The most retard people who follow religion without a second thought are Jews. They want Israel back because they were thrown of every place in history and Moses the lord of retards prophesied that Israel would be land for followers of Jadaism. These jews have been sticking to this 1500 year old rule. ISIS is jews. Can We now all agree to nuke Israel?
The most retard people who follow religion without a second thought are Jews...
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At least we know how to use toilets.
Why do they think an all powerful God really gives a fuck about a strip of land? Sad!
Purge Israel of the false jews and give it to Black Americans
Shut up kike even you are below poo in loos
Kikes are fucking cancer, they rip on Christians all day but If you say anything about Jews you get called an Anti-Semite. Seriously fuck these rats. I can't wait for them to get a taste of their own medicine. All the killings in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Fuck them. They need a real holocaust.
The Golan heights is Syrian clay but those fuckers settled it and now they're stealing more Syrian land. Just fucking Nuke them India. You have ICBMs. Infiltrate your military get the launch codes and do it
not only nuke Israel but kill all Semites and all followers of Semitic religions
Christianity and Islam are offshoots of and by Hebrew (Jewish) false prophets
येऽप्यन्यदेवताभक्ता यजन्ते श्रद्धयान्विताः ।
तेऽपि मामेव कौन्तेय यजन्त्यविधिपूर्वकम् ॥२३॥
The cry out in pain as they attack you and ring their hands and play the victim after they attack you. They pretend to be confident while telling blatant lies and spread misinformation and twist the meaning of words (Khutzpa)
get the fuck out kike
India and now Zimbabwe. Watch your back, Jews, you got the best in the world on your case to-nite.
I found a muslim
> want Israel back
Zionist drones, maybe
Actual Torah-reading Jews? never.
Zionism IS the Torah, wtf do you think Moses did???
He told the Israelites to go into Israel and genocide a bunch of inbred goatfuckers
oh look, the one nation shill is here
kill yourself, kike loving neocuck
The Torah is the story of Colonization. Hate Israel, hate Colonization
Fuck off back home
I'd love you to deal with leftist Jews
it would really save me a lot of time
t. Pajeet
t. Shlomo
I spend hours each day flooding leftist jews timelines with this stuff
but if you could step things up, I'd really appreciate it
leftist Jews are cancer
Not so fast, Panjeet Goldstein!
if only someone would gas them...
go back to UK, you Zionist!
how dare you civilize canibal shitskins!
maori culture is so colourful and diverse!
I love they way they enrich people at night in their Whare Invasions
Only literal niggers hate Israel
But please gas the leftist Jews
We civilized cannibal shitskins. You came here and live off the white man's civilization while your kike brothers destroy the Holy Land.
ill tell you retarded, Islam. You muhammed faggots !
the Jews have documented proof of their correctness.
Islam had an illiterate robber as their false prophet. The system knows ISLAM us a LIE.
Before you read our bible, you were white flesh eating shitskins
before you met our Torah, you were savages
Patricians hate Israel and Palestine. Both sand nigger satan worshipping trash
Its laws enabled you to build Civilzation
cant really convince you cucks
so we will do what we do best with our enemies and genocide you instead
Pretty much all anti zionist Jews cite the Torah as the reason why Jews shouldn't have a political state, lest they incur the wrath of Jew god.
even if you are right... you simply cant post as a poo in loo and be taken serious.
We are planning a holy war to get rid of our millenial scum enemies
we know the younger generations of europeans hate us
so we've engineered a war to kill you off
Don't take my word for it
As if you even follow the Torah. Hey kike, who does Isaiah 53 refer to?
Use your own senses.
some kind of leader, who is also found in Numbers 24
a great Warlord
hes going to kill a lot of people
Is it a New Zealand shitpost day?
dont be one of them
Semites are untouchables
>"We were ready to throw our forces into the scales for the preservation of the British Empire; and all that, mark you, at a time when, to tell the truth, I feel much more sympathetically inclined to the lowliest Hindu than to any of these arrogant islanders." - Adolf Hitler
fuck the Jews, stick with Israel
you'll be right
he's a kike
whatever you do
dont back the muzzies
we are going to wipe them out
JIDF out
I don't blame him. You guys did nail him to a cross after all.
Retarded? Their lord Satan promised them power, and they sure have it now
I don't know, but they're doing a bang-up job of it. Keep it up and you'll get a seat at the big boys' table, Kiwifaggots
Well you make some goo..
Why do they wear the Yamahas Sup Forums
>India faces real sanitation problems in the future
hopefully they will "indus"trialize, taking over for china
#poo in loo
Well, technically you just shown how stupid you are, cow loving curry skin towel head.
The jews got israel from the brits, who also promised it to the arabs as well, hence - the shit storm.
You really think the modern world will give a state to the most hated race on this planet just because of their book about their imaginary friend? Lol?
Anyway, good thing you have a roll of toilet paper on your head because you're mouth is full of shit.
This. Islam has had over a millennium to bring some balance, and they have been trolled by the Jews at every turn.
Christianity is just weakness and conformity in the face of tyranny and corruption. Confession being the most lulzy aspect of this loopy cult. Literally telling the local head paedophile your secrets. Good luck stopping them when they have all the juicy gossip.
>ex anglicans buutthurt their religion is a huge failure
Tfw Israel will exist until the end of time
everything from the middle east is garbage. including israel
>the Jews have documented proof of their correctness.
Like the documented proof of the Holohoax?