What will the debates between Trump and Hillary look like?
What will the debates between Trump and Hillary look like?
Like when grandpappy and grandma get drunk and fight :(
non existent
i can't believe you guys actually think she's going to debate. she's gonna dodge just like she dodged uncle bernie
Trump dodged a debate with Cruz in Pennsylvania
what will be the first sentence be from trump to hillary?
>"oh boy where do i begin"
when will the debates start already, this waiting is getting stale, I need some new stumping videos.
Socrates and Plato will look like 2 illiterate peasants.
cuz he already won at that point
more like Chrysippus and his donkey
I honestly worried about this.
Ol' God Emperor Trump is great and should be the president but he genuinely has said nothing with substance this entire time.
Just meaningless rhetoric.
I'm sure he can ready himself though, and put up a competent performance.
same with hillary
You are assuming she won't have him killed by then
Cruz doesn't so much debate as he does snivel and lie, no big loss there.
Clinton V Trump will be like a fucking WWF championship, I expect chairs to be thrown on-stage and everything. Hillary will have an actual stroke on live television, it will be amazing.
>I only watch rallies
>Trump has said nothing with substance
Ignorance is not an excuse, faggot
Trump will just spout memes and empty platitudes.
He knows he can't win at this point and is just phoning it in.
>Ol' God Emperor Trump is great and should be the president but he genuinely has said nothing with substance this entire time.
The time he destroyed Jeb! over 9/11 happening when his brother was president and the failures in Iraq was pretty good.
If she ever engages in them, Trump would ravage her verbally so bad, the police would be forced to press assault charges against him.
His debate preformances was filled with dick jokes and talking about his poll numbers
This meme just keeps being useful, month after month.
What was their meeting about?
When Trump met with the Clintons before the primaries?
He confirmed he has a huge schlong
I guess you've managed to skip every one of his policy speeches.
Why are you even in Sup Forums?
isn't americas infratsructure bad as shit and many of its inhibitants poor aswell?
Doesn't that make the U.S a third world country aswell?
He also dodged another one to collect money for your veterans, my American friend.
Donald Trump sure has flaws, but he is the best alternative we got if we compare him to the other candidates!
Also, support your local veterans! I am going to help out our veterans that fought in Bosnia, Congo, Afghanistan and Somalia with financial support. Even though the veterans in Sweden and all of Scandinavia have it better than in the US, we still need to support them.
Do not support the wars, support the veterans that fought in these kike-wars!
>"Hey donald act as much as you can like a moron to appease the retarded sister fucking Republican base and when I beat you in November I'll hook you up with a bunch of sweet kickbacks in construction, k?"
>"Its gonna be yuuge"
There are teleprompters at the debates?
Read up faggot, we weren't talking about debates specifically.
A retirement house banter.
Quick sucking on Killary's tit. That cunt is here to divide and destroy us all. Every single person in the union, minus her cronies.
Get smart, GG Tim Allen.
Hillary will embarass trump and show the world what a clueless buffon he truly is.
>Mr Trump your wall is unfeasible and intolerant
Obviously a Hillshill. I would say it's amazing what a bunch of overweight, liberal, debt-ridden, uni students will say and do for money. Honestly though, it's not a surprise anymore.
They're akin to hookers that give shitty head. They're paid to ruin your day.
Trump will grill her soo hard that she will pop a vein.
>Hillary will embarass trump and show the world what a clueless buffon he truly is.
Liberal Dreams that will never happen: The Post
The more I watch this, the more I laugh.
Blessed be the memes.
Hillary leaves the damaging stuff to her shills, so she will come off above it all, and attempt to expose his lack of policy and history knowledge.
Trump will kind of make a fool of himself, but it will be entertaining.
I have been kind of feeling like Trump 's campaign has been pretty low-energy lately. Maybe I just haven't been following as closely, but to me he just seems to kind of be rolling over and letting Hilary win, at this point. He's always begging for money now.
Trump is more charismatic, but Hillary is more acerbic. I don't know, it will be interesting. A New York businessman versus a she-dragon from Chicago.
I imagine it will go something like this
>Clinton: My opponent has openly supported the banning of Muslims into and out of the country, ridiculous racist policies meant to segregate us in a time where we should be working together!
>Trump: Hillary Clinton wants more Muslims in America for the same reason her foundation donates to Muslim extremist groups around the world, because she's un-American and doesn't care about our safety!
>Clinton: REEEEE racist! bigot!
>Trump: Criminal! Corrupt hag!
She will throw numbers from studies made by loyal servants at him, usually politicans that do this are considered bad debaters, trump will pressure her hard on risky topics, she will try to act cool and presidential and still lose in eyes of public, but after debates this is going to be a biggest shilling you guys have seen, claiming Hillary won.Screenshot this.
Implying they aren't
You really should get going. Your minority women's study classes are about to start. Imagine how pleased your pseudo-professors would be, to find out the reason for your tardiness, is due to you shitposting on a russian crayon scribbling webpage.
I honestly believe hillary will play the "im too good for this he cant be serious" trick.
No matter how reasonalbe or true the things trump says during the debates shell just shake her head with a smug face while looking at the cameras
>didn't even go to the debate
>all polls said he won the debate by 60+%
are you retarded
I don't see how it is shitposting.
I think Hillary is an awful person, but you are crazy to think Trump has deep policy knowledge. His biggest threat is having to recall facts and details.
If I was her, the plan would be just that. Set a trap or two and let him make factual mistakes. I would also let them go or maybe just say "I never heard that particular analysis before, but this is my stance" and let the media fist fuck him in the morning.
You have to be a fool to believe this isn't how this might go.
yes he is
>Hillary will have an actual stroke on live television, it will be amazing.
Meme Magic.
The trouble is, Trump just looks and sounds like a genuine guy. Whereas Hillary always sounds rehearsed and phony.
Right now liberals don't see it because they don't watch Trump's stuff other than cherry-picked MSM clips. I've sat through enough of Hillary's speeches to compare the two and there is no way Hillary comes off looking good when she's in a room with Trump.
Wait, what are you doing leafbro? Don't you know that if you debate your opponent, they win?
"We don't need another affirmative action president."
>but you are crazy to think Trump has deep policy knowledge. His biggest threat is having to recall facts and details.
You really don't get how politics work, do you?
I suggest actually watching the entirety of the two videos instead of just knee-jerk reacting, they're actually very interesting in showing in detail some of the genius of Trump. Seriously. Stop shitposting and learn something for a change.
It will look like a man relentlessly beating his wife. Hillary will lose so badly that the media will blast Trump for bullying her so hard.
Trump will attack her competence, integrity, and temperament. Hillary will prove his point at every opportunity.
Hillary will try to attack Trump on his inconsistency, ignorance of issues and lack of specific policies. Which he will dismiss by not addressing and then going on the offensive.
The moderators will work in Hillary's favour and Trump will call them out on it. In another election year, that might come off as whining, but because of blatant bias in the media of late, this time around viewers will be sympathetic.
After all is said and done, unless either candidate can score a knock out punch on the other, very few will be swayed by the debates. Earlier debates will be more important than later debates this cycle.
Thank you for sharing these.
This will be the most important political event you will ever participate in. The continued existence of this country will be decided in the coming months. You have no idea what you are about to see and be a part of. Everything is in order and the toilet is loaded, HRC if elected, in a final decisive act will flush and this country will be finished and this will be the final act. If ever a time should come when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will be in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.
Can we, as a people, demand a debate without teleprompters?
Total annihilation.
Trump is gonna clown that crooked old bitch into oblivion, holy shit. I'm predicting a massive increase in the sale of Preparation H directly after the debates get underway.
I personally can't fucking wait.
Those videos are interesting and certainly show what his strengths are...
But they don't address the central point, which is about what Hillary's strategy might be.
He just has to stand there and counter everything
>you said mean things about ____ group!
>Trump brings up her saying things about that group
>you said one thing in the past but now want another!
>Trump brings up her various flip flops
>you have no experience
>Trump brings up how her "experience" was a colossal fuck up
Adding to that last point, people try to say Hillary being in politics for such a long time is a good thing for her image, but all it means is she has a metric fuckton of baggage that can be used on her
Please KeK, please delivar this miracle. Repeating integers and Shillary kicks the bucket at the debate.
>What will the debates between Trump and Hillary look like?
I was immediately reminded of this scene from GOT
Pure chaos
You guys realize that the audience and the moderators for each of the debates are going to be incredibly stacked in Shillary's favor, right?
Clinton will get nice easy "what's your favorite color?" type questions and Trump will get the "WHY DO YOU INSIST ON BEING A RACIST HOMOPHOBIC BIGOT?!" while the audience cheers for everything Hillary says, and boos for everything Trump says.
pure comedy gold.
>Trump literally talks Hillary to death
fuck cant turn it off now. there goes my sunday.
Lol if it were like that then the debates would have been started already. She's holding off because she still doesn't know how to defeat Trump's debate style. The moderators will say ridiculous shit to/about Trump, he'll succinctly point out how dishonest and absurd they are, and when Clinton pounces while he's defending himself he'll immediately turn the audience's attention to everything this country hates about her with one of his provocative quips, and the audience will cheer because they want a death and match not a debate.
this, cant wait
hey fatties, when do they start?
It'll be yuge tbqh
Canada pls go
It will look like this:
Trump: The FBI said Hillary is incompetent.
Trump: Our foreign policy has been a disaster under Obama and Hillary.
Trump: Hillary wants trade agreements that are bad for American workers.
Trump: Hillary refuses to secure the border and will let in more terrorists.
What will make the debate is how much an impression Hillary repeating TRUMP IS RACIST on viewers. That's literally all Hillary is going to do - accuse Trump of being racist.
>I expect chairs to be thrown on-stage and everything.
Just whisper "the system is rigged" into the ears of Bernie supporters.
Is this your first presidential election? The debates typically don't happen until the fall. Two normal presidential debates, one town hall debate, and a VP debate. And he's right, the debates will be rigged to favor Hillary. In 2012, the moderator in the town hall debate "corrected" Romney with false information in real time just to make him look like an ass.
>>Trump insults Hillary doing his usual
>Hillary cries on national television for the sympathetic voters
Also the reason Hillary isn't gonna debate Trump is because she has faith that there won't be a Trump anymore by the time she normally would have to debate him.
But the knows she gotta pull out the big guns (literally) to take him down.
Why are there no debates yet?
No, but this is everyone's first Trump election and he's shown how quickly the old way can fly out the window.
He will absolutely destroy her over the e-mail scandal, making sure people hear him speaking how the FBI director called her reckless and careless, qualities in a person the American public should not want to be commander and chief of the most powerful armed forces in the world.
She's gonna try and get out of them. Guaranteed.
It will, in fact, be the deciding factor.
The only hard evidence we have thus far (theorize all you like, it'll just be conjecture) has Hillary running up front.
He NEEDS to NAIL the debates in order to win. I have confidence he has a solid chance of doing so, though.
Trump is going to rape her and Sup Forums will jizz themself
They will be the greatest political sporting event of all time
hillary is a better debater. trump is probably nervous about it. you know it's true.
I'm thinking something like facial abuse kinoflicks.
too much advertising $$$ at stake, won't happen thankfully
yeah, how could trump ever manage to defeat her tactic of laughing nervously to avoid answering questions?
I fear that Trump will basically just deliver a dozen batshit soundbites and commit campaign suicide when he says something irredeemably inappropriate about Hillary (like menopause, call her a disgusting hag, etc.) or maybe he'll do one debate and then refuse to attend the rest because he thinks they aren't fair.