why is editing and direction in modern action films so shit?
Why is editing and direction in modern action films so shit?
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Hey I made that webm, good on ya
Because the core audience is awful
Well its a good webm user. Got any more webms from the movie?
What movie is this? Looks retarded.
ugh thats fucking gross
im literally throwing up.
no compare to,
Resident Evil The Final Chapter
Why did you make it faster?
Maybe a lower it is not as awful as it seems now?
Because the filming is shit. Editing is the only way to make that shit watchable to some level. Not for everyone, but some get fooled by it.
I have no idea what this director was thinking. He's being intentionally bad at this point.
>Why did you make it faster?
didn't touch the speed actually
What gets me about this is that Paul WS Anderson directed the last two which had surprisingly coherent camera work and editing. Was it because he fell for the 3D meme with those two?
It's not really super complicated, directors can afford to be hacks now because of innovations in filmmaking camera technology.
Composition and quality of image were a lot more important when the shot you framed and captured was the shot that would be in your movie, Now you and your DP can plant digital camera all over the room and record thousands of hours of footage and sift through it later to cobble together a movie.
>resident evil
>"action" "film"
Watch better movies fag.
Audiences that pay to see this shit need to take as much responsibility as the studios sleepwalking their way through these productions.
They make shit because they've learned people will pay to see shit.
They cast famous people for the sake of them being famous that can't choreograph themselves for shit and rely on 3 jumpcuts a second so you can't observe how bad they are
Also, no one on the project gives a shit. The amount of action movies that are created because the directors are passionate about action movies versus the ones that just make it because of money is highly disproportionate. The higher ups are middle aged dads that are trying to appeal to the Hot Topic generation and the producers are Great Value brand pajeets
If you want to see an action movie with some kind of artistic integrity that's actually good for what it's worth look look up "The Raid Redemption"
If you were actually excited to see the new Resident Evil movie you probably haven't got much going on in your life.
Looks fine?
yes I agree the image quality of the webm is satisfactory
You are part of the problem.
This. It's also the same reason most new comedies are awful too. "We'll just figure it out in editing!"
That's fucking disgusting
editor lives matter
>previous movies had shit action and made a lot of money
(((they))) know the do s and don't
There's you answer hes a terrible terrible director
>Implying it's all bad
wtf? i love the xbox360 now
I want to say it's because millenials can't concentrate on anything for more than .3 seconds but this user is correct. The cuts give the scene the illusion of action but it would look dumb if you let anyone's eye focus on it for more than a click because it's poorly done in the first place.
>still watching action flicks
>Oh man we've got the superhuman mary sue assassin surrounded, bound by a rope, and hanging upside down and we're all armed with automatic weapons
>Better do a really slow kind of... bash with our guns, I guess, over and over until we're all dead
If that entire sequence had been done from that wide shot with the sunset behind them, it would have been actual kino. Plus, it would have saved them a shit ton of time setting up shots and angles. Why do modern movies overcomplicate directing so much? Just slow down a little bit.
>unironically buying into the 'cuts are bad' meme
lmao go watch birdman I guess. most modern action movies are shot/cut like garbage, but the new resident evil was very well edited.
>If that entire sequence had been done from that wide shot with the sunset behind them, it would have been actual kino.
Literally impale your fucking face on a bus stop.
I actually lol'd irl while watching that webm
>Plus, it would have saved them a shit ton of time setting up shots and angles
Not really, because it would mean you have to have it perfectly choreographed and shot from beginning to end and any fuckup would mean to shoot it all over again. This way, they can just shoot any crap and fix it in the editing room.
Based asains making it look realistic and plausable
It's because choreography for fight scenes is a joke these days. So they have to film and edit in a way where it seems exciting.
>Reaction video
>that squeeling laugh
fucking kill yourself and never post that trash ever again
this movie will always be underrated.
OP, three things;
Color grading
Shaky Cam
Fucking with the shutter speed.
Firstly, look at classic 80's action movies and you'll notice that they all have solid rich cinematography with nice clean editing.
So what changed?
It was that Jew cunt Spielberg and Saving Private Ryan. In case anyone doesn't know, the shutter in a camera is the part that opens and shuts 24 frames a second to capture the image on film. The shutter opens and closes at a certain speed which creates a motion blur. Think about old stop-motion movies and how jerky the moverments are compared to The Nightmare Before Christmas which used motion blur to make the animation look smoother.
What Spielberg did was try to remake old WW2 footage and found that by increasing the shutter speed it removed the blur and gave that fuck awful choppy look that EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ASSHOLE uses to shoot action today. Then the Jew fuck also shot most of the movie hand held which amplified the effect which EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ASSHOLE uses.
This shit has plagued cinema for almost 20 years and it's one of the worst developments out there along with the shit color grading.
Seriously, watch some movies that came out in 97 or 98, before the Jewberg infected cinema with his shit, and you'll notice how beautiful cinematography and editing was before that Kike rat ruined movies like he and his buddy George "Turkeyneck" Lucas did with their popcorn blockbuster shit.
Oh and that clip of Resident Shit 6 is a PERFECT example of everything I just posted and everything wrong with cinematography today. Shit color grading, handheld and fucked shutter speed.
Digital has NOTHING to do with it. It's the laziness of fuckstick Directors who just want to hand hold the camera and throw it into the editing liquidizer. There's tons of examples of great digital cinematography and I'm sick of hearing this shit that "DIGITAL IS TEH DEVIL!!!".
Now go listen to your LP's and watch some movies on VHS you contrarian shithead.
is this the BING BING WAHOO i've been hearing so much about?
Yep, that fat faggot pedophile and his girlish voice/shriek is why I stopped watching RLM.
How in the fuck is CoM underrated, you reddit memester
>it's a 'Sup Forums doesn't understand editing' episode
Unconventional =/= bad. The new RE was edited by the guy who used to cut Neveldine/Taylor's movies. It's not edited for clarity but fast cuts aren't inherently bad just because they're used poorly in garbage like Civil War or Taken 3.
Obviously without all the blatantly stupid choreography, shitlord. And I was being ironic. Though you'd have to admit that a lack of nauseating cuts would make this scene better than it is.
this would be a decent scene if it had a third less cuts and a great scene if it had only a few
non-reddit normies don't really know it, recognize the achievement, and even if they did, it's arguably the greatest movie of the oughts so it will always be underrated.
t. digislug.
I never understand scenes like this. There are 5 of them with guns around her and she's hanging upside down which means she can't move that well. And the first guy wants to HIT her with his gun... And the others are just standing there, waiting their turn.
see: everything Michael Mann has done since Ali
That's because Mann is a fucking idiot who uses sub-par digital quality. Try again.
>opinion discarded
Stfu fgt, if anything this movie is overrated
I still hold that film to be the greatest of all time
You're right, but Spielberg was at least good at it.
What about masterful stuff like this? youtu.be