>Globalism is bad
will this meme die already?
You guys even have any real reasons why you think globalism is bad except for idealistic nonsense and memes? realistic, specific reasons?
>Globalism is bad
will this meme die already?
You guys even have any real reasons why you think globalism is bad except for idealistic nonsense and memes? realistic, specific reasons?
>whites are a minority
>freedom of movement and open boarders with all of africa and asia
No thanks mr jew guy.
Broadly speaking, globalization is inevitable and (probably) beneficial in the long term.
The problem is the way it's being implemented right now.
>I benefit from all low skill jobs in my country being given to Filipinos and all high skill jobs being given to Indians, while all the universities are filled with chinks and Saudis
yah, nah, fuck yourself
Because borders are necessary to ensure the survival of the human species. If we all share the same gene pool, it's that much easier for one superbug to wipe us all out. Also larger structures of government with more and more power don't work, voters feel disconnected from its decisions and thus don't vote. And if we don't have elections for this government, it will just become an oppressive tyranny.
There really is no reason to have a whole world government.
Globalism is not the same as market globalization OP.
>ruins a nations living standards
They've been dropping in nations participating in globalism before they where fully nation states with their own self interests.
>destroys cultural and social relations in the nation
A un-unified people taken from their nation state and ability to work cohesively means les productive efforts and a less willing group to succeed as a whole.
>economic production falls
Globalism will cause a less competitive and therefore less wealthy future for all participants, it was the competition of groups NOT the unification of them that created the market, scientific advances, and modern luxuries of the age we enjoy.
>will inevitably lead to a dead society or a fallen one
People will rebel from this, other groups will rise and create their own nation states, the clashes ARE inevitable and will only serve to move us backwards to where we should be rather than move our developing societies as a whole. Watering down groups to have no common unity or purpose grander than themselves create individuals with no means or wants to succeed beyond the life of a farm raised animal, these societies will die out in competition with those refusing, except those societies will be hindered by the others that try to leech or destroy them. There's no progress for mankind in any globablist system, merely the illusion of it with vague ideas that threaten humanities continued leaps forward. It's a danger to man as a whole, faggot.
The decline of the middle class, the income inequity between the elite and everyone else is growing exponentially, unelected bureaucrats having influence over nations going to war.
Gas yourself, kike. Make the Holocaust real this time...
>Globalism is good
will this meme die already?
You guys even have any real reasons why you think globalism is good except for idealistic nonsense and memes? realistic, specific reasons?
>Not having marketable job skills
Literally as bad as a nigger
Globalism is great if everybody is willing to be productive members of societ. It's great if all people from different parts of the planet are equal. It's great if people don't need a culture to tie them together as a community and it's great if people are just naturally productive and peaceful.
>but it doesn't work like that does it
>islam exists
>different races have different...average capabilities
>a strong, unpolluted culture is the basis for all stability
Globalists seem to think that their magical borderless dream world would be completely free of conflict. No, there are no agruments that SUPPORT nationalism, other than a simple "people who are more alike get together better"
But when it comes down to it, thats a pretty good reason
the only marketable job skill in the modern economy is "not subject to federal labor laws"
I agree.
>only borders keep people from race mixing
you sound like a fucking idiot.
It's funny that the people who supposedly hate globalism spend all day on the internet, which is a product of globalisation.
Actually, the whole impotent far right uprising is a product of the internet - in other words globalisation.
You're right, Renge, but Sup Forums being a bunch of gullible hypocrites is nothing new.
the problem is the jews and the way they twist it to fit their agenda
imho you're both retards
>internet, which is a product of globalisation.
I'd be happy to not have most of the world online.
I'd take 2 or 3 countries over this any day.
it's inevitable. all you can do is prepare and make the best of it. in the long run it'd be better for humanity.
It allows strangers to settle in my ancestral homeland.
>i just use it all the time every day not like i like it or anything baka!!
Massive centralised governments put too many layers of bureaucracy between the governors and the governed, diluting accountability and democratic control, which leads to instability.
Also, no government of people can handle the volume of information processing required to effectively govern superstates. Hell the USA is likely beyond the effective government size threshold nevermind the EU.
>my ancestral homeland.
you did nothing to earn living here. furthermore, germany is ruining the EU/Europe. and your censorship laws are that of a total cuck race, and your cuck people put up with it
>Also, no government of people can handle the volume of information processing required to effectively govern superstates. Hell the USA is likely beyond the effective government size threshold nevermind the EU.
indeed. which may be the reason everyone is working on true Artificial Intelligence.
Call me when we build an Artificial super-intelligence capable of parsing data on a global scale to inform its decisions, then a unified government may be possible and even worthwhile.
government is an initation of force and pushing together different cultures leads to conflicts. Not to mention racial differences.
The past where there is no where to get away from third world murderers and rapists
>all he wants to do is run away
Fuck off, toothpaste.
why would i want people who are an entire different subspecies to rule me
This is simple, if you're a globalist you get put down to die.
Yeah the belle epoque was so bad, thank god we are living in a diverse and multicultural society free of hate now.