Is that a black man arresting deray? Is this man a traitor?
Is that a black man arresting deray? Is this man a traitor?
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No, he's just not a nigger.
Look at that complacent face; the face of someone who thinks they're the next Rosa Parks or MLK; he looks like he has just won and proven right that the system is racist, like his whole existence is epitomized by his arrest that he chased after. He believes that he is a civil rights leader when in reality all he has down is sewn chaos across America.
Perhaps he has won, and perhaps that smile was painted on by an artist of the name Soros.
How long until this black cop was 'forced' into doing it? Book and media tour soon.
He's a fucking nigger too
CIA asset?
That is, at the very heart of it, the entire point of this "movement".
They look at the old photos of their great grandparents being lynched, their grandparents being set upon by dogs and water cannons, and their parents in Black Panther outfits. Genuine fighting and battles for civil rights for black people. Then they look at their own lives.
They have iPhones, college degrees, jobs, businesses, they're sports stars, music stars and fashion stars. They have it; they actually have freedom, justice and equality! But they resent the fact that they missed out on the struggle depicted by the lives of their elders.
And now they're bored.
Wouldn't fucking doubt it at this point.
>pictures of Deray with Bongo and staff collaborating
>pictures of Deray in a conversation with someone about trying to incite civil unrest so martial law happens
>Shillary turns the pandering to blacks up past 9000
It's one big giant shitshow. I feel like the world is watching a play put on by children who think they are clever, good at acting, and smart, and while I'm ready to walk out on the damn thing, everyone else is clapping and saying how great a job they are doing with a big smile on their face.
They have been told all their problems are because of the evil white man.
This narrative is fostered heavily by the media, let alone challenged.
We need a leader to tell them they're wrong, so Americans together can start doing the same.
Their entire movement is debunked in this simple image.
Black cops can be pretty based. A lot of them go into the job hoping to help black communities, only to learn from experience how fucked those communities actually are.
Black cops must be the most redpilled, being immersed in the disproportional rates of violence, crime, etc... must really open their eyes.
Nig cops are best cops
Kek i remember seeing this live on a stream of the event
Was top meme
I bet that cop was shaking mad hearing these white cucked kids telling him how because he's black he's a victim, worthless, and always below the white man
Their spiel about race sounds like the spiel about race from people who used to lynch niggers for fun
These dumb motherfuckers have been screwing with traffic for the last two days. They've shut down businesses and they managed to stop I-12 for about 5 minutes, which ended up causing a 40 minute delay..
I live about a mile away from where this shit is going down. Half the people I work with left because it was going on near their houses and they were expecting looters.
Nothing's happened but it's still causing undue stress all across this shitty little college town. And rumor has it some 100+ armed black panther knucklefucks are going to show up...
Lol...when you read stuff like this you don't have to ask yourself what is wrong in this world
a nigger is a nigger
That man has a creepy goddamn face. That man is soulless. That man peddles violence and idiocy, and I hope he stays the fuck in jail or something.
Fuck, sometimes you look at someone in the face and you're just like, "I wonder if this person literally had their entire mind removed by the CIA and this is all they are now." I wonder that a lot, lately. Fucking liberals.
he always has that homosexual-magician look on his face.
What the fuck is with all these bright colored shoes?
Is it ironic to like them, as if laughing at 90s fashion?
Black people have tiny skulls. Jaysus Christ.
>Current year
>not being executed by robot
Niggers dress like children
This is usually why they aren't prosecuted. The government, judges, cops recognize that those split-second decision and racial bias can save their lives. If they fucked up, they fucked up. If a nigga tried to reach for something in his pants by mistake, that's his fault. If a nigga runs away from a cop, that's his fault.
I get why the black community doesn't want to believe this, and it is a problem that the police can solve with further training and discipline, but that doesn't mean a cop won't get prosecuted and thrown in jail if he just walks up to some nigga and shoots him.
I remember him doing an Interview and live streaming it at the same time, holding onto his phone for dear life. I'm like put your fucking phone down you sack of shit. Incredibly disrespectful and it comes off as glamorizing the struggle that real black people had to fight for.
It's easy to look fashionable and rich with cheap pants and shirts + expensive kicks. It's ideal for poor people who are more concerned with social status and "lookin' fresh" than with lifting themselves up out of poverty (niggers)
Fucking seriously. I understand their spiel bullshit about "Racism=Prejudice+Power" or whatever, but it is just staggering how completely unaware of themselves these people are, the sheer impossibility that they're missing the irony of all this. I'd laugh about it even harder if it wasn't fucking tearing my homeland apart.
They think they can't be racist, they call for "equality" or end to oppression, and find it ridiculous that people claim that they're black supremacists or fucking insane or whatever. Meanwhile, they LITERALLY 24/7 will not stop saying they hate white people, calling them, unequivocally, no-exceptions, every historical figure racist, evil, and soulless, and if you played mad-libs with the shit they said and made "white" (Or, in this case, black) with "black" or "Jewish," you'd be buried in the public eye, you'd sound like the fucking KKK or a literal, actual Nazi. And they get applauded to say it on TV anymore.
It's absolutely fucking befuddling.
He dead man
I just see bright shoes all over the place, from Kohl's to Sports Authority
Shit is retarded to pay $50+ for shoes made in China
$10000000 says this guy is a fed
Again, niggers dress like children. They wear some of the tackiest shit around and claim that they look good while doing it.
>Nig cops are best cops
Not dead, its just Sup Forums doing what they usually do.
Nope, he's doing god's work.
absolutely correct
their strongest motivation is that they want to feel like they're doing something meaningful (common problem for modern civilization) and so they look to past generations of leftists who they idolize. They mindlessly try to copy what they did, without stopping to think about whether or not their cause is actually justified.
damnit is everyone on Sup Forums these days a faggot
he is clearly turning into a privileged white male
What was he arrested for?
Those orange sneakers.