pls explain pic related and what is such a qt doing as prez
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That's Ice T's wife CoCo.
High test
Croatia doesn't suck dick like Italy, pasta nigger.
It's just how Eastern European women look like. Also they are either cheap whores or come from a rich family and have stronk family virtues, where in the West it's almost exclusively the former. Good chance to find marriage grade women there.
If you're gonna post shit from reddit at least read the comment section first you moron.
That isn't her tho
wow, such bantz, very rekt
now pls expain if she's doing anything good for the country apart from being a total 9/10 giving diamond hard ons
More like high calorie diet
>implying the Croatian is not hotter despite being post wall, because she's not a coal burner
how come? It's the first result in google image
never been there, I'll report you for clearly being a plebbit faggot tho
She could be building a fence.
user I think that is Ice T's woman Coco. Cro prez chick is fine too though, not fine as one in pic
I agree with you, but the fact remains that the President of Croatia wasn't seen in a bikini.
she's even better actually, less vulgar
>President of Croatia wasn't seen in a bikini.
how about this? seems legit
She isn't doing anything good because she can't, it all falls to the prime minister and the rest of the government
she's way better than the last one though, that's for sure
Could be. I've been wrong before.
Croatians look like white shreks, including the girls. Something beasty and unpleaant about them
No its now, coco has a manly jaw line
Oh vey, better be into skeletons who couldn't bear children to save their lives, goy.
>it all falls to the prime minister and the rest of the government
then it's totally like here in Italy were the prez is more a figurative/check&balance figure? Still a pretty solid woman indeed. Is she redpilled or a kikes' puppet? ty
t. Slavko Goldstein
>literally 50 emergency situations that mattered before that: "Naaah, we good"
She's shit, done nothing so far except react to flares, as if that's when we wanted to hear from her
also, pic related is her, right?
>react to flares
what you mean by flares? pardon me but I'm not too fluent with the merchants' language
>done nothing so far except react to flares
tipam fedoru
she's a kike puppet, what else? You can't have nice things in life. But at least she looks good and e.g. wants more control of immigration
some football incident when we were playing against Czechia
football hooligans were always giving us a bad name
>playing against Israel
>chant fascist salutes
Funny thing about CoCo, she is actually of Yugoslav descent.
Yeah, it's called a parliamentary democracy rather than a presidential or semi presidential system.
Even our president thankfully has no real powers, no matter how much he wishes it would be otherwise.
Plus if we're lucky he'll finally die.
How bad is he?
god fucking damn
Yeah right.
More like hippo in a few years.
KEK. Hilarious!
This. She'll rapidly degrade.
Would you vote Hillary if she looked like this?
What about Trump?
Actually Hillary was pretty hot up to 10-15 year sgo.
>will you let your dick override your rational thought
gtfo back to donetsk.
>>Eastern Europe
Well, half of it. The beer-vodka line goes right through.
wtf... i watched that game
looks great
How did it feel knowing your wife was being pleasured by Jamal in the next room?
lolol she used taxpayer money to buy those tits
Why is this considered fat/plus sized?
I don't get it, she is a big woman, but there is no visible cellulite and her body is tight.
Fat should be a term for people who are fucking disgusting looking because of their weight, not a blanket term for a specific weight.
>inb4 people rage at you for not unironically wanting to fuck a skeleton that couldn't manage to carry a child.
That is not our president
Hmmm... I wonder why a Jewsih man doesn't like Croatia.
>she's not a coal burner
Ice-T might pretend to be a nigger but he looks whiter than most mestizos
Whooops, I think President Trump and President Grabar will be BFFs very soon.
Pahor got there first m8. Kolinda is a slut
i wouldn't mind this, desu
boobs, not bombs
Pahor is a fag dude. Or he is Jeb Bush level Beta, since since his wife is ugly.
You can even see where the cut was made for the implants.
Ice T is pretty based
[goes into oven]
His vocals suck.
That's not her OP.
I agree with you Jew. They do look like that. Whole Balkan is like LOTR. Croats = Trolls , Serbs= Orcs , Macedonians = Uruk Hai , Bosnians = Smegaols , Slovenia = Hobbits
No, it's keek
>I agree with you Jew.
אחי אתה פאקינג גיי
She's a hoe
All balkaniggers look like white shreks
It's the proto-european genes
He's Merkels' moron.
surprised there is a Hebrew word for it
Some times even the merchant is right.
really? :(
Don't be so critical of Vucic. I take a great man to "change" the way he "changed".
I swear he looks like he has downs sindrome
better quality where?
Literally what the average Israeli women looks like
and inb4 you post your cherry picked """"IDF babes""""", we have seen them all before, and we know it's disinfo to lure men who are on the fence about Israel
Who dat
The IDF babes are all 1/16th Jewish Russian women who are paid big $$$ for propaganda.