Why does Sup Forums worship the god of the niggers?

Why does Sup Forums worship the god of the niggers?

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Really makes you think..

SAVAGED for obvious reason

because he demands blood sacrifice

Because they don't know shit and just worship him like edgy pre-teens because "he's le god of KAOS DARKNESS WILL COME PRASE". Plus, they don't know shit about actual Egyptian Mythology.

I come for the dubs actually
And im checkin em

>implying yahweh is not a nigger god

dont forget to check ID's too

*** see


>Jupiter Optimus Maximus
>nigger God

Israelites were blue eyed, blond aryans! Jews are a jew propaganda! Pagan religions were created by kikes!

i've seen them operate seperately before and together to some degree, but never had i seen the powers of meme magic and repeating digits (especially 7s) invoked until Sup Forums started praising kek. I used to consider myself agnostic, but I worship kek now. We're truly a religion of peace.


Kek Almighty! Check the last number

Fuck off nigger god worshipper. Your god is fake, dumb frogposting heretic


My post had last number, even though it was against Kek. Dumb frogposting heretics and their desperation to prove anything

If 77 get then kek is re.al. If 66 get then god is real. If neither then there is no God.

KEK is real! Kike Jesus has been deposed by a frog

no that's Semites
either the big Semite Abraham The Lying Kike
the little Semite Jesus The Filthy Heeb
or the demented Semite Mohammed

No dubs. False prophet Confirmed. Ignore OP, continue with usual praise KeK thread.

Praise be upon KeK and may he bless his loyal followers with many dubs.

Digits don't prove shit son. Simply numbers. Maybe these ones?

really, what the fuck is a kek?

You shall not test the Lord Kek

That's because Kek is calling you. He is showing you the way yet you are blind.

Fucking retards Jesus wasn't Jewish you heretics. The jews were ones who killed him.

the destroyer of Semites

But i love jesus

I will fight for Eris and destroy your false god of chaos. Hail Eris!

>rewriting history and twisting etymology to reconcile your antisemitism with your literal worship of a Jew
Sad, user. Kek is the only way.

It's a sound produced by Magpies.

>insulting kek

not a smart idea.

Kek's real name is Kuk by the way. Fucking retards.

His mother was jewish, his mother's husband was jewish and his father was jewish god. he was circumcised by a rabbi, his all disciples were jewish. How much jewish one can be?

kek is the force that drives the universe

oh stop you retarded kike
Jesus was a born Jew
your God is named Yahweh which is the Hebrew desert deity
you're so retarded it's painful to watch
no amount of your Jewish mental trickery can make Jesus Christ The Kike a non-Jew

There's a difference between Jews today and back then. Catholics are the result of Jews betraying Jesus and becoming the kikes they are now.

>what the fuck is a kek?
Ancient God of Chaos. Man sized, bipedal frog who accepts bantz and memes as sacrifice. Destroyer of safe spaces. Father of neckbeards. Giver of dubs.

Embrace the one true goddess of chaos. Your shitty god doesn't even have a sacred text explaining his teachings.

Bleaze stap

I'm not jewish?
God isn't Yahyew.
What kind of name is that? We refer to him as God, as god only. And he wills the purging of frogposters like you.

>one true goddess of chaos.

>What kind of name is that?
it's the name of your God you retard
his name is Yahweh or in English Jehovah and is directly a Hebrew desert deity

how can you be this stupid

>shitposting so desperately
Look how it's done, kid.






filthy kikes

Warhammer isn't real. Eris is. It's a registered religion. Humans know about Eris for longer than they know about Jesus.

Bruh, are you visiting or a local?


What is Eris's sacred text called? "How to be an annoying cunt"?


Read the thread fucker.

or, How I Found the Goddess and What I Did To Her When I Found Her"


wtf I hate religion now

Yeah, its retarded.

Sheeeeiiiiitttt, that's sick. You're into politics irl or just being a cancerous fag on Sup Forums? I try to understand how desperate and shitty and horrible the situation here is, so I try to discuss it with the locals but everyone has zero hope in anything and this makes me want to commit seppuku, you also have no hope?

Kek s retarded. Don't talk shit about my goddess. Read the book and see.

It's a variation of his name.

Yes, I am into politics.
Yes, I also hate this place.
And yes, I also want to fuckin kill myself.

Man fuck you, nobody does shit here to change anything and all the stories I hear about this guy and that guy who stole and killed and everybody knows that and does nothing and everything is corrupted, makes me fucking crazy. I thought Russia was a shithole with passive population, but daaamn.

Tell me what are your political preferences? Nationalist, liberal, anarchist, you have any?

I hope I don't sound condescending or arrogant, akhper.

Well the first thing we did was see how they worshipped and how they lived.
Once we learnt from their example we stole their God.

>ancient Egyptians were KANGS

Sorry, I was eating my tolma.
Go talk with someone about our pope mafiozi and get shot. Go talk with someone about our corruption and get shot. We are slaves. Russia is way more better place to live than this shithole.

>Tell me what are your political preferences?
I just want this shit to end, I'd be even okay with libertarded country.

Btw, are you local, and how old are you?

kek damns this thread

22 from Russia, not local, been here for two months already learning the language, learnt it but speaking is hard as fuck, have a tiny vocabulary, therefore can't express myself or understand people - this sucks.

Yeah I know all the shit, I even know about him overseeing the passage of a truck full of heroin from Iran to Georgia through Armenia, kek.

I've been into politics in Russia for a long time, participating in some activities but I stopped giving a fuck, because 1) I'm a nationalist 2) not a rusnya and 3) they are all retarded. I've been thinking what is it that can be done in Armenia to change things for a couple of years already probably and I honestly don't know. Nobody wants to riot or shit and I get it, but it can't go on like this, they are gonna sell us out piece by piece to russians and turks or whoever pays more.

Are you going to live here? Why would anyone in his own mind move out to this shithole?

>Nobody wants to riot or shit
Your mistaken. Everyone wants, there's just no happenings to trigger people.

They should trigger them themselves, for that you need a group of motivated and willing political activists that would do a false flag or provoke the system by doing something. For example last july you guys fucked up because you should have never backed down (electric Yerevan stuff). But I don't see a lot of young radical people here, without whom you can't stir shit up. Even in a faggy Georgia, where they have low corruption now, they have more young radicals than here - isn't it dumb?

Nah, I'm leaving in the end of the month, but I wish I can repatriate, I told you I'm a nationalist - I would be a bitch and a lying fag if I was to consider myself one and prefer living outside of my fatherland, wouldn't I?

I thought you're half arm, because tourists here are mostly half arm.

People are afraid. Nobody wants to risk his job/life/family.

Nah, I'm not a tourist and I'm 100% arm.

Yeah I get it, but young folks don't have a lot of jobs, haven't yet started a family and have a shitty life, lol. But I get it, I know it's bad. The only way out is a military coup, but there are no people there too, who would want to organize it.

It just breaks my heart to see this, that's all. Though I still think more could be done to oppose the government.

The Frog God of Pol is more powerful than all the Semitic prophets from Abraham to Jesus to Mohammed combined


Ancient gyppos didn't write vowels so it could be Kek, Kuk, Kak, Kok, Akek, Ukok, proving that afroasiatic peoples are nigger tier

lmao, the Levant used to be completely Aryan, it's why Jews are white, the Ashkenazi jews escaped to Europe before being invaded and raped by sub-saharran africans. Therefore, Sup Forums actually worships Yahweh, the only god, whom is an Aryan jew. Hmm, makes you think, huh?

Bless me with dubs, Lord Kek.

Yahweh is a Hebrew fiction

The Lord has spoken through His Prophet that his actual name is KEEK.


Armenian bitch fight!
Kek is real

What fight you fat retard?

give karabag back to azerbaijan


That's impressive.