>So, Donald Trump...
So, Donald Trump
Fuck off.
>Steve Colbert
the yank John Oliver
>crowd begins to chuckle
Not as cringy as actually defending Donald Trump
Lmao I bet this pussy wouldn't make fun of an "ethnic" name like that.
Your slav name it's an ethnic name.
Colbert was funny when he was a parody of Hyper-Conservatism but all he is now is another post-ironic snarky memester.
He had so much potential, too.
Maybe he is now doing a parody of a hyper liberal, but no one gets the joke.
Read my post again, then tell me why you think I put "ethnic" in quotation marks.
Rachel Maddow defended Trump by showing his tax returns and she made a fool of herself and her whole network.
Oh shit
Maybe, but I don't think so
I feel like he had to adapt his act when people starting taking his show as an actual news source like what happened to The Daily Show.
Then his own personal political beliefs started to bleed into the material and it was all downhill from there.
It's starting to happen to Conan, too. Truly dark times for TV.
I miss Alan Kalter
How does she know it's a lie though? She thinks billionaires have trouble getting pussy?
He would call reporters and pretend to be his own publicist. Then he would say 'Mr. Trump has 3 girlfriends and is not worried about his ex-wife.' He would also start rumours that he was dating Carla Bruni and Madonna.
>Trump has been trolling the media for decades and they still don't get it.
absolute madman
I don't think you understood that segment
I don't understand why political views you don't agree with make you sperg to the point where you can't enjoy mediums. Who cares if Colbert is liberal? Most Americans are, deal with this fact now: that the majority of Americans have never been cartoonishly right-wing and the right push back has mostly been from GOP elites dragging dustbelters along for the ride and getting them triggered.
I do, I'm just playing.
I love the mental gymnastics and excuses for behavior that if Obama did, you would never shut the fuck up about. It is petty and childish to create your own publicist up just to make it look like you are cool and get a lot of pussy. How sad do you have to be?
IT'S 2016!
Well that's actually hilarious. I'd assume drinking a beer with Donald Trump would be pretty cool.
>I love the mental gymnastics and excuses for behavior that if Obama did, you would never shut the fuck up about
I love all these desperate baseless accusations.
How sad do you have to be?
It was a joke you oversensitive sperg. Also
>the entire American right wing is one person
Re-evaluate your life son
>baseless accusation
What was faggot? That he made up his own publicist? He did. This is well-documented. Or are you talking about how if Obama did anything close to what Trump did, you would cry all day about it? Come on. You absolutely know conservatives would have had a field day at even half of the shit Trump pulled if Obama did the same thing. Don't be delusional.
>Most Americans are liberal
Did you post this from your apartment in California? If that were true, gun control laws would actually be passed and people would stop voting overwhelmingly in favor of bathroom laws keeping trannies out of the wrong bathroom. Just because the college aged yuppies you hang around in San Francisco are liberal, doesn't mean a "majority" of people are.
Trump doesn't drink.
There was an article posted here about him watching a movie in his plane, which was some oscar bait horseshit, he got bored and swapped it for some action kino, and fastforward it to all the best bits. It sounded like the most fun ever. It would be cool to hang out with him
I wish I could find it.
>the entire American right wing is one person
Quote where I said this
Obama is a garbage literally who career politician who never got anything done and race baited his way to presidency, Trump is a billionaire and part time reality TV host.
>Or are you talking about how if Obama did anything close to what Trump did, you would cry all day about it?
yes, you pulled that out of your ass. It's strawman as all fuck
Why even bring that guy up at all?
You've got issues my man.
Honestly if Obama did it it would make me think of him as being more human. The "Obama is such a cool guy" meme would actually start to make some sense.
It matters when the comedy gets worse as the politics increases. I have no problem with political views I don't agree with in comedy (see George Carlin) but Colbert is not nearly talented enough to pull it off effectively.
>CIA leaks show that Samsung TVs were allegedly used by CIA
>dude the camera is a microwave
>no argument is made against the leaks themselves, it's just "DUDE, LIKE, CMON" tier jokes
The comedy is getting less clever as time goes on and it's because he's delivering his material to an audience that doesn't care about comedy all they want is to hear is their point of view coming from his mouth.
If you like him that's fine but just know that from an outsider perspective his show is becoming unwatchable.
neckbeards from Sup Forums actually think Trump is cool
>I love the mental gymnastics and excuses for behavior that if Obama did, you would never shut the fuck up about.
The guy you were replying to never mentioned Obama, you don't know the guy's opinions on Obama, you don't know how the guy would react to obama doing that.
You created a strawman out of your butthurt generalized view of right wingers and attached it to that post with no logical reasoning
>that button
>but seriously we can't let this guy near the nuclear codes!
How much of a low-testosterone nu-male do you have to be to be buttblasted about this? I bet you're a nigger too
>Who cares if Colbert is liberal? Most Americans are
That is just not true. The democratic party would literally be incapable of winning without minorities. Have you ever met a black or Hispanic person? 9 times out of 10 they dislike gays/trannies, are generally religious, and hold traditional views on gender. They vote Democrat because they need government assistance financially, but they are NOT liberal socially. The fact that most whites vote republican suggests that they aren't exactly "mostly liberal" either.
>le only liberals in California meme
Nice cognitive dissonance there bud. Yes, majority of the first world is liberal...including the US. We don't live in Victorian England and conservative platforms are widely less popular as the years go by. I don't get why this triggers you. It is a simple fact on the statistical breakdown of this country. To get technical, our entire political structure is considered liberal to some degree. Unless you want women to lose the right to property ownership and votes, you are a liberal.
>If that were true, gun control laws would actually be passed
I want you to guess the only two lobbyist groups that actively prevent gun regulation-related laws and even then, we have gun laws. "Gun control" as the Sup Forums scare tactic is a meme, always was.
>people would stop voting overwhelmingly in favor of bathroom laws keeping trannies out of the wrong bathroom
See, this isn't actually happening as most states have actually overwhelmingly supported equal bathroom use. Trump is making it a problem again with nonsense EOs when it was only a handful of autistic states getting silly about it.
>Just because the college aged yuppies you hang around in San Francisco are liberal, doesn't mean a "majority" of people are.
1. I am not even remotely near California
2. Yes, it is a majority of people
Sounds like you just don't know what you are talking about. A dozen dustbelt retards voting in an election with astronomically low voter turnout does not denote a trend or a majority by any means.
Next you are going to screech at me about the dead illegals who voted.
If he was as "uncool" as you claim he is you wouldn't have to resort to hyperbole with your epic left-wing meme-art, faggot
>this thread again
We get it. He (or rather his writers) resorts to easy Trump jokes. No one cares.
Except for the 23 poster ITT
which talk hosts are the most intellectual / sarcastic / sophisticated?
The tards in this thread are easily triggered faggots who need to get the fuck over others having differing opinions.
Craig Ferguson
>got nothing done
>race baited
>not Trump though, Trump different
WEEEWWW how wrong can you get in life?
>he said getting triggered at others having differing opinions
>CIA leaks show that Samsung TVs were allegedly used by CIA
You are gonna need to source this...sounds retarded. The majority of all Wikileaks are just thousands of pages of nothing.
>if Obama acted like a fucking retard
>conservatives would think he is cool
Literally what?
Did you just blow yourself the fuck out in your own post? Is the fact that only 42% of DEMOCRAT voters consider themselves liberal supposed to prove you right?
Racial relations under the Obama administration went straight back to the pre-civil right era and if you disagree you're a post 2001 born retard.
Trump's campaign was absolutely non racist and if anything he put all races on the same level vowing to fight crime, housing and education issues in the inner cities and poor rural areas, not muh black community.
If you don't see the difference between democratic race baiting and what actually got Trump elected you're really mentally challenged.
Democrats aren't conservative, buckaroonie.
Can you define "triggered"? All I see is a few people mocking an unfunny late-night host and a couple of leftists sperging out about le drumpf xD
Ctrl+F Samsung in Wikileaks
>being this delusional
I can see why you don't see a thread full of triggered faggots.
>can't plan room for the amount of characters in the middle
>42% of democrats are liberal
Uh, was this supposed to prove you right? If only 42% of fucking Democrats identify as liberal, wouldn't that mean that there are more moderates and conservatives when taking Republican voters into account?
>uproarious laughter
>go to commercial
>first black President was bad for race relations
>Obama was so supa dupa bad, it is worse than before the Civil Rights! When blacks were hosed and attacked by dogs for using white water fountains
>Trump a dindu nuffin he loves "the blacks"
>appealing to white nationalists isn't race baiting because it is different when whites do it, I swear
>he gonna fix it, you will see teehee
>Sup Forums believes this
Feel free to point the posts out, and why didn't you define your le epic tumblr buzzword?
it's pointless discussing with you because you want to be right
I don't feel like clicking every single post.
Conservatives according to Gallup, are an unchanging statistic, while "liberal" or "left-leaning" is steadily increasing a few percentages a year. To get technical, most of the US is in effect, liberal leaning. You can't exist in the first world and not be liberal in some fashion. Even conservatvies are progressive in some way, so there really is no (outside of the fringe groups) real popular far-right traditionalist platform that exists.
The sad part is you don't even see the irony with your statement.
t. No argument
>what are conservative Democrats
It's not binary, believe it or not.
60% of all Democrat elected Representatives are from California and new York.
Really makes you think
Because you people don't operate with facts, just fee fees and kneejerk bullshit and complaining about your liberal boogeyman because you read a tweet you didn't like. Kill yourself.
>thinking I'm here to argue
Not liking something is the new defenition for triggered
>population density is a meme
>if I repeat Sup Forums buzzwords enough times, they magically have meaning
>stealing my oc
How niggerish of you.
So...no actual source then? I knew that.
Is this bait? You posted a long ass post full of garbage and included a picture of a graph that proves you wrong. Are you retarded? If only 42% of people who vote for the Democratic (ie liberal) party consider themselves to be "liberal", how the fuck does that equate to a majority of Americans being liberal? Only 42% of the liberal party consider themselves to liberal. That means that the other 58% of Democrat voters consider themselves to be something other than liberal. And then there's still the people who vote Republican as opposed to Democrats, of which there are probably very few liberals.
yeah right when all the democrat news networks turned Zimmerman, a hispanic jew, into a white man to create kneejerk reaction among blacks and indirectly caused the death of several police officers it was good for race relations.
When the notion of white privilege and safe space segregation on liberal campuses started to spread under the presidency of the first black president it was kneejerk reaction from the right.
You're retarded, and you don't know what you're talking about, I lived in america for decades but I'm not a citizen and I don't vote, I'm an outside observer and I can tell you the second Obama presidency was literally the lowest point of race relations since the 70's when I moved to Baltimore.
Phew! what a warrior! my pussy is literally DRIPPING from that sentence ALONE
Colbert hasn't been funny since 2014
>Next you are going to screech at me about the dead illegals who voted.
Nope. Nobody but you cares about them. Because once they are all sent back, you libtards will never win another election.
The source is the Vault 7 leaks? Are you retarded? Search them yourself.
Better be careful, though. CNN told me I'll get arrested if I look through them!
Stop bullying Trump!!!
Mods delete this thread.
Why do you bother to come here from Sup Forums? It gets exhausting dealing with the same 4 arguments you people repeat until I want to shoot myself. None of you literally say anything different outside your chamber.
Or you could just cite it and make me look like a foolish libruh.
your literally one argument is
>muh Sup Forums boogermans
Well first you have to prove they even exist. I'm still waiting.
That isn't relevant at all. You don't seem to be understanding that only 42% of Democrat voters consider themselves liberal. The graph you posted is exclusively polling people who vote for the Democrats, and it's suggesting that a majority of people who vote Democrat don't even consider themselves to be a liberal. Republican voters are not included in that poll. It's solely Democrats, and even then there's still more people who aren't liberal than people who are. Unless you're suggesting that there's a large number of liberal Republicans? That would be asinine.
Whyd you come here from reddit, nigger? This entire site is Sup Forums clay. Whine about it on r/marxism
>It gets exhausting dealing with the same 4 arguments you people repeat until I want to shoot myself.
Because it literally was just a bunch of dumb Sup Forums regurgitated garbage about this meme of "OBAMA MADE IT WORSE THAN CIVIL RIGHTS RACE BAITING REEE I DONT EVEN VOTE SAVE ME MAGA". None of this is an argument, just a bunch of crying
You remind me of Facebook posts saying rape jokes are never funny.
It's funny when Trump will be raped in prison.
>poll doesn't mention Republicans
The point is that it is an increasing number of Americans while conservative isn't and starts to represent a annually smaller and smaller collection of people. Why does it bother you? Do you NEED everyone to be conservative?
Tough to be in the minority... isn't it?
>what are liberal non-aligned
>what are liberal libertarians
>implying there are no liberals who vote Republican
Real life isn't the caricatural shitshow you see every day on Sup Forums where you made your only political education.
Believe it or not, there are a bunch of people who actually read the programs and don't have their mind made up before the campaign starts. Plus that includes local elections where the governor/mayor personality matters more than their party.
that has to be photoshopped no way obama is that yoked