Let's discuss.
Are abos even human?
>oldest """""""""""""""culture""""""""""""""""" on earth
Even the french hate em.
keep up the Aboposting frogs
100 years from now, there will be virtually zero (0) full-blooded Abos in Australia any more
They basically will cease to exist as a race (except for those cunts who claim 1/16th). A slow, but certain genocide (mainly due to their own stupidity).
This makes me kind of relieved.
mostly white Australians
>complaining about one of their grandparents did to the other grandparent
Maybe surrounding capital cities but there are still shitloads of them living in enclaves out in the coon boonies.
They must be some different subspecies
Racist, they are all equal.
i know a bunch of people who look like this but are like "nah im not white im abo"
>cant even find a pic of a white person baka
I cant see a problem here, looks like an average Aussie to me.
>londonistani tries to out shitpost aussies
>my fucking face when
>claiming shitposting superiority
>not demonstrating it
hop off the proxy ya slack jawed poofter
is there any race mixing with aboriginals in australia?
the orc looks whiter than the abbo
yeah thats why there aren't any pureblood abos left, we fucked them out of existence when we should have just killed them and be done with it
That kid's nostrils at 1:17 wtf man
what if you were to walk up to an "Abo" and give them say...100 aus dollars? would they take it? slap your hand? run away with it/?
Any of cunts have this video with the British Grenadiers playing over it?
>we lost all that we had
What was that? A bunch of sticks and stones?
Not far off.
They have their own poo in loo song. Except it's telling them to stop snorting petrol. Petrol is for car, silly abbo!
>And gas is for kikes
>tfw 1/16 abo
At least I can pull my race card ...right??
I just really have grown beyond care for this emotionally based argumentation. The fact is that a savage peoples were met with civility. That's the only thing that matters.