What are some films where racist fucking cunts from a mongrel filled board keep winning?

What are some films where racist fucking cunts from a mongrel filled board keep winning?

Seriously fuck Sup Forums

Sage for concern trolling. Go back to your playpen Sup Forumsfag

You mad libtard? Maybe you should watch some television or films to ease your butthurt.

Personally I've been thinking of finally watching Sinister

Ledditors on suicide watch

ooh baby

glad to see a roastie take time away from her rooster themed life to pose for social media

shell catch up on her cock mileage over the weekend anyways


When did this board turn into /polmeta/

Sinister is sick

But on the real, why are Conservative women so much hotter?

the tree of life

also go to Sup Forums, /cgl/ or /fa/ you dumb babby
its full of girls



>glad to see a roastie take time away from her rooster themed life to pose for social media
>shell catch up on her cock mileage over the weekend anyways

>it's an user obsesses about a board he hates thread

>Being a falseflagging cuck
That's why no one likes you

because they care about traditional values and maintaining their appearance. Liberal women need to subvert expectations by cutting off all their hair, getting hundreds of tattoos and piercings and becoming a bull dyke

Sup Forums is the immune system that tries to fight the cancer that is reddit

>dad hat under the make americans great again hat
I mean he could be right honestly

Who is this jizm prism?

What exactly did they win? A president that doesn't serve their best interest?



>rooster themed life

When butthurt Mexican redditors decided that we should take capeshit seriously.