So it turns out that so far in 2016...

So it turns out that so far in 2016, police have killed far more whites are than blacks and that hugely more men than women have been killed.

When will Obongo shed tears for whites killed by cops and will Killary ever tell the world that men are victimised far more than women?

Other urls found in this thread:

We already tried this.

They just scream about muh population size.

Now try and do the same tactic but comparing crime with race and see how far you'll get.

You can't argue with leftists. Their brains have been washed.

Trying to persuade black people with math.

It is like trying to teach my dog to catch a frisbee by explaining physics to her.

Sup Forums doesnt understand that 230 to 123 still means blacks are killed at a disproportionate rate to whites

more crime, more hostile police confrontations

got a source to back up that claim? No? oh ok then, stfu

What's the point, even if he backs up his claims you're going to argue about economic problems and how blacks are being oppressed economically more than whites, despite pic related. There's no way to win with you types, numbers, facts and everything go out the window when your sole reason for arguing is emotional.

Whut??? Literally whuuuut? You want me to find you a source to say blacks commit more crime than whites?

And when I show you some 6.5% of the population commit close to 60% of crime what excuse will you have then?

police are killing with knives?

I've lived in both Compton and Washington D.C.

niggers were violent as fuck in both yet white people were chill as fuck. niggers gunna nig

What it means is that whites are killed far more by cops, proportionate to their share of violent crime.

Police deaths should align with criminal activity, not population demographics... meaning blacks should* be killed by cops 3-4x more frequently than whites.

*From a stats perspective

>2 posts by this ID

Guys a baiter, move on

And with toy guns too!
>fucking retard

There are more whites than blacks.

Male privledge is being 19x more likely to be killed by a cop than a female would.

No, that panel looks at what weapon the perp was carrying at the time they were cop killed.


Fuck race, why are so many people getting killed by police?

But abut 90% of gun crime is committed by blacks even though are much the minority, so how does your argument hold both ways?

it's not how the police were killing, it's what the victim had when the police killed them

Don't you use the same per capita point to say blacks are more violent?

But why are more crimes committed by blacks?

The answer: Structural racism.

How about you SHUT THE FUCK UP nigger.

46 unknown
23 other

was the victim peeled like a potato so they couldin't tell his skin colour?

do 'other' inlude mixed race or just asians?

So blacks are racist against themselves?

Hmm... really makes u think.

That's what I mean, I'm against OP.

People beg for equality yet look at racial achievements compared to "skin colour", which 99% of retards base racism on. You'll find that the Caucasians have out done the tribal niggers.

And poverty and poverty is because of slavery and slavery is because of white people, black people can't be held accountable for anything that they do, it's always whitey's fault

and who exactly is profiting from this ''structural racism''?

They kind of are. They distinguish between light and dark skin (the lighter you are the better?) when most White people just see them as black.

Chinks need to up their game

Lol FBI crime&murder statistics.

You just made the mistake of assuming the US is a well run country. Their police officers are people who barely made it through high school being literally handed a gun and a badge. You can't expect them to do and file paperwork properly.

Certainly not society.

Why do Jews have higher incomes and IQ than whites?

How about Asians?

Structural racism... until it's not, huh?

too much crime too little time.

ok, so society made a structure that is harming society? how does that make any sence

Because society isn't a rational single entity. Left to our own devices we make poor decisions based on fear, prejudice and stupidity - and the some of all those poor decisions is society.

>toy weapon

They pick and choose when proportions matter in statistics, depending on if it supports their narrative.
>Whites are more likely to be killed by other whites than blacks
>The majority of welfare recipients are white
>What does whites being the majority of the population have to do with anything?

>Blacks aren't killed by police nearly as much as whites
>But look at the population, blacks are disproportionately affected!

It's not exactly easy to argue with you "rightists" either.

>durr black people are bad because my dad told me while we were burning trash in the yard hurr

so you think that only fear, prejudice and stupidity are reasons for making poor decisions? what about when you don't have a different choice, what about when you have good intentions, what about when people are just gulible, what about when people wan't to treat everyone nice and create irresponsible little children...

I think that this socialism creates more people who make poor decisions because it erases any kind of fear or prejudice, and prases stupidity.

>strawmanning this hard

Proportion of Blacks shot by police 2016: 24,2%
Proportion of Black crime 2012: 28,1%
Proportion of Black murderers 2012: 49,4%
Proportion of Black rapists 2012: 32,5%
Proportion of Black robbers 2012: 54,9%
Proportion of Black population 2010: 12,2%

Black are OVERrepresented in crime and UNDERrepresented in police shootings. BLM can fuck off.


It would be interesting to know how many white suspects shot by police were shot by BLACK cops.

It's not our fault that average intelligence is nearly 100% correlated with population skin color average.


To make things absolutely clear: 12,2% of the population commit 28,1% of the total crime. These 28,1% of all criminals account for 24,2% of all police shootings. Given that the proportion for black violent crime is around 2 times as high, the underrepresentation in shootings is even more staggering (you're unlikely to find yourself confronting a cop with a gun for tax fraud). Going by the data, blacks are much more UNLIKELY to be shot by police than whites, asians and hispanics.

The 2012 data is from the FBI, 2016 shootings from Washington Post, 2010 from US census.

His excuse will be them being poor. And when you point out there's more poor whites than there are blacks in total they'll scream racist and engage in serious deflection/attempt to character assassinate you.

Leftists absolutely shut the fuck down when you provide facts to them that blow their carefully crafted narrative out the ass.

they especially lose their shit when it's an argument or fact they don't have pre-made talking points for.

But really what can you expect from a group who take serious political advice from fucking comedians like john oliver and bill maher.

I know police carry pocket knives, but do they really stab people that often as opposed to just shooting?

>Toy weapon


You know Washington Post is biased, right?
They are so dumb there; but they sound great ha

They've convinced people that whole milk is bad for you and you should start drinking 1% and 2% with no evidence. actually studies of mid-aged people who drank whole seems to be less over weight.

Black are not killed by police as much as whites, However, by percentage of blacks being at the hands of police shootings is higher because they are a minority population.

It's all our faults for how this race tends to act in this country. Sure, we set them free after they were slaves but we never fully integrated them back to society. We just expected them to do so and segregate them.

>source: the origin of races 1962
Seems legit

blacks are killed by cops at a higher proportional rate because they commit proportionally way more crimes.

Meh. It's all pretty much bullshit on both sides. You can cherry pick a statistic saying just about anything if you wanted

>It's all our faults for how this race tends to act in this country. Sure, we set them free after they were slaves but we never fully integrated them back to society. We just expected them to do so and segregate them.
>All our fault

No. It's not. Asians did it. Because they're fucking smart and they dont have a culture that worships depravity, violence, rejection of authority, and anti-intellectualism.

Blacks have moral agency. They refuse, as a whole, to criticize their weaknesses (regardless of whether or not these weaknesses are largely influenced by slavery and historical oppression). They are the ultimate victim card holders. They are inclined to violence and stagnancy because they have the lowest average IQ (unlike Asians). They are literally too dumb to take responsibility and get the fuck over it.

Every time.

That whole "America didn't do enough" thing is just one hypothesis among many, and not particularly well-supported by evidence given existing comparisons to other racial groups in similar socioeconomic conditions. It's so prevalent because it's the humble, empathic thing to do; in other words, whites seeking the moral high ground by debasing their past. Stop with the shaming, it's time for actual accountability. If blacks truly are equal, they can take that bit of responsibility for their own actions.

>hispanics count as white

>His excuse will be them being poor
Or institutionalized racism. When they pull the systemic racism card, just ask them to name all the rights white people, but blacks don't and point out diversity quotas in education and employment.

>blacks are killed by cops at a higher proportional rate
The rate is lower. Check the statistics. Media just make huge news out of every black shooting because racism stories sell nicely to agitated black crowds and virtue signalling leftie whites.

The real problem is, firstly, US police killing so frequently as a whole, and, secondly, blacks commiting more crimes than other races (leading to them having more shot criminals per capita than other racial groups, although, as said before, the ratio of shot criminals to total criminals is lower than for others).

Dobra robota

It's not even 12.2% because the vast majority of that crime is committed by black males so it's around 6-7%

So frequently? Are you out of your mind? 500 people out of FUCKING MILLIONS.

And 80% of those people justified their killings.

If you shoot at the police and the police shoots back, DONT BE FUCKING SURPRISED YOU CUNT.

Check brazil's statistics for police killings. I wouldn't even count that as "too frequently".

If you have lots of criminals, guess what? The police are going to have to kill a lot of people.

Attention all Libertarians. Gary Johnson has SOLD OUT to Soros and company. Don't waste your vote, VOTE TRUMP 2016!
Watch short video with proof.