Leaked photo of the nigger who got blown up by the robot in Dallas. You did good, Wall-E
Leaked photo of the nigger who got blown up by the robot in Dallas. You did good, Wall-E
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Big bomb.
only 37,685,847 left
good luck
Oh my god what happened to due process in this country? A white kid shoots up a church full of blacks and gets back in hand cuffs yet this black man who stood up to the forces killing his people gets blown up by a robot. White people are pathetic. This country a joke.
>Oops, did I do that?
>what happened to jew process
>australia's shitposting is contagious
the white kid sat down and didn't fight back. He kept shooting
robojudge the police executioner
anyone caught camping on state land is next
>this black man who stood up to the forces killing his people gets blown up by a robot. White people are pathetic.
the best thing about white people is our ability to kill people without even being anywhere near them
>due process
For an active shooter, that's not how it works Austria.
based honorary white robot
Any kind of active non surrendering shooter is fair game. Difference being that SWAT didn't storm the building.
The hell is that over his eyes? Did they blow him up in a car?
>are robots white?
Truly a new philosophical front for Sup Forums
TayTay was an AI was she white?
white kid surrendered after his nigga moment, crispy critter here never stopped nogging
Nice clean explosion there
That robot is a hero.
I hope it gets the Presidential Medal of Freedom, posthumously.
r2dindu did good
>we don't negotiate with terrorist !
When it comes to that, gas will be better.
>if you kill your enemies, you are pathetic and your country is a joke
walla akba
Why is there drywall if he was killed in a parking garage?
How long until we replace our police force with coldly objective robots and black arrests and deaths are still through the roof?
Are you guys ready for the "Are robots rayciss???!?" HuffPo article?
Nigga there is dryrock in all kinds of structures. Pretty much whenever we want a wall to not look like shit, we hang dryrock
Whats going on? whats this about? Gimme some links, spoonfeed me!
White people are biding their time. Getting stronger. More informed.
Niggers have taken to the streets to fight imaginary demons for George Soros and have proven themselves to be slaves forever.
nice try
topkek, blew his damn fingers off as well!
We should fight isis with suicide bomber robots wearing hijabs. It could Scream allahu akbar before detonating.
I would wager there are more whites than blacks in BLM. This country is fucked.
>white people are scary.jps
The moral of the story my shitposting baiting little cum guzzler is, don't fuck with white people and by extension law enforcement. You push us far enough and we'll kill you in ways you hadn't even considered before.
Props to Ahmed for the idea on this one though. Those dunecoons know their bombs.
>dry rock
Literally what?
Maybe we should build robots to kill niggers.
Gather all of them in one place and activate the robots.
haha truuuuuuuuuuuuu
Resisting arrest
Being armed
Threatening others
.. Go home Ahmed
Please let this be real
i heard soon theyll be able to kill us all electronically. as more advanced electronics and robotics keep coming into play in our everyday environments.
looks like......i dunno man...did he try to hide inside of a chair? is this even legit? im going to sleep.
>looks like......i dunno man...did he try to hide inside of a chair? is this even legit? im going to sleep.
Yeah none of this makes sense. It's a robot on threads. How does it bring down the ceiling on him while not tearing him apart?
So this is how it all ends
Robots fighting primal apes
does anyone have info on the explosive device they used? was it just plastic explosive with blasting cap? i don't understand why we dont have a clear view of how this all went down yet.
Anyone have links
All I know is that they used explosives normally used by the bomb squad, as sometimes the best course of action is to blow up the bomb after evacuating the area.
So, high explosive, stable, probably requires a blasting cap.
It would have to be a decent amount to do this to him unless they got extremely close with the robot.
I'm curious how they got that close without him shooting the camera or treads of the robot.
yeah thats the part im curious about. did it really happen like i see it in my mind? like a fucking cartoon? there has to be video of this happening, but more importantly. I think this video might look fucking hilarious.
>wears vest
>no helmet
baka desu senpai, safety first
They used some C4. Standard explosive.
That seems kind of extreme for the bomb squad to keep on hand, but it fits with how stable it is.
Still, how did the nog let it get that close?
I was wondering, is any of the robot salvageable ? I dunno how big the explosion was.
Someone give him a Maga hat
Milfags, feel free to correct me, I'm just basing this hypothesis off of Punisher comics...
Wasn't he holed up somewhere? Enclosed space?
Would a small shaped charge in an enclosed space provide enough overpressure to kill him even if the robot wasn't that close?
The pic of him doesn't actually show too much trauma to his body, face is a bit fucked up but he's not torn to shreds.
Not a milfag, just an "amateur 4th of july chemist".
That is what I would assume happened since he seems to be mostly in one piece.
Still, weird that it got so close to him. I think you are right though, it depends on how enclosed of a space he was in and the distance.
They used a claymore, lots of fragmentation
From what I've seen and read, it wasn't a claymore. Why the fuck would the local bomb squad get one?
And it wouldn't cause the damage in the picture, or disable the robot since it is directional.
The guy would also be perforated with around 800 steel balls.
Yeah, his body and the debris he's lying on/surrounding him doesn't look perforated at all.
It all just looks like blast damage.
Fuck off VdB
they keep it to BIP suspicious packages or devices.
They used 1lbs of C4.
His eye just looks off into space.
drywall, sheetrock, dryrock
Who leaked it?
Pics are rarely leaked or released, especially a day or so after
Could it just be a warning?
Tay was an honorary aryan
Ignore obvious paid trolls, or at least refrain from giving them (you)s
I'm sure police want to give him a big fuck you.
Dead in a corner by a motherfucking EOD robot is a pretty shitty last stand.
Milfag here.
That is definitely not claymore damage.
Next step is the baby body filled barrel bomb.
Yea it will. if you actually notice on his face that blood concentrated around his eyes? They literally turned to jelly and tore the soft tissue surrounding causing the blood.
Must've been a big blast
I think they blew a hole where he holed up like in the italian job then had the robot there waiting when he hit the ground
12b here. no not big blast. small blast in an enclosed space will do that. eyeballs got jellyfied and internal damage done to brain and chest cavity. probably only like 2 pounds of c4 or equivalent used.
Kek hopefully the robot is o.k
That is sheetrock and the remains of metal stud construction. That looks like a piece of flat strap, or perhaps some cold rolled channel iron.
They said it was one 1 lbs of C4, initiated by detcord
parking garages have office spaces like for customer service and what not
I just realized that those steel beams arent melted...wtf?
Probably hiding in the elevator, which is a shaft wall, double rocked.
So how we doin this Sup Forums? Are all robots white or was this one of the 'good ones'?
>It sure would be a shame if disrespectfully shooped pics of this was circulated to #BLM etc etc
Australia and Austria confirmed the same thing? If you think about it Hitler was the biggest shitposter of all time