ITT: that one actor/actress that makes you drop a movie/tv show instantly

Still haven't seen John Wick 2 because of this discount Will Smith

He was really good in it though and went all in with the dedication, but deny yourself a good movie cuz you're a big dumb bitch, bitch.

Dave Franco
I also try to avoid Zack effron movies

>Not watching based Hell on Wheels

What's wrong with you?

What's your issue with Common? He's not a bad actor.

but he was really good in john wick two. I'm not autistic enough to drop something for such a stupid reason.

>Using nigger vernacular

What the hell is wrong with you?

Skin colour

Yes, he is. He's not a very good musician, either.

too bad, you're missing out on some great scenes like when they tumbled down those stairs

Nah. Common is a pretty decent actor, in my opinion.

are you gay?

>Nah. Common is a pretty decent actor, in my opinion.

I always avoid anything with Emma Watson in it.

That's not hard.

Fair enough. Do you avoid (classic) Will Smith movies like Independence Day, Bad Boys, etc?

> discount will smith

Richard E Grant
Didn't realise he was in Logan until I saw it today. Immediately hated it.

should watch it just to see the nigger get stabbed in the chest

If there's something wrong in John Wick 2 is not Common.

Having a good night?

Will Smith and his son