Youth turned out for Brexit vote after all

The results found that 64% of those young people who were registered did vote, rising to 65% among 25-to-39-year-olds and 66% among those aged between 40 and 54. It increased to 74% among the 55-to-64 age group and 90% for those aged 65 and over. It is thought that more than 70% of young voters chose to remain in the EU.

Bruter added that if 16- and 17-year-olds had been allowed to vote, the result would almost certainly have been closer or even reversed.

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Why are millenials so controlled by feels ?

That just legitimises the result more.

A roughly even spread of the voting population turned out.

Even less excuse for the Remain'ers to spout their anti-democratic bullshit.
>"Muh 2nd Referendum!"

>Milennials still BTFO

Trump is going to massacre Shillary when the milennials vote Jill Stein

Lied to by the reels

God after the old people die the world will be hell

For young people to be able to vote, you also need them to be able to run for office. You can only elect fellow citizens as your representatives.

Is the world ready for a 16yo prime minister? EIther way

>Even less excuse for the Remain'ers to spout their anti-democratic bullshit.
The narrative now will be that 65+ people should die and that the 16 and 17year olds should have the vote.

Farage and Johnson turned out to be faggots, but i still think Britains made the right choice in the long run.
The media is full of shit as always, claiming work permits will get revoked both for britians and foreigners.

>Is the world ready for a 16yo prime minister?

Why not? You guys have a Canadian as Bank of England chief. Why not have the next 16year old youtube Justin Bieber star from Canada as your Prime Minister? You guys also have a tabloid monarchy, so why not just be serious about your status of a tabloid country?

Are they just making this shit up?
Like they just somehow suddenly discovered one demographic turned out twice as many people?

Could be great in france the lest win bacause of older

It's crazy to think that if we waited a couple more years for the referendum, then Brexit would probably fail.

most young people tend to be liberal and as they get older they become more conservative
example: hippies


Retard alert.
You know is central banks do not answer directly to their governments right? They are more like NGOs biased in their country's favour.

Hiring a canadian to work on your monetary policies is not the same as electing a canadian as an official. He's not even a citizen for fuck sake.

You think France would leave aswell?

>You know is central banks do not answer directly to their governments right?

Actually, Mark Carney got appointed by the British government and can be removed at any time. The Bank of England is overseen by the UK parliament and its rules and goals are set by the parliament.

You are confusing the Fed with the BoE - the Fed is organized completely different with various state central banks banding together.

100% true.
Made my turn at the age of 24, basically when i started working.

>if 16- and 17-year-olds had been allowed to vote
They really don't want to accept this do they?

>move people in from repressive regimes
>be surprised when they want repressive regimes in your country

>64% of those young people who were registered
Young people don't register

why stop there, why shouldnt 14-15 year olds be allowed to vote?

>why stop there, why shouldnt 14-15 year olds be allowed to vote?
I am all for anyone who can read and write to vote. I don't see why we discriminate against young people.

so no more blacks voting?

>64% of REGISTERED voters

you are a retard, Germany.

In 2005 in france a referundum was done, the result was anti-eu(and the youth were against eu and the older pro eu) it was just ignored, media applaud this politic bravery etc etc

So yes france is probably a lot more anti-eu than england we have just a more corrupted upperclasse

This is becoming an increasingly common topic among progressives everywhere not just in the UK following the Brexit vote.

Make the age of majority 16 and I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to it. Will never happen, though, because they don't want to let 16 year olds have all the responsibilities of adulthood. They just want more liberal votes.

Was the Britain Elects not done on registered?

and honestly the young people who didnt bother regestering to vote are probably chavs who would have voted leave because of muh muslamic immigrants. they issue isnt that all young people are leftists, its than the only young people who are politically active are the leftists.


Notice how the article doesn't say how many younguns are actually registered.

more old people voted remain than all young people in total voted.

>so no more blacks voting?
Yes. I think people who cannot read and write should not be allowed to vote. If you enter the polling station, you should be able to read out a random paragraph in the bible and only then be allowed to vote.

>Notice how the article doesn't say how many younguns are actually registered.
Well we know this from an Independent article:

>The estimated population of 20 – 24 year olds in 2015 was 3,806,471 – only 492,306 applied to register to vote in the months running up to the election.

>Many young voters would still have been on the electoral register from the General Election and local elections – this figure is to show that of the 2 million people who panic registered in the last weeks, only around one quarter were young voters.

>It has been estimated that if 16-17 year olds had been able to vote, they would have voted 82 per cent for Remain. People have bemoaned that 16 and 17 year olds should have been given the vote – perhaps they should have, to make up for the fact that the 18 – 24 year olds couldn’t be bothered.

>If you want to secure your own future, you know what would be a good idea? Actively leaving your house, heading to the polling station and exercising your democratic right to vote as a UK citizen.

I like this part:

>These statistics and voting figures need to be taken on board by the government, and changes need to be made for the next election. Either a digital system needs to be put in place, so that there are more ways for the young to vote, seeing as walking five minutes from your house to a polling station and drawing a cross in a box is too difficult.

>children now hate their elders
>people over 50 shouldn't vote unless they agree with me

loving every laugh

Literally nothing good comes from letting young people vote. One ought to be at least 24 years old, be employed or have some form of income and have no tax debts in order to be allowed to vote. If the country has mandatory military service, those who refuse should not be permitted to vote. Serious crime such as murder, kidnapping or terrorism should also immediately revoke one's voting rights.

The only functioning democracy in the world is Switzerland and it has mandatory voting.

Only mandatory voting results in valid democratic choices, because you have 98% voter turnouts and nobody can say that parts of the population didn't voice their actual intentions.

>Bruter added that if 16- and 17-year-olds had been allowed to vote, the result would almost certainly have been closer or even reversed.

and it would have been even better if 9-12 year-olds had been allowed to vote, we would be in a utopia, by now!

>The results found that 64% of those young people who were registered did vote

Does anyone know what percentage of the UK's entire 18 to 24 demographic is registered to vote?

Damn. profound.

Switzerland doesn't have mandatory voting, turnout at their referenda is often below fifty percent

>leave majority
>remain still cry and show polls
>if if if
>if if if
>if if if
why wont you just die already?

why stop there? shouldn't newborns be allowed o vote? but only if they're outside the womb fetus' don't count.

>One ought to be at least 24 years old, be employed or have some form of income and have no tax debts in order to be allowed to vote

I can agree with the whole "don't have any tax debt" and "have had some form of income in the past 12 months" criteria.

But I disagree with the 24 years criteria and the employment criteria. What about self-employed people? What about retirees? What about veterans? What about students?

It also has no foreign policy, no historical underclass, no overseas territories, no nuclear weapons, no international presence and nothing remotely serious whatsoever to decide.

Australia has mandatory voting and people just vote for who is on the top of the ballot. it's retarded

>we have just a more corrupted upperclasse

Did you guys empty out that storage unit yet? I told you these would be useful in the future.

Baby boomers are the SJWs of our country, they fucked up our country and are still voting left and far left.

See for the numbers for 20-24. I can't imagine it's much more than about 600K if you include 18 and 19 year olds.

>Australia has mandatory voting and people just vote for who is on the top of the ballot. it's retarded

It does not matter. Voting MUST be compulsory and harsh fines should be imposed on those who do not vote.

There is one fundamental right in a democracy - voting, and one fundamental duty in a democracy - voting. If you just keep the right and disregard the duty, then democracy is lost.

Uh huh.

Calm down Hans. Free countries give people the choice on whether they want to vote or not.

while the head is appointed by the government he is not a government official. its the same here in australia with the RBA, they are independent but answer to government.

why add a bunch of noise over some rigid thoughtless ideal?
the idea of democracy is people vote for their own interests. if people don't care then they vote randomly. voting randomly was not the driving force behind the popularity of democracy.

M8, we have the least stable democracy in the entire South Pacific.

5 Prime Ministers in 5 years.

Compulsory voting doesn't make it better.

because they are young

"Should the United Kingdom replace its nuclear weapons with a new nuclear weapons system?"

Hey yeah lets just make it compulsory so people go and draw dicks and swastikas on the paper, that'll help us come to a conclusion

You thick fucking nigger

I don't understand. Why the fuck would you not vote? Especially in a clear referendum. It's years between every time and plebs are still too lazy to go do it. Hope there are no imbeciles like that on Sup Forums

>Calm down Hans. Free countries give people the choice on whether they want to vote or not.

Freedom has nothing to do with democracy. Democracy are by definition unfree. If you want freedom, go and live in an anarchic society.

Voting is a must or a democracy is undermined.

>mandatory voting.

We have mandatory voting here and all people do is draw dicks on the ballot.

>Hey yeah lets just make it compulsory so people go and draw dicks and swastikas on the paper, that'll help us come to a conclusion

That is why I am for e-voting, in which it is impossible to vote "blank" or "invalid" or draw dicks on the paper.

And then you can charge people who couldn't bother to vote immediately after the polls close. Basically, you have an app, and if you don't vote, then you get an app message once the ballots closed "Sir or Madam, you have not voted, you will be charged 100 pounds in the name of democracy."

No, thats the problem with voting, if a large number abstain.
You end up with a very close margin like what happened with brexit with the difference being like 1% of voters. Yes you have a majority but then everything after is just a media clusterfuck like what we get now.
A marginal majority isnt enough to get things done, and britain needs to really get shit done before article 50

>i have performed to the required minimum of the first year of my sociology degree

It reminds me of that image where the guy says he doesn't understand the referendum and underneath he says anyone who voted leave is evil.

who gives a fuck

stay lost

get the fuck over it

You don't allow people under the age of 18 to vote, because they are irresponsible and aren't capable of thinking through their decisions, so why should you allow 20 year olds? People generally reach mental maturity in their mid 20s. Voting isn't a privilege or a right, it is a responsibility to yourself and society in the proper exercise of force.

Self-employed people do have an income. Retirees have had one. Veterans generally also have an income. Students? What makes them responsible voters exactly?

>Bruter added that if 16- and 17-year-olds had been allowed to vote, the result would almost certainly have been closer or even reversed.
Of course. That's why we don't let anyone under the age of 18 vote, because they're retarded, and leaving the future of the country in the hands of people who've never known what it's like to want for anything, are extraordinarily easily to manipulate emotionally and intellectually, and pretend to know what they're talking about is rife with horrific consequences.

Hell, I'd argue that 18 is still too fucking young to vote, but I guess if you're old enough to sign up for the military and die for your country (even though they won't, 'cause they're armchair warriors posting in Occupy Democrats, thinking they're making a difference in the world) you should have the right to vote.

Or maybe we'll just let people under 21 vote if they're in the military. Hmm.

Isn't that where Hipsters came from?

Ah yes, remove the paper trail so you can rig it easier

Oh God if they try and get a second ref going with the argument '16/17 year olds didn't get to vote'. I'm 16 and everyone I spoke to wanted to vote remain for reasons such as 'everyone will get deported' and 'I won't be able to travel and the eu is great'. So happy the new libtard generation didn't vote on this one.

Lel. I was going to reply seriously but has done it for me.

If the people want to waive their voting right for a certain referendum/election they can.

Fucking krauts.

Life would be so much easier if one party controlled everything for decades on end in a quasi-fascist state like Singapore.

Why? If you've already made the effort to go to the voting station you may as well vote for somebody.

Enjoy your ban

Why do people do it in other countries? They want to 'send a message'.

>I'm 16
GTFO of here, kid.

>'everyone will get deported'
If only.

>Bruter added that if 16- and 17-year-olds had been allowed to vote, the result would almost certainly have been closer or even reversed.
I'll bet, hence why they must never be allowed to vote.

Well if you have a government as effective as singapores, perhaps.
Im not even talking about that though, in talking about a mandate by the voters. Abstinence is fence sitting, it serves nothing in a democracy

6 years old should be allowed to vote because those damn 18 year olds are stealing their future by not believing our remain propaganda :(

>That's why we don't let anyone under the age of 18 vote, because they're retarded
Can join the army and die for your country.... but no, you can't drink, fuck or vote.

Thanks, American. You are the best.

Germans are always state cucks and have no idea what liberty means

>polling weeks after the referendum
>super butthurt kids claiming they voted even when they didn't
Yeah nah I don't believe it

Also this

>You don't allow people under the age of 18 to vote, because they are irresponsible and aren't capable of thinking through their decisions

I could say the same about people aged 65+, or drug addicts aged 28 or HIV positive people aged 52 or criminals aged 22 or retards aged 25 etc.

Why not stop having arbitrary age limits and just have people take a test. If you pass it and have a basic knowledge of the political system, then you are allowed to vote. If you don't pass, you are too retarded to have a say in the government of a country.

Could also add that if only ethnic Brits could vote leave would have won by a massive majority. 80-90% of minorities voted to remain.

>more than 70% of young voters chose to remain in the EU
That's terrifying. I hope it's not true.

>Germans are always state cucks and have no idea what liberty means
We actually invented liberty, idiot.

Civilised countries don't let child soldiers fight.

>80-90% of minorities voted to remain.
Given the racism enfolding after the Brexit vote, that is understandable, right?

>racism meme
Sikhs voted to Leave. I guess racism just doesn't effect the brown people who wear a turban around everywhere.

So they want to allow them to vote but not grant them full legal competence? As in, you're not allowed to enter legally binding contracts but you're allowed to decide the fate of your country?
This is some cynical shit.

>if more gullible people who have yet learned to think for themself and prone to jewish media lies would be allowed to vote we would have won!

>Sikhs voted to Leave

>16- and 17-year-olds had been allowed to vote, the result would almost certainly have been closer or even reversed
No shit. If you let 10 year olds vote here too I'd bet Bernie would've actually won

The nature of the political system is irrelevant. Voting isn't about your knowledge of the system, it's about exercising force and taking responsibility for this, which requires a certain maturity. A 40 year old retarded addict often has more maturity than an 18 year old boy genius.

>it's about exercising force and taking responsibility for this, which requires a certain maturity.

People who do not understand the choice they are making, should not be allowed to vote.


Nice flag

In the US we do have restrictions, 35 for President and VP, 30 for Senator, and 25 for Congressman, but you can vote at 18

Deciding not to vote is also important, forcing votes just legitimizes a corrupt government that nobody wants

As if your parents aren't voting for Liberals

As if the youth vote is big enough to keep voting for Liberals

More like non-whites vote Liberal and a majority of Liberals are Liberals for life

Hahaha, oh wow. "B-but if we'd allowed school kids to vote we might have gotten a different answer!"