

Fuck off Sup Forums

So they have to wear their clown outfit everywhere?

god fucking bless UKIP

Why? I didn't like that girl doing naruto hand signs in S2 either.

You fuck out of MY thread.

>face visible

I don't bloody think sharia allows it!

Fuck off Paki.

back to /tumblr/

fuck off kike

T. Durka Durka

who wouldn't go jihad all over that pussy?

For me, it's paki gfs.

>religions purpose is to cover women so men won't rape them, it's illegal to show skin in some countries
>feminists support this

better than being stoned by your own family

Top qt

if only she'd take that sock off her head.

do you think she still has her clit?

>smiling at other
Would pour acid on her face/20

>Wears hijab to protect men from sexual lust
>Cakes on whore-clown makeup

what did she mean by this?

Dubs or singles and Sup Forums is gay

>Muslims hate the West

>Feminists hate the West

Now you understand.

Season 1 looks like actual british citizens

Season 3 looks like concentrated 2016

>mfw a faggot posts on 4chin

Sup Forums has ruined this board

So because someone doesn't agree with religion they are Sup Forums ?

Fuck off retard.

Checked. Sup Forums loves BBC.

user is just making a general statement

Explains why they love blacked threads so much.

is it bad that I approve of hijabs and wish western women would cover up like that?

Why does Sup Forums have to ruin everything by making it about themselves?
We can't even have a comfy baking thread.

>only Sup Forums could hate the disgusting cancer that is Islam

Move to Saudi then mehmed.

Fuck off sandnigger

Only they could make off topic posts on an unrelated board about it.

>mfw /ourgirl/ ruby flubbed the wedding cake and got taken out back old yeller style in S2

she was so close.

t. mudslime apologist

Do you have statistics or are you pulling that out of your arse?

remember those towers in new york
remember how it made you feel
were you like you me
did you think, it weren't real