for all our pol members who love police, post some videos of law enforcement helpings the needy and defenseless and punishing the vice.
for all our pol members who love police, post some videos of law enforcement helpings the needy and defenseless and punishing the vice.
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We support the police when they do their jobs, but we also support those who fight against genuine corruption. Can't Corner the Dorner.
most cops are cucks to their corrupt good ol boy system and law enforcement as a whole has been getting uppity lately desu senpai bam
Real popular thread you got here. Hope you get the message. Nobody stands with these pigs. You're husband is a bitch.
I don't know about American police, but Euro police is absolutely bro tier. They generally don't even give you tickets if you don't act like an asshole
Does Chiraq Bingo count?
Can't blame them when they are paid peanuts to risk their life keeping millions of savage nigger apes from chimping out on normies and their property.
>wew lad
Police save lives!!!
Support our troops!
Anyone who disagrees with this, please do NOT respond.
Cops are pretty on point, my local police hang out with everyone and don't even write tickets unless you are going at least 15 mph over.
Stand with our police.
Thank you.
Police are guardians and protectors.
They only help, never hinder.
We need a police support board.
Just please, always help police. Show how much you cherish them!
I know you guys like it when black people die and everything, but when did Sup Forums become so full of boot lickers?
hahahahaha you backed the wrong pony in this races war pal
yeah when did the racist nazi board become boot lickers?
hmmm maybe since the start of /n/ you stupid lolbertarian
From last year, BLM faggots tried blocking a highway, got to find out what the highway tastes like
>since the start of /n/
what do trains and bicycles and private aircraft have to do with police
Police are cool m8
fucking wresting moves tho
"You left leaning parasite, do you expect me to sit here and listen to your drivel"
I've never had much of an issue with British police (inb4 tenpolicemandancingwithoneblackman.gif). They seem to have a good balance between keeping people safe and not infringing too much on their civil liberties. I've just got back from Spain (Benidorm, Valencia and Alecante) and the police seemed decent there too. Well armed compared to ours but everywhere felt very secure.
I stopped hating the police about the same time I cut off my shoulder length hair at sixteen.
Do you fucking Amerishits want to see what happens when police is too afraid to handle minorities that act like animals?
This. Our police force is a fucking joke. Police SHOULD be feared. When they tell you to do something, you DO IT. If you don't, you will be executed without a second thought. That's how it should be.
>Police SHOULD be feared. When they tell you to do something, you DO IT. If you don't, you will be executed without a second thought. That's how it should be.
Cops don't execute unarmed niggers, you idiot.
BLM should be telling coons to walk around in their underwater (or naked) to show that they're concealing any weapons. That way if they run from police, the cops will be forced to chase them instead of open fire.
should have gone with the tombstone piledriver
>Cops don't execute unarmed niggers, you idiot.
I never suggested that they did. I'm just not a fan of street executions.
Disobeying the police should not be a death sentence in itself although I absolutely accept that there will be times when the only way to prevent the death of a police officer or citizen is to fatally shoot a criminal.
Well, if you want to prove otherwise you'd better drop your pants if you're going to run from police.
Yeah because it's not like they volunteered for the job.
Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or "were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force," according to MacDonald in a speech at Hillsdale College.
More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks. According to MacDonald, 12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide deaths were due to police officers, while only four percent of black homicide deaths were the result of police officers.
Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers. This is according to a Department of Justice report in 2015 about the Philadelphia Police Department, and is further confirmed that by a study conducted University of Pennsylvania criminologist Greg Ridgeway in 2015 that determined black cops were 3.3 times more likely to fire a gun than other cops at a crime scene.
>inb4 b-but we're a minority
I wouldn't do that in a country where police are routinely armed. If I lived in the states I think I would be totally compliant. To be honest I'm not in the habit of committing crimes or disobeying the police anyway, at least not since I was a teenager.
Why isn't this publicised more? It should be mandatory to read this post out loud after every news report about a shooting or other BLM related events.
>y-yes officer of course you can search my wife and daughters anal cavity
>we must respect your authority
and you amerikek copsuckers on Sup Forums dare to call other people cucks?
of course obama picked a few stats that indicated the total opposite
How fucked the world has become where Sup Forums, the edgiest part of the internet is the part that supports the good men and women that keep our streets safe.
why is supporting good people now edgy and weird nowadays?
You require a court ordered search warrant to search anal cavity.
And yes, you are fucking cucks with your fake refugees
>Physicians almost as fit as actors and athletes
Psychologists and economists are thinner because they are starving though
I don't like the idea of all police being armed but as we speak I'm watching Police Interceptors and there's a crazy bloke driving a tipper truck round a Suffolk village on an anphetimine binge. Guns would be handy there.
Is it OK to shoot crazy people?
Police are just bulking m8. BMI doesn't work when you have lot of lean muscle.
Your police are ridiculous by any other 1st world nation standard and more of your troops kill themselves than die in combat.
That is a perfectly reasonable, statistically sound argument. Per capita cops in clapistan cap way more niggers than whites.
fucking faggot poofter cunt
>26% of killings were groes
>Groes are 13% of the US population
I guess numbers aren't really your thing, huh?
>disregarding # of police interactions
>as in niggers break the law more
police are great,black people are great,white people are great,indians poo in the loo...ect,.
This is what America is
Strong protectors.
>be """brave""" american cop
>protecting and serving
>the second anyone moves their pinky i get so startled i empty my entire magazine
>living the "law enforcement lifestyle"
>sleeve tattoos (for the meaning, obviously not for looks)
>hours in front of the mirror to get that perfect fit for the shirt
>getting the tan
wanting to look like a police officer more than actually being one.
Is that a smiling face with a big fat nose, or a gasping face with a big double chin?
No. Thats implied in the stats.
Nothing you're saying makes any sense
Is "stop resisting" some kind of cop meme? It's like they think as long as they yell that, they can do whatever they want.
We are slowly going to progress to becoming a multicultural society.