The reviews were wrong.
The fights look great. His physicality is all there. Stop laughing.
The reviews were wrong
I'm going to watch it as background music. Luke Cage kind of sucked, but the black-sploitation angle was amusing.
>Stop laughing
looks cheap as fuck. It's like their is no atmosphere. Feels like an average tv show on cw
>that awful dialogue
>those fast cuts
How are you not baiting OP?
>how does someone like what i dont
not op but kys
Stop writing bad reviews.
top kek...was Marvel drunk when they ok this show?
Looks like its imitating the Mountain vs Viper fight in GOT
The dialogue reminded me of the video of those two spazzes play fighting in the parking lot wearing hoodies and JNCO jeans
>beard made of pubes
Could the actor in the tv show pull that ninja mask off? I mean, he's such a twink bitch that it would look like a parody.
*blocks your path*
liberal fucknut critics spazzing out cuz the martial arts lead actor isnt asian means i will definitely check it out
stop laughing it's not funny
There's a 0% chance his costume will resemble the comics at all. He'll probably just have a goofy yellow headband or some shit
I have no idea why they completely shat on the core concepts of this character while all the other Netflix fagscapes have powers and DD actually has a costume...
*blocks your review*
Fight looked alright but that dialogue was atrocious.
Terrible choreography. Somehow even worse editing. All of the impacts lack impact yet the spear dude is backing up and falling down.
Slow-mo that first swipe to hide how fucking slow it is already, toss in a solid thump sound effect to the push back and dial down the metal scraping against the floor then finally add a mighty cracking sound effect over the spear breaking like if someone just broke their arm next to your ear and it'd be a little better.
The only way that shit could truly be salvaged tho is with some 60s Batman POWS and a better editor.
I really hope it's better than I've been led to believe. But given Marvel's penchant for churning out cookie cutter garbage it's probably shit
Do you think Finn Jones even auditioned for the part?
>Stop laughing.
Isn't Iron Fist's girlfriend that black chick that Luke Cage has already fucked?
Poor Charlie
>a cut almost after every move
Jesus that just doesn't look good.