Fellow Americans please remember to vote Hillary in the upcoming election - you cannot let ruskies to tell you who should be your president
"If it’s Hillary Clinton, it’s war." says Vladimir Putin
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Fuck off actual/pol/ack it is war either way, Trump or nothing.
Every intrusion into Russia starts with occupation of Poland. Aren't you tired of it already?
is poland ready?
>hillary clinton elected
>russia invades norway
>im forced to fight
>get surrounded by russians
>"cyka rush b"
>"da privjet rash b"
>they think im one of them
>purge europe alongside russian right wing death squads
plz vote hillary, burgerfats
china feels pretty much the same btw
you ppl live in a bubble
Fuck, I'm just bought an apartment.
>trying to fight Russian American alliance
You should be ashamed shill go get other flag
I think some evidence is in order, my friend.
>you cannot let ruskies to tell you who should be your president
Instead you let Faggot OP tell you who to vote for.
Half a zloty was donated to your account.
Sadly we are not need any heavy water or salmon, so we unlikely invade Norway, sorry, bro.
1612 best year of my life
>get bought by bojari
>sit in Kremlin for a while
>get home
Yep, pretty cool of you.
fuck off and hang yourself if you actually vote for that lying lizard
please vote hillary
Russia is shithole albeit with a strong leader.
Russia doesn't like US/NATO aggression.
Hillary would just continue destablizing the ME and heightening tensions with Russia.
Russia isn't going to attack Poland there isn't a reason.
Poland is one of best, peaceful countries on earth, stop talking shit and enjoy it.
trump won't be any better
>hurrdurr every intrusion into Russia starts with occupation of Poland
Great video in the article actually. Have nothing to do with title of the article though.
I''ll be with Russia, fuck Clinton. I'm not pro Russian but Clinton is evil
You are right. Some ends with it, pretty much all of them actually. Why are you always occupied, little Poland?
right, dimitriads sure ended with occupation of poland m8
wtf i love russia now
I'm curious, what's the general attitude of Russian citizens towards regular ass Americans?
Seems like we'd get along. You guys like guns, we like guns. You guys like dangerous shit, we like dangerous shit. We hate muslims, you hate muslims.
>you cannot let ruskies to tell you who should be your president
Then why do you allow USA the same thing?
No one wants nuclear war.
Worry about your elections, I'll worry about mine.
Since Russia was invaded by Poland you could say that Poland was occupied by polacks.
You should press mongol invasion
Give a reason, leaf. Trump is best chance we have for non-interventionism. Read his foreign policy speech. Listen to Putin's comments as well.
Hillary on Syria: wikileaks.org
Hillary will cause more war that Trump ever would.
We are much alike, pretty much that's we don't like each other. The main difference is that we are in survival mode thru our history and you've never felt consequences of your actions, because you always shit overseas.
>why we don't like each other
I'd say our politicians don't like eachother, but I hold no animosity towards your country or your people. Actually I sympathize with you guys, and I despise a lot of American politicians. I wish our government wouldn't meddle everywhere, but alas one person can't do much in this day and age.
I'd have to say I'd support him in his quest. If that miserable cunt gets elected, we're doomed.
can you speak belarussian, bracie?
Is this why NATO shit their pants?
t. Poland cuck
He's right though. I expect no less of the crazy bitch. She seeks to destroy everything. And usher in ww3
Дa, бeз пpaблeм. Mы вyчым дзвe мoвы.
It's not so different from Russian anyway.
I'm not sure if you are honest. I've been in USA only once and I would say that only rednecks (and blue collars) are ok with us, all "intellectuals" I've met were hysterically russophobic. Anyway Texas is a great place and technician paradise, hope it will not suffer in case of Russian-USA clash.
I'm being honest about my own views, I can't say I've met many people who are russophobic. That being said, I don't talk to many people about Russia.
For what it's worth, I hope our countries can forge some kind of alliance and I hope that trump getting elected moves us towards that. Many a kebab can be removed by our combined forces.
Decent white people in America haven't been Russophobic since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Now it comes from liberals complaining about muh homophobia and muh racism in Russia
Get those 515,000 reserve troops ready Bolan because we're gonna need em.
I want to believe this as much as the next guy, but the link for "evidence" of this is to
Which doesn't actually have any concrete source other than "it's totally happening guys"
If anyone has the memo in question that would be pretty great
are you already finsih with the toilet?
Polands minister of defence, legit looks like a man that would genocide a nation. I don't see how poland managed to get away with starting WW2.
Whats with the poland plumber meme?
Is it akin to the swiss watchmaker?
Genuinely curious over here.
I love you homie
When the EU allowed free movement, millions of poles moved to the UK. Since they can't speak English they take cleaning jobs, hence the "clean my toilet" meme
It's a Polish hobby.
Like Brazilian traps like to have sex with horses for example
is there any truly reliable source for this quote? I want to believe.
sup, little Russia
Trump/Putin will make the Middle East stable again
t. Dennis
shouldn't Sup Forums vote for her now for the sake of "happening" ?
I don't give a fuck about Putin since I was already going to vote for Trump.
However, the shilling from CTR and Putin tires me. So they can all get fucked together.
Back to prison with you, Pavliviczé
Bend over, Pavliviczé
Why are you such a thief, Pavliviczé?
Money back when, Pavliviczé? Want us to occupy you AGAIN?
What's with the niggers, Pavliviczé?
Buttblasted Hans spotted
Liberal faggots dislike Russia because you guys are anti-atheism and anti-fascist. I hate those people.
I have no problem with Russian people. Why would I want to fight white Christians (Russians) for the sake of gay nigger trannies to hate me for my "white privilege"? I like Russian people.
I laughed at this little too much
They made some fine plumber working 'round here in the late 80s/90s too.
No shit it's war if it's Hillary Clinton. She's George Soros with breasts, all she wants is to murder people and destroy nations.
Do you miss your master hans?
Fuck off actual Sup Forumsack.
Literally everyone keeps saying "HILLARY SHOULD BE PREZ", and now when Putin says it he shouldn't have a say in that? Really?
Why is this not in the mainstream news? The Russian president just said that war woud break out between his country and ours if one of our candidates is elected. That's serious fucking news, and relevant.
>I wanted a cheeseburger before you told me to order a cheeseburger and now I want something else
Yes and when they are done with Poland,
Russia and Germany tries to fuck eachother in gay sex
it might make him smile
>dying for the jew
>current year
>not just going into exile
because it inquisitr.com and not the real news. Putin never said anything like that and he always stays away from american internal affairs. Its YOUR problems, not ours. We want the same mentality from others - they should mind their own business and not interfere in our affairs.
wow im a trump supporter now
Cus thats what the illuminati wants to happen
How do Russians feel about Canadians?
Wtf is this true I love Brazil now
I like how ministers of defense never look happy.
Yep, with Poland in between it's a old good double penetration.
If Canada has too much money, why don't you land on the Moon or something.
I really can't blame Putin if he nukes us. I'd nuke us