>You said you were interested in Bane
cant wait to see this product on ellen, see some videos of buzzfeed staff trying it and ultimately see it used as a minor recurring gag in a seth rogen/amy schumer movie
If I pulled that off would he die?
Are you embarrassed by talking on the phone? Why not do something much more embarrassing instead?
It would be extremely noisy.
but... people will still be able to hear you. You'll just sound muffled and look like a jack-ass
If I was dictator these would be mandatory.
Pretty cyberpunk. This could probably double as bluetooth headphones. Id buy it.
all chinese people need this they fucking scream on the phone in public
Goddamn, i lost!
That's great and all BUT can he use it to breathe underwater?
Fuck that, we need a Bane mask that distorts our voice
I'll play devil's advocate and say that I hate talking on the phone when there are people in an adjacent room and I know it'll bleed over
Things Arabs Can't Use in Public for $200
I want this for my CS go playing faggets of a roommate. Won't shut the fuck up. Annoying cunt.
My dad needs this
what the fuck is wrong with this narrators voice
He was talking through the device.
u know how black dudes are always wearing those damn bluetooth headsets, wonder how long before we see them wearing this shit