The Truth About The Alton Sterling and Philando Castile Shootings:
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Timestamp or did you just make up "THESE NIGGERS HAD IT COMING"?
What do you guys think about based Bill Whittle?
Is he redpilled?
he basically said that
he should go back into porn
No, he didn't. He said
in a round about way
Darn, just when pol was building the narrative that Castile's was completely unjustified, way to bring the truth.
I'm Sup Forums too and I always said Castile most likely failed to follow the cop's instructions like a retard.
if all you need is a jump start that's all they'll charge you for
"Fair and Friendly at Stefo's Garage"™
Yo he's my pick for pres
Fuck off dumbass, Castille was innocent and it's not even questionable. What you idiots should be doing is using the fact it was an asian cop to prove it's not just white cops that shoot niggers so they don't keep getting accused of racism
>Castille was innocent and it's not even questionable
Interesting. Where did you get this unquestionable information?
What we know:
- Cops pulled them over because of a recent robbery where one of the perps fit the description of Castile.
- Cop came to take a closer look at Castile and sound him out.
- Soon afterward cop fires four(?) shots into Castile.
- The little girl is picked up from the backseat and taken to the police car.
- Diamond whatshername starts her stream on Facebook.
We don't know the specifics of why the cop shot Castile. Do you think he got out of his patrol car with the intention of killing a random negro?
The cop fired those shots as a reaction to something. Maybe overreaction.Castile did have a gun though, and it seems obvious that that gun is the key. Maybe Castile was trying to get his licence, but if he was reaching for the same side as the gun, well...The cop said he told Castile not to (something, I forget).
Innocence is kind of a red herring. Let's say I'm driving in the US. Cop pulls me over because I fit the desc of someone who just robbed a bank. I don't know that. Cop says my taillight is broken. I say I have a gun and reach for it. The cop shoots me dead. But I was innocent! Yeah, and at no point did I say or imply I was going to shoot the cop, but I still end up dead. Why? Because I didn't comply. Because I reached for my gun. I mean, the cop is not going to wait for me to show him my gun. He's going to shoot me if I grab it, especially if they're telling me not to move.
So Castile was probably innocent in that he didn't commit the robbery nor was guilty of anything big anyway. But he wouldn't have been shot for having committed the robbery either! He would've been arrested. So the question is why the cop shot him, and it's obvious he shot him as a reaction to a perceived threat. This was not like the Walter Scott killing where the cop shot him in the back from a distance.
How long until Molyneux names the Jew and calls for the genocide of all niggers?
From rags to riches.
From a liberal theater weenie to a badass fighter pilot.
Champion of truth and human potential.
What the fuck is Stefans accent?
He grew up in Britain then went to Africa and now lives in Canada. Yet he sounds like a German who moved to America.
I honestly just thought it was a mix of British and French for some reason.
He's pro Israel iirc
he was a good boy he dindu nuffin
this sounds like some meme from hltv
Molyneux is about as coherent as a homeless armageddon prophet.
Didn't he make an anti Israel video a while back?
Does anyone have that pic showing Molyneux's slow descent into fascism?
Why won't he debate Ryan Dawson?
Is Ryan Dawson really that clever that no one can take him down in a debate?
He seems a bit cuckoo desu - looks paranoid and dirty.
this one?
yeah this is one, there's another that shows the four stages of conservativism or something, and it goes through traditionalism, etc, with stefan molyneux quotes along the way
I knew the man before he took the redpill... This slow descent into the abyss is as entertaining as it is sad
You are arguing with an Australian. Think about that for a second
why do these neo nazis love calling themselfs with quite the opposite what they are
"freedom radio"
"the truth"
>lenin:Dictatorship can totally work towards a transitition to communism
>Heyek: dictatorship can totally work with a trasition to libertarianism
Like how polacks call themselves white
He sounds Oirish to me.
is that meant to be an insult?
Haven't seen that one.
But people think he's a Zionist shill all of a sudden.
Apparantley he deleted Ryan Dawson's comment on his video. Ryan asked Stefan to debate him - it got like 400/500 likes - and then it was deleted.
I'd like to see Ryan Dawson debate some people - he seems extremely arrogant (says he could take down anyone) but at the same time he comes across as someone who's suffering from a psychosis of some sorts.
Do majority of people approve Ryan Dawson here?
>Ryan Dawson
Don't know him. Can you provide a short resume of his profile?
Based Stefbot
Why did I ever come to pol
I would have been happily blue pilled.
>Ryan Dawson
Fuck you it took me two seconds to google him faggot
Only discovered him yesterday - contributes to antiwar mostly.
Talks a lot about neocons and he's considered "controversial" for entertaining Holocaust deniers.
He made some doccie that he says everyone has to see (about neocons and war) but you gotta pay $20.
Still trying to figure him out.
I don't think anyone can say whether or not it was. There's basically no evidence either way so who the fuck knows what happened, certainly not enough to convict the cop though.
I remember being a happy kid at one point in my life.
Oh how I miss those days.
Don't drink bleach user. Your happiness would've been artificial. At least your current state is genuine
Me too fucking retard, but i don't want to read some bullshit autobiography resume or biaised article on the internetz. This gentlemen seemed too be interested into his profile, I just wanted to know why.
Does anyone have the Niger Song by Molyneux? It was on YouTube but it got deleted.
Who has time to watch this shit? Maybe if he only put out one video per week...
holy fuck
It is a great replacement for my vidya addiction
Is Givi still alive?
find a purpose, be productive. you can be happy again. you will be happy in being productive and knowing you have done what you can.
"I bet they wouldn't do that to a white person."
Except they do, we just don't act like a bunch of entitled babies about it.
put it on in the background when you're playing vidya or at work or something
I'm no boot licker, but both these guys had enough arrests to fill a phone book. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Nothing of value lost.
Thanks for the video. I have held this standpoint from the moment the videos came out and everytime I try to express my thoughts I'm drowned out by people screaming "racism" "murder" "injustice". People literally refuse to look at the facts. Willful ignorance.
I made a 3 minute video on the castile shooting.
Damn, no idea.
I'm talking about being red-pilled - I am productive, it's just that ignorance is bliss (at times).
>how to turn a happy, positive, well adjusted man into a sulking, worried, depressed mess.
Do you support niggers getting shot?
Dual screen multitasking information overload mode
Don't see that flag a lot here.
>Innocence is kind of a red herring.
This so fucking much.
People don't seem to get that both parties can be trying to do the right thing and it can still go horribly wrong. Hell, many, if not most, classic tragedies are constructed on this premise. There need not be a villain to end up with a bad result.
Anger is a natural reaction to a bad outcome, but in this case the anger may very well be misdirected.
I'm white, and yet I know that if I'm confronted by a cop I need to take pains not to do something that might make him think I'm trying to pull a weapon on him. So many people don't get this, though, and a lot of black people misinterpret it as a race thing rather than a cop thing.
If you watch Cops, you see it all the time (even with white suspects) where people just don't THINK about what they are doing and how it looks to the cop. They may not have any bad intention, but yet they made the situation worse by being careless/stupid. They often don't understand even when the cop tells them "you almost got shot." People really need to exercise greater awareness and self-discipline.
It's also important to point out that while Philando may have been trying to do the right thing by informing the officer of his gun, it may have had the wrong effect. In my experience, conventional wisdom in the concealed-carry world has held that if you don't have a duty to inform (and in Minnesota you do not), then you should wait until asked. Otherwise the information may be misconstrued as a threat, and escalate the situation.