Saw this on Facebook. Thought of you, Sup Forums.
How many of you just responsively substituted "but" with "no".
Saw this on Facebook. Thought of you, Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
"... you're killing yourselves."
You didn't let us finish and cut us off. Rude >__
I dont understand what they want? Do they want police to stop enforcing laws in their neighborhoods?
Can they just not break the law?
What is an honest solution to this?
...but you're criminals attacking police officers and should absolutely be shot.
>What is an honest solution to this?
Removing niggers entirely.
"If I started killing people, there wouldn't be any of you left!"
...You are putting yourself in situations where it is reasonable for people to kill you in self defense.
"fuck off commies"
"... it's not happening fast enough"
My life was threatened by niggers like 3 times in the last month. Not the other way round.
If someone has the right to claim "stop killing us" that's us
Laws are racist.
I wish I had the picture but BLM wants Loitering and Trespassing laws removed because they're racist laws used to target blacks
"But," we're not killing you. At least not nearly as much as you are killing both yourselves and us. A cop is 18.5 times more likely to be shot by a nigger, than an unarmed black man is being shot by a cop. What I'm saying is that instead of shouting at us for killing you, how about you stop killing us and yourselves first, because at the moment your shouting and protests are meaningless since you yourselves don't believe what you say.
It would be like me arranging a protest to ban waffles, only to eat waffles every day, morning, noon and night. Stop being hypocrites! Fucking sort out your own communities and we'll sort out ours.
Police wouldn't be so fucking trigger happy around niggers if niggers weren't killing then at such a massive rate!
so-called blacks kill so-called whites in disproportionate numbers, who's killing who??
>kill each other
>kill white people
>kill cops
>There are black """"people"""" literally saying "AYYYY white boi! Let us rape, steal n kill n shit"
>And there are people saying "no that's bad"
you got me. i admit it. but hey with black abortion rates being higher than white abortion rates and black on black crime being the primary cause of black deaths that are crime related i think they would say the same thing
Do you have a source for cops getting shot by which race
If the state apparatus of the US was intent on killing them, they'd be dead. They're not being systematically killed, they're being accidentally killed when they brush up against the system's self-defence mechanisms.
If they manage to create a credible threat to the system, then it will either crush them or assimilate them.
It is literally impossible for the system not to kill black people. It is literally impossible for the system not to kill people of any sizable race. If they make that demand long enough and strenuously enough to present an actual threat, they will either become the system or be eradicated by the system.
FBI statistics.
660,000 instances of interracial violence in 2014. 85% committed by Blacks.
>black people getting killed
is this supposed to be a bad thing?
"Hitler was right"
Go away kekuck
Worship your nigger somewhere else
DEUS VULT[spoiler][/spoiler]
Generally no, but there are some good black people (Thomas Sowell for example) and young blacks could potentially turn out to be good people if raised in a good environment and given good education.
The problem is their hypocrisy. If Black Lives truly Matter, they'll stop killing each other, stop killing cops, stick in at school and not have degenerate lifestyles that lead to broken homes.
If this happens then the entire country will end up looking like East St. Louis
>literally saying
I;m literally saying 1st = best
>Black people are saying "Police are killing us," and there are people saying "Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of almost all crimes when aligned by the racial demographics of the nation and also commit a disproportionate amount of inter-racial violent crime..."
theyre right. we shouldnt argue a claim if said claim is emotionally loaded enough
They wouldn't have to kill you if you stopped being killed in the process of attempted murder.
If you die whilst trying to kill a human being it's your own damn fault.
Why didn't BLM form in the last 50 years when the biggest killer of young black men is other young black men?
Why are a few deaths by cops now the problem?
Really we should just give them what they want. Cops just stay out of black neighborhoods altogether.
I'm sure BLM will ride to rescue when someone shoots their baby daddy or tries to drag them into a storm drain, right?
Because whites have become cucked enough to buy it.
praise kek
>Cops just stay out of black neighborhoods altogether.
that would only work if niggers would stay there
retort with this sassy gay man to shut their libtarded ass up. Gay ans supports trump. Their head will explode
FACT: more white are killed by cops than ANY other group
Dub dubs has spoken
Praise kek