, courageous and stubborn
How could we possibly end this amazing and complexe show? Oh right, we'll tell em they were dead the entire time, that'll do it.
it was a rewatch I dont need to see the fucking kate episodes or the recycled ben vs locke plotlines
toppest of keks cuz true
lel thanks user, you're great
*sharpens knives*
This vertical's humor would still work today with the last two images cut.
First time? Because I watched after it was long finished. I actually had a laugh in Sup Forums with it, but didn't actually sit through the show back then.
That's Camilla Belle.
Redpill me on this actor. Why is he always wearing eyeliner?
no u
requesting the vertical where jack says "im on a plane" to the stewardess like a retard
also the one where sawyer says hi to the dog
I never got the hate for Kate episodes. I thought every character had good and boring episodes on their own.
You know those are his eyes, right? Some faggot God made him in his image and gave him such dark lashes that he's got permanent eyeliner.
God Juliet is so perfect.
And thats it. Have a nice WP of "otherton".
did someone ask for your opinions, retarded fucks?
It's just his eyes. Not sure if it's a blessing or a curse, but I guess it makes sense for him to be an actor.
it was horrible bad.
cliche characters and dialoges, like full cliche, 1000 times seen and heard, just horrible.
all this mystic stuff was put in without a thought, it had no background, just for all the normies to think there is something going on and for the autist to make theories.
this shows was one of the biggest tv frauds ever.
Season 1 is excellent. Season 2 is good. If you really enjoy it continue or just read a plot summary online
Nice dubs. Even nicer pasta
god damn tv really has no taste, this show fucking sucks, the writing is so bad and the characters are so bland, and you guys love it.
I don't ever plan on watching this, but what was wrong with it's ending?
Pretentious is probably the word. They knew where they wanted to go with the characters, but plot wise there was never any grand reveal, they just made it up as they went along.
everytime he screamed i just died of laughter, it is just something in a way he does it
JJ confirmed this. They didn't have an over all plan. They did plan for other people to be on the island and the hatch and more to be going on besides just "Survivor meets giligans island"
George R R Martin shat on the show so perfectly. All the fan backlash can't hurt Damon Lindelof, but Goerge did and Im glad he did.
Why did he use mascara?
there was a cork holding in the magic all along. also lockes life was completely worthless and he was manipulated into doing everything by a giant smoke monster even though that would be logically contradicted by its actions like 20 times. Also jack cnat fight for shit and kate saves him with a shitty one liner
Link to GRRM shitting on Lost
>kill Sayid
>Bring him back so he can be evil
>kill Sayid again
YTMND was great for lost too
he said acting and writing was excellent, seriously.
he just said in an interview that he didn't like the ending.
how can he like this bland and fucking dumb characters and writing!?
It was pretty great
the show was built around a number of mysteries that people expected to be answered or at least addressed in some interesting way. in the end, they were either (a) completely ignored or (b) answered in extremely lazy, uncreative ways. the writers/producers/directors then tried to argue that "the show was never about the mysteries, it was about the characters all along," but the characters were all poorly written cliches besides maybe one or two exceptions. so, very unsatisfying all around
I don't think there's anything more than text quotes, no vids....however, I feel it even better, here's Lindelof talking about it
i was literally going to die from that. cereal blocked my windpipe when i was crazily laughing at it
I think the individual episodes are better than the sum of them together. There were a lot of plot hooks and storylines that didn't deliver satisfactorily, but it somehow doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the episodes that we're building up those storylines.
It's like not that the resolution episodes were bad, it's more like, they shifted focus and you forget about where the story was supposed to be going, and that's okay
A lot of the back story parts are a chore to get through, which is a problem because every episode has a backstory part
I still think the show is great though
GRRM is a hack
Doesn't matter if he's a hack or not, he hurt Lindelof's feelings. Lindelof respects him and loves and GRRM who made Lindelof question he's ending, which he should.
thank you, someone here that is not totally retarded.
If you watch it today, it's not that bad.
If you were watching it when it was airing it became the most unbearable show ever and the ending was pretty much the worst case scenario for those of us who were really into it at the time.
>plane crash lands into the island
>"looks like we are in some kind of LOST island"
literally left my seat and walked right out of the theatre