What is Sup Forums's opinion on this?
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Pretty Good/10
comfiest show on Sup Forums
Starts cute turns into a bog of fanfiction drama shit that no one wants.
loose ends EVERYHWERE
It is insane how long they're making me wait for the new season.
It was alright, nothing special. Best episode was the one in which she was super horny.
Most of those that have actually watched it enjoy it. It still suffers from having a stupid title but I think more and more are coming around to actually giving it a chance.
Her butt isn't fat enough
Most retarded name for a show I've seen. Literally makes me not want to watch it.
CW's scheduling: first season was in their off season; the 2nd was main season (and got 6 more episodes) which is why they both appeared come out one after the other - there was only like a 3 month gap. Then they put it back to the off season and we've had a year and a half to wait for season 3.
It's back April 4th.
its nice though
Sharp writing.
Fun premise, based loosely on the comic.
Actually delivers on grand epic finales.
Best ensemble cast on tv.
Waifu show
How's Santa Clarita Diet doing now?
subversive AIDS acceptance propaganda pushed by (((them)))
All those articles are the same.
>Finally! This thing I think we never had even though we've totally had it before!
I wish I had a reaction image that was sufficiently tinfoil for this
The Santa Clarita Diet is a drag.
There's only so much golly-gee honey passive aggressive bullshit I can take, and frankly Drew Barrymore's face has hit this uncanny valley thing where it's like she had a stroke or an accident and her features just keep SLIDING AROUND.
iZombie, on the other hand, is a lot of fun.
Good watch
Basically the much-needed replacement for Psych, for me.
>blue shoes
I don't even know if there is one.
she was better as a zombie
She was better as BOOM HEADSHOT
Unironically my favourite show on tv
i like it. would like it even more if major wasn't such a mess
Major's suffering and inevitable revenge arcs are the glue holding the show together along with Liv's cuteness, that S1 finale was amazing
Why is she so hot with white hair? My dick is literally diamonds. Her normal hair color does nothing for me.
I meant blue dress shoes webm. thank you
At first I hated it because of the Shows name and that it was on CW. I came to a thread on here and people posted waifus. I called them fags and they convinced me to finally watch it.its a very good show honestly.
A thousand times
It's like if CSI tried to be funny and cash in on the Zombie trend but did neither of those things well. The fact that anyone can stomach even an episode of it perplexes me to no end. It's boring, it looks like absolute shit, the acting is bad and the writing is worse. I hate nothing more.
it's more like veronica mars/psych + zombies
Shit. I've been memed again. This board has shit taste when it comes to TV series. Same shit with Lucifer.
well you're a nigger
>zombie butt
It's actually comfy as hell. Ravi is top tier husbando
Can't wait for the new s3 recipes too.
isn't it weird that they have a kitchen right by the bodies? feels quite unsanitary
Official rating iZombie chicks Sup Forums approved
Rita > Zombie Rita > Peyton > FBI chick > Liv > Zombie Liv
who is this in your pic?
this though. If it wasn't for threads here I would have never picked this up. God awful title.
It's better than it has any right to be. Very comfy show and well made but nothing life changing in my opinion.
the costumes and make up in this episode. christ almighty.
Major suffering was the best part tbqh. I hope Clive and Peyton suffer next season.
Liv best girl
i try to convince people in the threads whenever i can, whoever came up with the title should hang themselves, probably hurts the show more than anything.
nothing wrong with a small microwave and a portable stove, half the stuff used in the video is lab equipment.
It's malcolm Goodwin (Clive) and Leanne Lapp in zombie mode.
I'd imagine weirder shit goes down in morgues than having a kitchen annex nearby.
started watching for zombiefu, stayed because it's comfy and for zombiefu
I can't even remember exactly where things left off. Isn't the enitre premise of the show going to change now? Ravi and Liv lost their jobs and now everyone knows about zombies after the max rager thing, right?
Comfiest show I've ever seen in my life. Zombiefu is so short and cute every time she goes full on zombie-mode it's like watching a little kid trying to scare you. Plus the themes on the show are always unexpectedly entertaining, my favorites are the frat-bro one and the stripper one.
Any pics of season 3?
Peyton> Rita> zombie liv> zombie rita> normal liv> ravi's clingy gf>>>>>>> that tryhard FBI slag
I'm partial to the positivity episode myself. Also liked the skydiving ep
zombie shit will be covered up by those higher up zombies, obviously. they'll blame it on max rager's rage inducing drink or whatever. i bet blaine will be their enemy again because they just wont kill him for some reason
>because they just wont kill him for some reason
He's literally their best most interesting character ofc they won't kill him off
Plus theres not even a single reason for treating him like a villain, he did LITERALLY nothing wrong in the entirety of the show.
rose posts stuff on her instagram sometimes
this is just fanart though
But he kidnapped and murdered a bunch of teenagers and a famous astronaut and served their brains to zombies.
It's really not that great. I watched it all the way through because I like to watch tv series' as I do cardio, but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it. It's alright in later episodes, but iZombie is better in every way
Max Rager was the most interesting character. Seriously I think it was a mistake to kill him, but we'll see how this new season turns out
new chick that is head of the zombie defense force or whatever seems interesting, although clearly not as charismatic as ritas dad
Just post the webm.
Just the promo so far.
It looks like a large convenient explosion is going to cover up the zombie outbreak at the party.
her neck is delicious
brit teef
>tfw she'll never bite me
>Max Rager
Faggots please. Mr. Boss stole the show tbph
>implying killing niggers and a man that cold die at any second is bad thing
did he check the astronauts instagram first?
he killed white youngsters as well
Liv eats dyke brain and aggressively hits on every female in sight when though?
Its hard to out web steven webber
>Peyton is a regular character this next season
My dick has never been happier
reminder that aly michalka has leaked nudes
From the 2014 Fappening. Nothing in this latest hack though (yet).
>implying her qt teef arent one of her best features
I would never imply such a thing
he did nothing wrong
Based DC
Literally Slavic goddesses