#RIPDeray moving from Sup Forums because last thread was invaded by trapfags. Keep tweeting about Deray's brutal murder by the police.
We even got the kid's attention.
goyim gonna' goy
What is the 1488 meme?
fuck off you autistic underaged faggot
knowing Sup Forums that was bound to happen, but we got some great traction,
stp im only 11
Glad you're having fun :^)
>tfw they locked my 2nd twitter account an hour ago
The fun's out with you.
Cmon we have to continue this, we gotta get this trending
What the fuck is happening? Should Canada be fearful?
Are you afraid of underage b& telling lies on the internet?
Nothing's happening. Kids are trying to start a raid to start a happening.
Inciting a riot: LITERALLY a felony crime, even over the internet.
they are buying it guys
Leave now.
god smited him for being a faggot probably
You came to the wrong neighborhood mothafucka.
I just want to see the fallout of we were to have major media outlets actually report this as fact with nothing but a bunch of unverified statements from random assholes on twitter as sources.
>minecraft avatar
ask this in prison and you will be beaten or killed
Tis not.
We don't care.
It's all bait though. He's not dead
That black cop looks afraid
And that's what makes it fun.
oh god
Looks like the "white bitches" who pay your welfare are getting tired of your shit
I'm not a nigger. I'm pretending to be butthurt dindu so more people believe
I'm not in US so I have nothing to worry about
Are you saying blacks are animals that are bound to riot at the slightest thing? Because that's racist, nobody here thinks the negroes are such animals.
get out
His mugshot just got leaked. Things are going to get hot in the USA, I'm glad I'm not there. Good luck Ameribros
I posted traps in that thread, and I'll post traps in this one.
Its working bois continue posting the hashtag they are falling for it
Halp me plz I'll give u Pokemon GO
this is hilarious
what if this just makes things worse for us non-niggers
@omarladein 3m3 minutes ago
#RIPDeray you will be remembered as the next Martin Luther King. We were kings and pharaohs once. May you rest as a eternal pharaoh brother
You fucking fags make it too obvious.
posting traps
I guess you could say that he didn't stay woke.
they better be good ones
How can it get any worse? Enjoy the ride.
Everyone tweet it this "news" to keemstar so he can have even more bullshit to report
you just summed up decades of history
you say that, but you don't know how retarded these people are.
Stop worrying about the outcome and start tweeting.
the sun is coming up. Niggers are about to go back to their holes to sleep.
What a shame nothing of value was lost
they're niggers mate, they have shit for brains
What do you guys think are the political ramifications of trans-girls in future America? I think it's interesting that at this time we face so many immigrants who are homophobic, yet so often it's the left wing political mentality that's so accepting of these immigrants who would be entering our borders and causing problems for the very same trans-girls that left wingers supposedly support. I find this to be a little contradictory, if not well intended.
Fuck off fag
everybody like/retweet this
Don't forget Kevin Cook who was also brutally tazed to death by SFPD
fuck off
>> 1488 and 1337 in the one tweet
>> Fuck me, that's some MEME magic right there
such a tiny minority it doesn't matter
besides they kill themselves at record rates
Who is this sperm merchant
>stay woke
Yeah I'm sure he woke up in the next life
If anything, we might see a curious divergence within the left wing political mentality, depending on how hostile immigrating muslims act out towards trans-girls, which might seem like an abomination to their eyes. Certainly not something that I suspect many muslims fleeing from Syria, or Iraq are accustomed to seeing and interacting with. How they respond might set the stage for a mass shift in pro-trans-women to a more center left, if not political right mentality.
People, I'm going to sleep, I got to get up at six o clock, i'll check everything tomorrow
A clever fear mongerer could actually use (make up?) statistics of Islamic violence towards trans-girls to make a point about this. Although still mostly rare, the icon of a trans-women is one of American exceptionalism across the world. It speaks of how free people are, and what a success feminism has been when even women trapped in a man's body have a chance to express themselves as god made them.
this shit getting too obvious lmao
You want your CUNTry to become more libertard and niggerpraising?
Bump for Keks
Hahaha people are buying it
nobody (literally nobody) cares what trannies think
0.005 of the population already getting some entirely disproportionate amount of attention ignoring everything already wrong with it
yeah, good luck to you to, with your Muslim problems , at least at the end of the day we will still have our country and heritage
Don't talk to it
>meme real hard and steer the nigger lives matter movement to more radical shores
>make them chimp out even more against the police
>black communities falling apart once police and medics don't enter their shitty ghettos and they start murdering themselves even harder
>seperation from whites starts to begin
>all the niggers get shipped off to Liberia
>Trump gets elected
Okay user, I'll see you when you wake up. Get some rest, okay buddy?
Although personally I don't respond to fear mongering tactics, I do recognize the importance of protecting our valued trans-woman and trans-man population in the states. And if that means closing the borders to threatening Islamic immigrants, then so be it.
Naturally, since the Geneva convention requires a nation to take in refugees from a warzone they're actively engaged in, that would mean the U.S. would need to stop lending assistance to ISIS in order to overthrow the sovereign government in Iran. But, I'm willing to take that risk, if it means protecting our beautiful trans-population in the United States, as they are truly a symbol of beauty and freedom to all nations of the world, that look to us for guidance, and model their nations after ours to define prosperity.
It's a man, baby
ITT: idiots helping the commies and Obama bring about Martial Law
Good goys
thought this profile was one of us because it was so cringe
>realised it was legit
>fat cis lesbian is tweeting about this hoax
gave me some good keks
but i thought it was worth it for the keks?
Is this real? Hahhaha fucking awesome. Hated this guy.
>he doesn't like to incite the occasional riot
No. It's an elaborate disinformative troll. Honest.