I still can't believe we did it Sup Forums. Against the entire establishment in this country, against Obongo, the IMF and all the big banks, against the globalists and the Rothschilds and so on, we actually won.
I still can't believe we did it Sup Forums. Against the entire establishment in this country, against Obongo...
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You didn't. It was just the first battle.
You can see the blue areas. People there are seriously pissed off with the red areas. Now guess what happens if you want to act against 62% in Scotland and 59% in London?
I predict that Theresa May will be PM, that she will not trigger Article 50 this year and that after intensive debates in the UK parliament and in the public, it will become clear that a withdrawal from the EU is less than certain.
In 2017 or 2018, it will be debated whether to have the British public to vote on any deal that the UK negotiates with the EU. And if the votes is NO to the deal, then the UK would stay in the EU.
this is why it's so funny when remaincucks say they will make a new party that will get 48% of the FPTP vote and thus keep us in the EU.
Look at this fucking map. Over 70% of English seats voted OUT.
>I still can't believe we did it Sup Forums. Against the entire establishment in this country, against Obongo, the IMF and all the big banks, against the globalists and the Rothschilds and so on, we actually won.
Article 50 still has not been triggered.
Dumbfuck Brits actually think leaving the EU is a good idea... top kek.
This is worrying . Am in Scotland at the moment , it is like being on another planet . Merkel lefties the lot of em.
imagine you have a free movement of people with mexico
Move to England m8
u mad? Hillary will win
Have a little faith m8. Nearly every establishment politician agrees that they will honour the Leave vote
Listen m8. I can understand why you are salty - UK was the 2nd biggest contributer to the EU behind you Krauts, and when we leave you will be left to prop up the entire union alone. How's your Deutsche Bank doing btw?
The MPs might "vote with their consciences" though, which means remain all over the shop, regardless of what their constituents want. Remember, Jo Cox's place voted to Leave even though she was popular amongst them and got murdered by that nutjob yelling "Brotain First". A Leave area does not a Leave MP make.
We're with you, but remain focused until the job is done. You KNOW the fuckcunts pulling strings are working overtime to rob it from you.
There would be mss deselections over that in the Tory party
>Norn Iron
Poor, dependent on EU funding
Half the population are EU migrants
Does that means all pollacks GTFO?
>I can understand why you are salty
"Listen, m8", where did I express an opinion that I am for challenging the Brexit vote result?
I was merely explaining what I think will happen. There is a reason Theresa May said she will not trigger Article 50 until next year. There is a reason she is the frontrunner for PM, even though she was for Remain. There is a reason why Boris Johnson did not run for PM. There is a reason Nigel Farage stepped down.
If you don't see what's going on, you cannot be helped.
Nearly half of Scotland doesn't want to be in the UK and so needs to be part of the EU.
Half if the people in Northern Ireland don't even consider themselves British or part of the UK already.
Considering these facts the results are more towards leave than you'd expect in my opinion.
epic move by English and Welsh people, I salute you.
Just be watchful of any fuckery coming your way, financial most of the time imo. You provoked serious butt hurt to those who work from darkness
What I see is that since Germany united shit storm went lose, first in Europe then all over the world.
But of course it could be illuminati or ufos, who knows
I was just rewatching the television coverage of it, the live one.
Fortunately the EU aren't as violent as Amerifats. The South tried to leave the United States of Cuckolding, but the Cucks beat them into staying, ensuring the entire continent would be lost to cuckdom. So sad.
the torys wont let you leave because they are corrupt faggots who need to die by being thrown in a tire fire while hog tied
That's not my experience.
You must be upper middle class.
>staying in a globalist superstate that is basically Marxism-defined is a good thing
Has kek forsaken us?!
Cheers for ruining my future and that of the UK's you meme huffing neets, proles, and retirees.
If you could hurry up with "le commonwealth" freedom of movement somepoint in the next 2 years it would also be great so I could get a job somewhere outside this retarded shithole.
>Entirety of Scotland 2.1% more cucked than inner-city London
Plz 2 be go now, thx.
I apologize for that cuck. 80% of us favored Brexit for exactly that reason.
>So yeah, they have freedom of movement with the EU.
>So? Germans are cool.
>Turkey's about to enter the EU
>lol, get the fuck out of there now
Literally had that conversation with the most liberal person I know before the referendum. Even Democrats aren't stupid enough to want MILLIONS of Muslims in their country, they only tolerate the refugees idea because there are so few of them and they think they'll leave after the war ends.
I would like to. Unfortunately that has become quite hard due to a bunch of supermarket cashiers voting to strip me of the right to work in an actual wealthy nation like the netherlands or germany
English nationalism is a beautiful thing. That's what is behind it Sup Forums. Scotland was never gonna buy that though so here we are.
The UK is still completely within the EU, son. You can go to those Caliphates if you so wish.
>muh shekels are more important than national integrity and sovereignty
Almost everyone under 30 in a nutshell. This world has to burn.
There's nothing stopping you flying to Amsterdam or Munich right now, other than you're a poofter whiny lefty cunt.
not secure in the longer term given the negotiations. I would be looking to build a life in a place with opportunities.
I can't believe it either. Made me proud to be British. Someone had to take a stand. EU policies are tearing countries apart. Half of the U.K. wants to buy a property in Spain, the other half have no jobs, don't expect anyone to create jobs for them, but would really just like their neighborhoods back and a place at the local school.
So when do you have the next elections? Who are the candidates?
You won't get that in Europe. It will collapse by 2030 under the weight of uncontrolled third world immigration, kiddo.
2020 is when the next election should be, but one can be called early any time. I expect one in about 2018
It was a huge fucking mistake. Nothing will change except standard of living will go down.
I regret it every fucking day. I actually cried the night the result came out.
Very good, but the job isn't finished. You have to gas the scots. Spare the non leftists though.
>I cried
Maybe in the short term you pussy.
The EU is a crumbling mess.
if it collapses it will only be due to nationalist retards voting to trash the only thing underpinning their prosperity
In the 70's the UK was a mess. 3 day week, kids using candles the do their homework, more people were emigrating than immigrating. Londons population was shrinking.
We were saved from this by the triple revolution of access to the single market, thatchers reforms, and the north sea oil. Two of these are now gone and god knows how long we'll keep deregulated given what was promised.
But Cameron resigned, shouldn't you have elections soon to elect a new PM?
No, it will collapse because Marxism is unsustainable.
No one wants you traitorous cunts you're free to move to Zimbabwe if you want
>tfw we beat the Impossible Missions Force.
No, there's a leadership election in the Conservative party. Whoever wins will be PM.
We don't vote directly for PM.
It's quite strange, yes. I originally thought your intelligence services would rig the election in some way with the excuse of protecting national security, and I'm somewhat inclined to think they either did and it failed, or did in favor or leave.
(((you))) complete fag.
marxism is what the leavers want. They want protected jobs, closed markets.
Pic related, bar london and pre oil crisis aberdeen this country is actually Eastern Europe tier. We're not a rich nation, we just do a lot of business here.
Your predictions of doom betray your true feelings on the matter. It is clear that you think the Referendum Leave result was a bad thing.
Quite the opposite.
The future looks bright for the UK - The same cannot be said for the EU with Germany at its helm
Fuck off coward slave.
>the """right""" to move to another nation
It's not even that hard to do even without freedom of movement you absolute pussy.
Or maybe leavers just wanted rid of the third world shitskins coming here in droves. The answer doesn't always have to be complicated.
>This Angela Eagle car crash on Sunday Politics
Not even once
fucking cuck i voted leave as an overseas voter
But the EU is a closed market lol. The UK will have a great deal more economic freedom without the EU than it did before.
The UK was never easy to save, I don't think that much has changed
they have little to do with the EU.
>People are actually falling for this facebook level bait
>They want protected jobs, closed markets
that's the EU you dullard
Surely taking our share of the "refugees" being forced upon us by the EU has something to do with the EU.
the EU is a vast market, the largest in the world, that also has full access to all the green nations, as well as the orange ones from next year. From next year our manufacturing and food industries would have had full access to the USA and china. Not any more.
You're on your own now. I hope you will make us proud - and not cuck yourself nonetheless.
us=Sup Forums, nationalists
not a single rapefugee has been imposed by the EU.
All our pakis are from le commonwealth
No American would accept what the EU was for his own country. I'm sick of hearing retards on Sup Forums who think that because we're European, we should have to put up with that neo-Marxist disaster.
They're just normalfags, they'll be redpilled in time.
because the US doesnt need to. We do.
Most of the intelligence service probably voted to leave
Well fuck off then traitor.
Id love to have deregulated movement of Chinese and American food products, who doesn't like exotic types of cancers and obesity
that image is exacly what I mean by marxist shit.
Fuck the banks and bonuses its disgusting. Fuck the productive sectors. Us "real people" is wot matters. Our jobs must be protected
they would not have deregulated access to ours.
Friendly reminder that is Article 50 isn't signed by March 31st 2017, Britain becomes 'fully integrated' back into the EU and there will never be another chance of independence without armed struggle.
Prove it. This keeps getting spouted when it's not true.
Praise be to Kek
Theresa May is frontrunner because she is much more well known and established with lots of the media backing her. Unlike Leadsom who people are picking at for gay marriage rules and fox hunting while Theresa may wantsbti go full Orwellian. Boris didn't actually want Britain to leave, he just wanted to be the Brexit martyr and have backing to be next PM within EU. Farage has completed his aim of getting a referendum for the UK. UKIP can't go much further except call for article 50 to be signed.
These are the reasons and hope isn't lost like you try to make us feel it is.
>opposing globalised collectivist kikes is Marxism
That the highest class available in Scotland? Really posh people eating brand name Pringles and waitrose own cereal
You are never in controll my friend even if you think you are. All this shit is just an elaborate plot.
>Theresa May is frontrunner because she is much more well known and established with lots of the media backing her.
Which is what I am saying. Who controls the media?
>Unlike Leadsom who people are picking at for gay marriage rules and fox hunting while Theresa may wantsbti go full Orwellian.
Leadsom cannot win, because there are interests among the elites who say they cannot control her.
> Boris didn't actually want Britain to leave, he just wanted to be the Brexit martyr and have backing to be next PM within EU.
Wrong. Boris wanted to be PM. But Gove was bought off by the elites to stab him in the back. Do people seriously think Gove did this because he thought he could be PM himself?
> Farage has completed his aim of getting a referendum for the UK.
His aim was to have the UK exit the EU. Which is far far away. Quitting now is like Germany saying they won against communism on June 27, 1941.
>UKIP can't go much further except call for article 50 to be signed.
You serious, m8? 20 years have they thought for independence and for Britain to get their country back. 20 years. And now you say they can just say "please, pretty please, trigger ARticle 50"?
>No American would accept what the EU was for his own country.
They all did in 1777.
mfw i live in the 59.3% middle england, 97% white leave posters everywhere, it was glorious
>Or maybe leavers just wanted rid of the third world shitskins coming here in droves.
I don't think Pakistan and Bangladesh are in the EU. You'll be happy now more of them turn up to replace the EU migrants.
>all the unskilled plebs wanted it
>let's decide our country's future based on its least productive and intelligent people
If you seriously think that standard of living can effectively be quantified, and is directly linked to money so strongly then you are a fucking moron.
And I voted Remain.
Of course it is, the more money you have the more things you can buy. If an area is poor, poor people move in, crime goes up, chavs are everywhere, nice restaurants are replaced with betting shops and pound shops.
Britain is going to turn into a giant council estate.
>he thinks national wealth and individual wealth are 1:1
>he thinks a billion in the hands of one man does as much for standards of living as a billion shared* across thousands.
*in mathematical terms for the purposes of this example, not as in literally taking some guy's billion and redistributing it.
by least productive i think you mean the people that produce everything required by the bankers and designers and fashionistas, the politicians and business men, the sportsmen and singers, the actors and the models, the philosophisers and poets and every other mother fucker that isnt working class needs to survive. Without us the economy would crumble. without shelf stackers you coudnt buy your groceries, without factory workers you would have nothing to buy anyway, without plumbers and builders and electricians your infrastructure would crumble. We are the people that keep this country alive and we are not your dogs begging for your scraps. We wanted it back and we got it back. We are not here to server you, as a society we work for each others benefits. The working class are not slaves and never will be.
For our Nige.
For England.
Oh I see, equality is going to soar in the post-brexit age as the Tories and their mates in management are freed from all that pesky EU employment legislation.
When the triple-dip recession comes in and unemployment soars as investment stalls and businesses pull out, companies will reward their workers with payrises to make up that wage/productivity gap.
It all started with computerization which led to globalization of the economy.
Can't undo it except with a revolution.
>as the Tories and their mates in management are freed from all that pesky EU employment legislation.
If Blairite scum weren't currently in the process of speeding up the death of the Labour party, who knows? :^)
>investment stalls and businesses pull out
This is your mind on globalism. How dare we have the audacity to make policy change! It might scare the horses!
If we can't fix the system, we can at least burn it to the fucking ground.
I dunno, computerization has accelerated it a lot but the divergence starts bang on 1973 - when Breton Woods was abolished and currencies were allowed to float freely.