I'm sure most of you know what Ben thinks about Trump, do you think he's right? I can back him on a lot of things and I'm sure you guys can too.
I'm sure most of you know what Ben thinks about Trump, do you think he's right...
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His gripes with Trump are pedantic.
Some of them may be right, some wrong, but they're all very shallow and desperate.
Can you list his opinions on trump as specifics in bullet point form?
The only thing I've heard him say about trump is that he doesn't really align with traditional conservative principles and he changes his opinion on a lot of positions extremely frequently, both of which are true.
Whether you see those as a negative or even care is up to you.
Ben means well. I lost respect for him with the whole Michelle Fields thing.
i don't watch the daily shoah with ben shapiro
I want to like Ben but him white-knighting for Michelle Fields made me lose a lot of respect for him.
Trump is terrible, but he's the lesser of two evils and I actually want to see him given the chance of running for POTUS unlike Hillary who is the most machiavellian person you can imagine
Obviously yes, but everyone here is a 12 year old
To be fair, Ben is a shifty heeb a lot of times
You could say they are... petty.
Most Trump supporters don't realize how he's fucking the GOP for the next 2-3 elections.
Trump isn't just an "lol let's vote for him, should be funny, dude memes XD", he's becoming the face of the GOP and it's not a good face to have.
Yeah the Michelle Fields incident disheartening and I honestly think he just hates Trump so much that he let his feelings get in the way, and he's all about not giving a shit about feelings
I'm not even familiar with the cuck enough to know about what happened with Fields, but I know all I need to: He's a smart guy, a conservative, anti-PC, and yet supports Hillary over Trump.
he's a person of no integrity. He's a cuck.
>he's becoming the face of the GOP and it's not a good face to have.
Personally, I welcome it.
Conservatism is shit, and it's about time European-style Far-Right Populism came to America.
not an argueement
Ben Shapiro is why there are reserves regarding Milo. Both worked at Breitbart and represent the alt-right as a minority demographic. Ben hates Trump and Milo believes that Africans are the "master race". Both seem to be controlled opposition.
He does not support Hillary, and will frequently say he prefers Trump over Clinton as president.
Fuck off Ben!
You need to have the gold pass to promote your show here!
This is your final warning!
Once more and you will get a neocon range block!
Ben is one of those people that has never held a political office or been an employer so he armchair quarterbacks on men with real skin in the game. Sure, he can maintain sharp conservative principles but how effective is he at getting real goals accomplished at the negotiating table? This little autistic bubble high IQ keep themselves in where they have no real social responsiblity or accountability to anyone is akin to the ivory tower academics place themselves in.
Thank god for that tape covering her vagina, otherwise I might have seen something untoward!