>"Wow, check out the cheerleaders, they're so talented! Look, that one's doing one of the best high kicks I've seen, what an amazing display of balance and flexibility!"
Seriously, why is cheerleading a thing?
>"Wow, check out the cheerleaders, they're so talented! Look, that one's doing one of the best high kicks I've seen, what an amazing display of balance and flexibility!"
Seriously, why is cheerleading a thing?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw never had the makings of a varsity athlete
>missed out on sweet cheerleader pussy
not fair bros
Because women are sex objects you basement dwelling virgin
A lot are just fuck toys for football players. The rest had a psycho mom that lived through the daughter, probably had her doing beauty pagents at 5 years old too.
Why do they all look 40?
But that's exactly my point. Are they self-aware that 99% of people are looking at them as eye candy?
Of course. Truth is, they mostly don't mind it.
Yes. And they love it.
in high school I was captain of the debate team and fucked all the cheerleaders
now I'm a depressed wreck post-high school hero
because shit teams need a way to fill seats
Proper fucked? How many? Describe one encounter.
pretty much
This is like asking why there's a statue of a boy pissing at every mall. Find something better to direct your existential anger at.
like your 5 digit weight?
Why is there a statue of a boy pissing at every mall though
It's shit like this that creeps me out about museums. Bunch of fucked up people lurk around statues and shit.
uhm... guys, are we going to address THAT FUCKING BULGE?
my mall didnt have one
I started with an uggo who gave me several very awful blowjobs in the back of her car.
Then, I fucked two of her friends. One was desperate to lose her virginity.
And one of her friends who was some extremely insecure and anxious girl from an immigrant family who fucked around to pile over that insecurity.
Then I befriended the head bitch of the squad, who was hot as fuck, and made her post pics of us hugging and holding hands and shit on social media. I was too much of a beta to fuck her, tho. But because the head bitch liked me, I had my pick of all the other less hot ones.
They liked me because I was mysterious and philosophical (played on the 'great debater' shit, cuz they're all dumb fucks), had a nice face, good body, so I think I just confused them into being attracted to me.
gotta give the pedos something to stare at
this is a bulge
mama mia
OwO whats this?
look at this dood
Vulva? Looks more like a Volvo.
Man the is a puffy one. I bet her knees buckle at the faintest touch
Ever hear of fat pussy Juan?
I have a better question: why is she wearing underwear under her """"underwear""""?
checked btw
imagine the smell
the sad thing is that those roasties are probably more physically fit than you are Tyrone Mendez
isnt cheerleading an sport, with tournaments and competitions?
>t. Zhang Yong Kumar
>what is a pad
>what are periods
fucking virgins
i think you peaked
cheerleading is the only redeeming part of amerilard sports
cheerleaders are only a step away from shaking a set of keys in front of the crows
rape isn't good for your skin
Nice tampon.
My good friend is a cheerleader, she's had so many injuries doing it it's actually pretty tough
that's a good line
Why just why would you have that gif in your computer...
Now I have a buld1ge fetiche.
i don't know if this is better or worse than cuckold porn
Cheerleaders are usually there in the intermissions of sports that involve a large number or sweaty men grappling with each others bodies. Outside of a sports arena, a large conglomeration of men casually viewing such a spectacle would be deemed highly homoerotic. Therefore, the cheerleader enters every now and again to attempt to assuage any concern within the typical hypersensetive and homophobic male mind that they are not gay; that they are attracted to women - see look, scantily clad women! you are not aroused in any way by men grappling with each other for several consecutive hours... you are attracted to the bodies of women.
This is the narrative promulgated by the cheerleader. However, their overt, ultimately rather gaudy and juvenile sexuality says a great deal about their hopeless task. The whole idea of the cheerleader is suffused with sadness and irrelevance, not because they are not attractive, but rather, because the male viewing public is not attracted to them. They are attracted to the male bodies. The male sports fan is constantly falling in love with their idols, and then denying it; burying it beneath statistical doublespeak and tactical jargon. The cheerleader is simply an attempt to distract the male viewer from their entirely natural homoerotic proclivities and desires. But of course, they would not perceive homoerotic desire as natural, hence the presence of the cheerleader.
Consider when the presence of cheerleaders is most prominent: at moments of heightened elation. At this juncture, when homosexual love and adoration is most primed, most likely to burst through the ongoing masculine performance, the cheerleader enters as a gaudy heterosexual re-stabilizer of sorts, reminding the male viewer of where his lustful gaze should fall. Homosexuality re-submerges, the cheerleader allows the viewer to convince themselves, to reinforce to themselves that they are entirely heterosexual in their make-up, when this of course is rarely the case.
The avid male sports fan finds themselves in a deeply conflicted state: following the sport due to their love and adoration of men, yet performing as though love is the furthest thing from their minds. The cheerleader functions as a place for the gaze to fall if one senses,with vague discomfort, the creeping presence of homosexual love as one watches the men at play.
I don't even regard americans as humans.
t. Joao Gilberto Miriqui Dos Santos Da Silva
that's the silliest thing i've read this week
He goes by the name Anoninho desu
Because we like to look at women jiggle and shake
Same reason I watch seizure porn
Remember that one guy who was jerking it to cheerleaders in public? He's my hero
this also applies to ring girls
That argument fails because is gay.
What did he mean by this
I've had a Duke and an ASU. Duke wasn't hotter than a regular college girl. ASU girl was super hot but 11/10 insane from the attention.
this was a long time ago though.
How neurotic do you have to be to think this
based danny
t. homosexual
>never had the makings of a varsity athlete
Underrated post. I'm on to you, user.
Post more cheerleader hoohas
Are you in this clip?
yeah but you had what 97% of US men want but can never have.
memories of my days as a swordsman help me through the dark times.
>implying you wouldn't eat that ass and puss with jelly and a spoon
this but unironically
>being a brap poster
>being triggered by brap posters
reminder that thiccfags are just fattychasers in denial.
She looks like she's in her mid 30s at least.
wew there need to be more short haired cheerleaders
I like how we convinced them to wear "bloomers" and not care about showing them to us like they ain't sexy as fuck
dat bulge
Jesus christ is that cup or a cock?
lmfao, internet points to you
Where? I don't see it. Can you circle it?
you stole that joke from Arrested Development
drugs will do that
Name of the girl with the strap on?
Nicole Ray
Thank you based user friend. Here are some milkies for you.
why is it always Germany?
I """"""""""""""""""""stole"""""""""""""""""""" a joke from a TV show I've never seen? Shame on me I guess.
A majority of the cheerleaders in my school where eh. Them dancer chicks with the boots and hat tho.
Yeah all of the hot chicks flock to dance teams nowadays leaving the rejects as cheerleaders. Dance teams also are unapologetic in being there just to cause boners
No that’s not it. You tell yourself this because convincing yourself every male who watches football is gay is easier than just admitting you don’t like cheerleaders because their feminine bodies make you uncomfortable. It’s easier than admitting that women did this themselves and wanted to be eye candy for men, figuring they would be the center of attention at such an event. Women do things too dude. You act like we ship them to games like robots, they WANT to be there doing that
absolute whores
>why is cheerleading a thing?
Because men can't do anything on their own without bitches trying to use it as an opportunity to attention whore.
What are you, 12?
>tfw almost had a dance chick
I fucked up the first date and I'm still thinking about it.
Them wanting to do it has no relevance to his posts
>that flag