I feel like a stranger around my friends and family. The world seems like a twisted alternate universe and everyone is being duped. It's really affecting my ability to enjoy anything. There's really nothing to do except wait for the happening.
How do you spend your daily life after taking the red pill?
Other urls found in this thread:
Leave 4chin forever m8
Ride the tiger.
I had work the other day and had to run to the bathroom because my feels were too strong.
Everything is crumbling before my eyes and I can't warn anybody
I hope you realize the real redpill is embracing total destruction of everything in order to reach unity with God
>go to work
>think about all the creative shit I'll do after I'm done
>get home
>lose all will to live
>drink myself to sleep
>There's really nothing to do except wait for the happening.
help cause the happening?
God is a faggot. Embrace nihilism. Not the emo bullshit, but understand that if a god-like being exists, it does not care for us. Grasping on any other hope is only lying to yourself.
good one
>Listen twice as much as you talk, at the very least
>Have a strong desire to know more
>View every opinion you hear as a trophy, and in stead of arguing, put yourself in their mindset and find where you agree
>Experience as much as you can by going to protests and rallies and keeping silent
>Write a book about anything, preferably nonfiction so you can express yourself
>Stay humble, make friends with opposing viewpoints
>Don't talk about politics unless they bring it up first, and then hide your power level by taking a middle ground and gauging their opinions
That's what I do
i came for the politics
i stay for the bants
everybody in this thread seems to understand completely - so I'll raise here what I've been meaning to address for past week roughly...
do you think it's possible to compile one paragraph (absolute max 2, because normies won't read any more than that) - that will basically function as a red pill? or the sunglasses in They Live? Those are ridiculous analogies that make a really valid point, and I've been working at composing a paragraph that'll raise and elaborate upon points such as:
>everything you think is true is false
>everything you think is false is true
>your "allies" mock and hate you
>your "enemies" are your true friends
>school and media exists to destroy you
>everything is the opposite of what you've been told
Is this even worth pursuing? I have to make this tolerable for the average blue pilled normie, so it shouldn't sound autistically paranoid or aggressive... just a thought - I'm wondering if it's even possible. Reading passages from classic philosophy would absolutely indicate to me that it's possible to compress world-shattering / altering observations into a single paragraph. I'd like to shoot off a block of text as a final gesture of good faith to all of those refusing to wake up and recognize that they're being manipulated and exploited like cattle. As many of you have pointed out, it's very strange how dedicated they are to their own obliteration. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Play toughshit music and make muscles.
I've found that spirituality does a good job of filling the void that the physical world has left in me.
Nothing we can do until the great happening occurs in a few years or a few decades
that's awesome - thank you, buddy
>embrace utter worthlessness and not caring about anything or having any purpose
easiest cop out in the world there leaf
God is reality and those who choose to reject Him only do so to embrace hedonism
Christian stoicism is the ultimate red pill
Fuck I was thinking about that. After ww3 when all the normies become nazis everyone on Sup Forums will become leftist cucks. Revolution is in our blood
So sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending to believe in fairy tales.
my mother annoys me a lot more, that's for sure. I still love her, but jeez I never realized how she was when I was younger
nice pic.
so when 50's styled nuclear family again?
You stop being a pretentious faggot. All these circlejerk threads sound like teenagers who recently discovered that not all politicians are good people and media is manipulative and now they've woken up in a sleeping society!!!!
>tfw mom won't listen to the conspiracy theory you read on your neckbeard race tensions imageboard
Most people here are insufferable cunts with dunning-kruger effect written all over them. Yes, most people are painfully naive and ignorant. No, you're not special because you can see through some bullshit. Half the threads on this board sound like they're parroting Alex Jones, a bombastic insane person who's very much convinced society has been duped and he's the outsider.
>we're outsider guys, we support the 51% backex brexit vote and a massively popular presidential candidate! If only society knew what we do!
If you want your change so bad then go fucking do something instead of posting another "validate that what i believe is right and the truth" post.
Code academy
the giant list of top 100 books from /lit/
studying for ccent/ccna
just try to learn how to dont care everything at all
Theres sometimes a 12gb torrent of guides mostly of survival oriented shit, it might be bigger nowadays I imagine given this was a while back, or maybe /k/ has a more focused one, whatever it may be, it helped.
this, get zen and stoic teachings.
You need more Anime friend
No. Knowledge of one thing is based on knowledge of another and so on. You'd have to convince people of so many things before you can even get to the point of convincing them of the things you actually want to tell them. And even if you were able to get them to listen, a lot of people will simply shut down and refuse to accept reality, because no amount of facts will be able to penetrate their preconceived morals and political views, because they function as a protective shield. In this sense, most liberals are as narrowminded as the most zealous creationist.
And this is why we're in the minority. If people aren't born perceptive enough to notice that the narrative that's spun in the media, in schools and in politics doesn't match up with their real life experiences, then it requires a lot of research to actually convince them otherwise. And most people either don't care enough to do the research or are too brainwashed to be willing to listen.
getting real tired of people acting like we haven't heard this shit b4
the atomic age is here! and the commies are going to destroy us all!
oh god guys, better go out and fix your computer it's gonna be the year 2000 and the lord is gonna save us from the satan machine
oh shit guys, it's gonna be 2012 and planet x is gonna swing around and destroy us all if the north/south poles don't kill us first
being aware that shit is fucked isn't a legit excuse to give up on life, that's the same logic white/black trash people use
but the world isn't going to end, shit will keep going with or without humans, at this point taking action is all for selfish reasons of comfort
nothing wrong with recognizing that and making an effort to ensure it for yourself or if you want to help others for your own selfish reasons, then for those ppl as well
This is exactly why nobody takes Sup Forums seriously, every single person here has a toe in the mud. Some are betas,some are neets, others are whiny faggots with some sort of depression.
The point is, if it's to complain about how the world is fucked up, there's no one better, but to actually take action no one is worse. Although I read more often than not about how the new generation hates voting, I doubt the average user is much better.
It's the most basic duty you have to do and it seems some or most don't. Not to mention how voting is NOT enough, if you want actual change, take a step towards politics, grow a fortune, make important friends, basically go forward.
Things will always stay the same at this rate, if we are a minority, then we should make up in quality, democracy itself provides us with the means. That self loathing sort of attitude won't accomplish anything, same goes for being a witty cunt and a cuck-calling machine.
If you raise the question about how many would join the army to defend their country, most would say they'd die for it, but when it comes to actual sacrifice the best we manage is ironic twitting and meme raids.
If you'd rather complain and shitpost here, at least take some of that time and go do some subtle redpilling on jewbook. At least that will work towards something.
this, self improvement and society is shifting towards service jobs so there's security there
A weird quote, considering he lived at the height of the Roman Empire, hundreds of years before it fell into ruin.
>implies that other than nihilism means something
you need a meaning in your life to live, what a weak soul
damn dunning-kruger, almost %80 of people not knowing shit and claims that they know everything. small brains have huge egos and self esteem
>Ride the tiger.
This is the only appropriate answer.
If Evola is too heavy for you... try mindfulness 101 (Eckhart Tolle "Power of Now") and basic Zen Buddhist philosophy(I highly recommend "Zen Mind, Beginners Mind" by D.T. Suzuki)
Without non-attachment (or the ability to alchemically transmute the mercury-philosovrm) the wonderful medicine in the red pill is a vile and lethal posion which will slowly rot you from the inside out.
No joke.
All joke.
That's what he was a visionary.
He saw the birth of the hedonistic apathetic middle-upper class, he knew what the result would be.
Would it be correct to tl;dr that into "You can't help those that don't want help."?
My buddies and I were high on LSD and he used the phrase "Stop and smell the roses" to trip himself out of his emotional cycle. That alone should start the whole "changed" perspective, but that is on a more soul based psychological level. Anyways, it went as:
Stop and smell the roses.
Stop and enjoy life.
Okay, I'll stop and enjoy life.
Alright I'm enjoying life, what now?
Stop and smell the roses.
Okay, I'll stop and smell the roses.
Why am I stopping? Why aren't I just smelling the roses?
Shouldn't I just stop?
I have something I need to stop from, because I can't just smell the roses or I wouldn't need to STOP and smell the roses.
So just stop, because it makes no sense. You should be smelling the roses anyway.
So stop
And smell the roses.
I escaped NEETdom and got a job and moved out of my moms place
I don't see my friends as much, and when I do I feel like I've wasted time I could have spent bettering myself.
My Irish friend doesn't like me anymore but that's fine now my circle of friends is completely white.
I lift three days a week, I met some other Sup Forums ppl and we hang out and do stuff on occasion
I'm saving up to buy land so I can get ready for the next stage of being a white male in todays world
My current project is to learn game so I can meet and bring a qt innawoods with me to live out the racewar and restart civilization
My life is better overall in the ways that matter but less pleasant and thats ok
Rider the tiger, lightning whirlind.
Your deepest fear and your darkest desire.
A few years...decades.
I do basic excercises in my leisure time while listening to molyneux. I dropped out of college so that one day I can homestead off the grid.
Life isn't terrible, because Im making myself preparedfor the happenings.
I agree with everything you're saying, Norbro. For example, there are always one or two children in a class who are skeptical and curious, or rambunctious in their refusal to cooperate - who challenge shit that a lot of kids take for granted or accept without question. We know the types. They typically get attacked by authority as "class clowns", or by other kids for being social outcasts. You can't rechart a person's entire life and shatter their world view with a single paragraph. You're absolutely right, friend.
To clarify further - I'm not so much hopeful that it's possible to bring somebody up to speed, rather to simply plant a seed that could eventually grow. Like a crack in their windshield. Any nugget that could cause them to doubt their own predicaments - or the narrative they've been fed.
>most liberals are as narrowminded as the most zealous creationist.
Couldn't agree more! I'm curious about those religious zealots who, for whatever reasons, lost faith. Or the diehard leftist who had a specific experience or encounter that caused them to invert their political views - and become the complete opposite of what they used to be. I've met many such people, so I know they exist. I'm just really intrigued by understanding the manner in which they were awoken.
I don't really give a fuck. I'm a law student, I get a generous study allowance from the government, and I make a fair bit of money on the side as a freelance writer and tutor. I'm more than able to succeed in the current system.
People are waking up slowly. We simply don't have the support to do anything right now.
Only when things get really really bad will everyone realise how much things to change, by then many will be killed but it'll be better then than never
Either that or we will slowly sink into oblivion without a strong counter movement
Jump, jump.
Must be hard being a redditurd.
Maybe you should take it up with your people instead of here.
I live in a small town in the country. Aside from the times i'm here I never notice all the bullshit in the world.
Preferably i'd like to get my girlfriend and move to the middle of nowhere one day.
You aren't alone.
>what I wouldn't give to feel these feels
I can't tell the average joe the truth about race. I know the dangers of multiculturalim and diversity, but can't even bring it up among most ""conservatives"". I watch my city try to invite Muslims and we will just roll out the red carpet unless we elect Trump.
Not sure what your really criticizing. Terrible things happen all the time in history but they're still terrible. I think what makes Sup Forums different is that we realize this. Just cause nothing happened like that in our lives so far and maybe our parents' either, a lot of people laugh off the possibility of anything like that. It's not impossible tho and it's not "completely out of your control so don't worry about it." We can and should discuss what the future will be and our ideas are a lot less absurdly unlikely than normie's solar road pansexual commie utopia expectation of the future.
what is the file called? Any idea where I can find it?
Unfortunately I don't have a link since this was 2 years ago. But head to torrents and requests or try /k/ if you're lucky.
pussy, wealth, praise is for weaks, fucking animals who is controlled by their instincts
>what is the difference between a regular animal and these people
believing something bigger than ourselves must be a pulse comes from strong blood, becaming more than a regular people, wanting to be a god, this is what really matters
> Like a crack in their windshield. Any nugget that could cause them to doubt their own predicaments - or the narrative they've been fed.
Based on this thread, it's obviously worked on some people, but it's extremely difficult. The thing is that issues like race and gender are incredibly controversial, because people have gotten this equality shit hammered into their brain since birth, so their entire world view is based around it, as if it's a natural law. People who believe otherwise are painted as pure evil, so for someone to make that switch themselves would mean shattering their entire perception of reality and willingly becoming a pariah.
> I'm just really intrigued by understanding the manner in which they were awoken.
I've been down this road myself, hoping to find some clever, universal solution to convincing people, but it's beyond me. If it's out there, it's probably being employed by both sides already.
That being said, there have been individuals throughout history who've been able to make people accept extremely controversial views, while shitting all over the mainstream propagandists.
If I was wealthy and willing to destroy my life, I think I'd do something similar to James Randi. Set up a prize of $1,000,000 to anyone who would be able to disprove that blacks have an average IQ of 85. It would be controversial enough to get plenty of media attention, though I fear a lot of sociologists would try to debunk it with poorly researched studies, and demand the prize money.
Not a problem here , since most of my pham /friends agree with me on most stances.
Stop living in California.
i didnt know i was on tumblr with easily triggered faggots
I agree. I'm encouraged by those who've been awoken later in life - especially in the past year or two. I've maintained a consistent outlook since my early teens, and my outlook simply expanded in scope and complexity as I aged and had additional experiences. Fundamentally, I haven't changed.
But this dilemma reminds me of the process of raising a child - and trying to instil a moral compass, admirable behavior, and honed critical thinking abilities - which is a roundabout way of saying: just have an awesome bullshit detector. That's what seems to be lacking among many. They are incapable of detecting bullshit - let alone having the balls to call it out.
I really like your James Randi idea - so much of what's damaging society is due to overt lies (of equality) that are repeated so consistently and with such conviction that people accept them as gospel.
I usually just wake up and have family time. Most days, I only have to do work related things when issues arise. My town isn't tiny, but it is relatively redpilled. I can mostly ignore issues in other parts of the country because all is good here. Taking the kids fishing in the morning and being generally care free. I think most people can be pretty happy if they don't live in a liberal cesspool.
I spend my time preparing.
>crumbling before my eyes
Do explain what is crumbling before your eyes.
>the happening
What would you describe "the happening" as?
I too experience the same katharsis when making cake.
Video games
Shoot in the woods
That's it. There's literally nobody to talk to around here.
>>embrace utter worthlessness and not caring about anything or having any purpose
Talked about a friend with this. It could be possible that if we destroy faith, and belief in general, completely, wipe it out, that out of the ensuing nihilistic landscape a new form of ideology will arise. But since we're not sure if that'll be the case (probably will be though), or if it will be a 'better' ideology (don't think anyone knows), and we're not sure of the consequences of that step for our future (the future generations), we're scared to take that step. I personally believe that that's not incorrect. The danger such an ideological switch can pose is too great to take it.
holy shit, I found one of the few good people on Sup Forums. It's like a unicorn.
Perhaps it's possible. Good luck, but I don't have too much faith in it man
defeatism is what i was criticizing
bad things are going to happen and giving up using that as an excuse solves nothing, just turns people into pliable NEETs
discussing the future is important when it comes to your own actions, not others
did that clarify for you ?
My country.
Find a mate.
Having someone around to love and love you return is what keeps us sane and awake. Nothing else matters much next to that. Find a good girl, don't be too picky regarding looks. If you can spend a lot of time together and enjoy it, that is what matters. Nothing is quite similar to the spiritual relief you feel when completely committed to monogamy. Forever together.
thank you, friend - I'll give it a shot
Shut the fuck up, worthless cunt.
Yes, that's the real buddhism and enlightened way.
got it from Sup Forums about 2-4 years ago
five rings
art of war
anarchists cookbook, good shit
That's the do/k/ument.
bah its better to shift to the quite guy role over time if your not already doing it then one day when the time is right just unload your power level all over every one. you might actually see another human being tremble and it was caused by your words alone
as the quite guy people will actually shut up mid sentence when you open your mouth because its so uncommon for you to bother to speak. talk when talked to but dont run your mouth keep it short
>I feel like a stranger around my friends and family. The world seems like a twisted alternate universe and everyone is being duped. It's really affecting my ability to enjoy anything. There's really nothing to do except wait for the happening.
that sounds like Hell
have we died and gone to Hell already, bros?
I'm joining a monastery.
I live in a shack in the woods, grow my own food, and read political manifestoes. Occassionally somebody tresspasses, and I throw rocks at them. In this moment I am euphoric.
Cell signal is everywhere though, and that kinda sucks.
It's an abstract kind of death, my American famalam.
Taking a red pilled qt out for a date today. Probably go watch sunset. Come back to my place and get drunk together and just have fun relaxing. Going to buy pistol soon and take her to range. Ya I might be miserable but there is always hope user.
I'm a blackie so after browsing pol for a couple of years I've came to understand what people think about my race. Honestly I think if I never came here I would be buying into all this BLM bullshit going on and wouldn't even given a thought that niggers are the ones destroying my race and this country. I think knowing the truth has actually helped me live a better life and encouraged me to be a better citizen, I'll probably be the first to get lynched when the day of the rope comes but meh.
nice about the woman but remember:
be you, and her
don't change who you are and don't be a clingy needy beta motherfucker
don't put all your hopes and dreams on her
and don't buy a fucking gun because you want to take her to the range.
Buy a gun because you want to go to the range. If she comes, fine, but don't be building a future for the two of you until after you're married. Do shit for yourself, and invite her along if you want. So long as you were going to do it anyway.
Fucking amen.
The Dallas and Orlando shit has got me feeling like I need a gun.
smoke weed.
I spend my life normally, mate.
you'll have unexpected allies - I'd be fearful of the raging leftist masses trying to consume and oppress you... those who don't want you to have the mental freedom and clarity of perspective that you've attained
it's like all those people who killed the messenger upon returning to Plato's cave, bringing true knowledge and trying to red pill the ignorant
they react with blind fury - glad to see you're fully aware, friend
Are you getting called Uncle Tom a lot?
>before Sup Forums
>after Sup Forums
it makes me feel better to focus on finance. Own gold, silver and bitcoin. Be ready
Sup Forums is full of latent homosexuality
women need someone to "fill their void", dont be a women
you are your own void and filler
Craft a better mask and convince yourself of lies.
It takes a certain courage to become a stranger to your own society, your own neighbourhood and even family.
But that's a good thing. Think of it as a separation of the wheat from the chaff.
I offer you hope, OP, with a dose of realism: Stop trying to form relationships with people you cannot relate to. They will perish in the chaos they are bringing upon themselves.
Join your local nationalist organisation, and if there isn't one, keep looking for locals who are redpillable, and form your own community.
When the time comes, this community will be your family: Your own father will disown you in favour of muslims if that could prove he isnt a racist. He isn't family: He brought you ruin, and the world will be more peaceful when his hedonistic traitor-generation is gone.
>tfw so woke that i'm depressed
It's hard.
You haven't been red pilled until you become Christian and get baptized desu.
Just a "self hating black" I don't really care though, in the end my race will just fuck itself over, until then I'll continue doing my best trying to reach out to people.