>huge ego and treats team mates like shit
>cheated on his girlfriend and than dumped her when she became pregnant
>Trump supporter
Why is he such a media darling? If he played for any other city than bawwwwston or was black everyone would hate him
>huge ego and treats team mates like shit
>cheated on his girlfriend and than dumped her when she became pregnant
>Trump supporter
Why is he such a media darling? If he played for any other city than bawwwwston or was black everyone would hate him
He's a winner. Winning os all that matters. For instance, Kaepershit would be in the league if he could win games.
if he was black he would have blown out his knees in his third season and would be watching NFL games on tv in his florida condo.
I've only ever heard of good things about Brady from past teammates. That faggot Rodgers is the one his past teammates hate.
>>Why is he such a media darling?
is he? i thought he was almost universally hated. or is that just Sup Forums?
>media darling
ummmmm no sweetie
You're soft. Millennials need to be Xenu'd
>The Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Seventeen
>Being this butthurt about Based Tom
Do everyone a favor and just kill yourself you mental midget.
lol mad little faggot is pissed that the GOAT voted for the donald.... classic
put your pick vagina hat back on and catch the nearest MLS game
>Right wing white guy liked by largely white team
>Faggot hated by masculine men from South
Have you noticed how many white people are kneeling? There is so much fucking right wing white nationalism in the NFL, it's just swept under the rug because there's tons of black fans and players.
Wait, so deciding not to make yourself look like a retard before the game means you are a "white nationalist"?
LO-fucking-L, cucks like you really do exist.
How utterly shocking.
>Wait, so deciding not to make yourself look like a retard before the game means you are a "white nationalist"?
No what I'm saying is that's a sign that left wing politics are basically non-existent in the minds of the vast majority of white pro-football players in 2017.
His team mates loves him and he never cheated on his gf .shut the fuk up u jelous hater
Good. Leftwing politics are retarded and not being a leftwing retard does not mean you're a white nationalist.
ex-player pundits talk about how good he is (rightfully), and all the biased local sports writers excoriate him. he's a polarizing figure for sure. the most common opinion is "I hate tom brady but damn he's good"
>If he played for any other city than bawwwwston or was black everyone would hate him
Fuck off. Jordan was worse than Brady in every way and the media loves him infinitely more.
With his Estonian or whatever she is wife.
He's a winner and he's cute as fuck.
what did Jordan do that was worse than the cheating that Brady has done?
pro-tip: gambling is not worse than cheating in the playoffs, and the death of MJ's father had nothing to do with his gambling addiction
He was a philandering shithead that was universally despised by everyone he played with and got kicked out of the league for a year for gambling. There are even stories of his assaulting teammates during practice. He's a world-class shithead but he won and put up numbers so he gets a pass, same as Brady. Being white and playing in Boston has nothing to do with it.
Jordan's disrespect for his opponents was legendary and the gambling rumors dogged him during his career.
This was pre-internet, word of mouth. It didn't receive airtime by old media but everyone knew.
>treats team mates like shit
what the fuck are you talking about
none of what you said is worse than cheating
none of what you said is worse than cheating
i think its ballsy af he supported trump
First off, prove Brady cheated. Not Bellicheck, Brady. Second, did you read the OP shithead? He listed Brady's behavior towards teammates and women. Jordan was much worse in both aspects, but got a pass just like Brady.
>Getting your dad murdered and being suspended for betting on your own sport isn't worse than cheating
Bellicheck is objectively the cheater.
Circumstantial evidence makes Brady complicit at the very worst.
Unlike Brady and LeCuck Jordan played in a hard era of his sport, where pussy rules didn't exist
>getting your father murdered is not worse than cheating
Jordan was a massive asshole, way worse than Brady who isn't even that much of one.
>“They don’t need a ticket to watch you sitting on the bench. They can go to your house for that.” – Michael to Charles Davis who was sorting through his tickets for his family and friends
Some of the stuff he publicly said about his team mates is just mean and spiteful
Jordan actually abused his teammates but none of you fags ever seem to care, every single one of Brady's former teammates has only ever said good things about him
>hard era
>pussy rules didn't exist
>no zone defense
>literally pussified the rules and made defense illegal because NBA's meal ticket Jordan was useless against the Pistons in the playoffs
>good looking
and the media doesnt really like him
i dont think the patriots even have a white guy on defense