Why are women so shit at comedy?

Why the fuck are there no funny women on this planet? Why do they suck so much at comedy?
Just look at this cringe:


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There are, just not a whole lot. Mostly it's because all they talk about is faggot shit most normal people can't relate to

30 seconds in


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Feminism ruins everything. Before feminism took over there were a lot of really funny women. Lucille Ball, Carrol Burnett. Phylis Diller. to name several.


It's something in our brain. It's been proven in studies that men are perceived as more funny. A joke told by a man will garner more laughs than the exact same joke told by a woman.

the real cringe starts at 1:05


Why the fuck are there no funny germans on this planet? Why do they suck so much at comedy?

I don't enjoy stand-up comedy desu.

Bill Burr sums it up. Women don't have to be funny. Men (uglier or fatter) have to be funny to get women's attention.

Kennst du diese Enissa Amani? Die ist die schlimmste die es gibt

Because the one that are (allowed to be) famous are the one that are women that happen to be comedians rather than those that are comedians that happen to be women.

The same thing is true with politics and any mediatic career that are mostly male. Affirmative action is the most stupid thing the progressive ever invented.

>german female comedian
I'm not even going to open that link

most women just aren't innovative which is the key to being funny.

She's from the US

Aubrey Plaza (April from parks and rec) is legit funny, but it's mostly because she is fucking weird


I shall refer you to the definitive text on the matter by the lesser of the Hitchens brothers:


Being funny is a natural skill found in men that is used to entertain and pick up woman.

woman try to copy it but fail because their brains are to shit for it.

Basically, women don't have to have any semblance of a personality to win a fuck buddy for the night.

"Please clap"

male thirst

Because they don´t need to be funny


There was a Brit comedian who died lately. Very subtle humour. Fast show and, Royle Family.
There and no good female comedians anymore. It's true.

Noone can be pretentious/artificial/afraid and be funny me thinks. Women who are honest and let go of themselves can be funny just like men.

You cannot be at a constant war with yourself over how you are perceived and be funny. It will seem very fake.

Before a man gets to be funny in front of a stage audience, he mostly fails a few times. A man can brush his off but maybe that affects a woman a lot more

is she a troll comedian? because if she is she's doing a seriously amazing job. if i was there i would die of laughter

God, this is terrible. Why doesn't anyone throw her off the stage?

if you don't like it then just quit watching it, I'm sure there are people who enjoy it.

you know wou are bad when not even americans want to clap for your performance.

You know you're doing something wrong when you need to beg Americans to clap.

It's their accent. It robs everything from a punchline cause they hardly differ from one tone of voice.

delivery is everythaaang

>I'm sure there are people who enjoy it.
What gives you that idea?

okay that one was for me

I think they just don't understand what kind of shit we men have in our heads so they don't know what buttons to touch to make us laugh.

btw speaking about op's picture, i think she's pretty funny (can't remember her name now)

I am here if you need to talk.

>woman """"comedy""""


Maria Bamdford

the observation that there are things I like but others don't. E.g I don't like anime but I know there are a lot of fans here and I don't judge. Ever noticed that not everybody likes the same music?

But we do have humour

Looks more like autism to me

women who make fun of female insanity are pretty good, but they're amateurs compared to faggots

Women are shit at essentially everything.


>men need to impress and succeed to pass on genes and shunned if they can't
>women just need to exist along with being coddled by all of society

what about sucking my dick

Close your eyes and listen to this, sounds like a man.

I've met plenty of women who are funny, but being funny is different to being "out going" which just comes off as obnoxious no matter what gender you are.

They don't lead particularly interesting lives and so they aren't able to tell amusing anecdotes like male comedians. They also feel the need to pander and empathise with the audience over personal peeves of theirs, whereas good male comedians can be confrontational and challenge the audience. John Oliver does the same kind of shit and it just comes across as politically correct comedy that carefully steps over people's feelings.

that video

Not saying you don't, it's just your accent takes a lot of the funny away from what you said. You could have told an A+ joke but it would only be a A cause of the voice you have. But typically from experience Germans have good humor specially around World War 2 stuff if there are no easily offended people.

>men need to impress and succeed to pass on genes and shunned if they can't

What the fuck cunt. Don't post this triggering shit on my safespace.

So three black men are hanging out at the park

so the first black guy says to the second "ughhauhhuhhshu"

Because comedy requires self deprication. The best comedians are able to take the piss out of themselves first and foremost before anyone else.

Male comedians telling mother in law jokes became unfunny years ago. They developed more innovative comedy. These female comedians are still trotting out "my boyfriend is a dim wit" jokes.

I took my wife to a comedy club and there were a number of upcoming comedians, we found all of them funny except for the female comedienne.

My wife turned to me and said "she's fucking shit, all she is doing is ragging on her boyfriend". It wasn't just my wife who found her dull, the whole audience just sat in silence groaning until she left the stage.

If women want a career in comedy then they have to be able to take the piss out of themselves first.

Mainly because they are terrible problem solvers. Men are much better at solving problems. It's what we do. It pisses off women all the time when they just want to unload on us with their problems and we try to help them fix them. When you are a comedian, the problem that needs solved is that you need to make people laugh. Women are better at complaining than problem solving, which is why most female comedians complain and pretend it's comedy.

So three black men are hanging out at the park

so the first black guy says to the second "Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau"

we're all in the same boat senpai, whenever you get sad just think to yourself, "at least I'm not black".

Guys can do it better ;)

so I am a jew right?


and I have a vagina right?


and MEN right?

'people dying from asphyxiation'


By that logic since people like different foods there ought to be people who like to eat razorblade filled poop as well.

The best female comedians are the ones who imitate men the best.

Women don't really seem to be good at anything so it's should come as no surprise they're not good at comedy either.

we all know that men are better at being women then actual women


Is that what is called libertarianism?

Fuck you OP I just had an aneurysm from that video

I find as well women are funny in a spontaneous way with a remark or comment but as far as stand up comedy goes they're shit



How can men just be naturally funny

You're not black either, fampai.

Men can definately do it better, we just aren't g*y

>implying those aren't funny


because female opinion is about adjusting it to align with their peers

comedy works by forcing your brain to think in a new way, upon you are rewarded with positive neural stimuli, or laughter. Which is why a joke you know is coming isn´t funny

you can´t expect women to come up with an effective way of doing that, since they literally are accustomed to retracing the way of thinking of their peers


I like your delivery, bro

She's also bisexual.

It's all about how it's told.

Women will start raising their voices as they get closer to the punchline, and then deliver the punchline in an annoying way. Then they usually start laughing at their own punchline.

Men will be more consistent throughout the whole thing, and as he delivers the punchline you're taken by surprise.

Who's ready to die?

germans are funny you dipshit


Humor was born as a way for men to attract women, not the other way around.


bcause they don't need to be funny

>me thinks
kill yourself after you poo in your designated shitting street pajeet


it hurts to be alive

This is the only correct answer.

Because theyre all the same shit it's either
>heheh I'm timid and underqualified in this spooky world full of men, here's something about me mixed with self deprecation
I'm not even sure if this was always the case either. I could swear in the 90s there were a couple good observational comedian women.
I think people just got dumber, name some funny male comedians that came around in the last 6 years or so that are actually funny and not funny in the same way funny women are funny.

I disagree. I think humor is more about male bonding than mate selection. Humor is a way to experience positive emotions and reinforce social bonds in a non-homoerotic context with other men. Men mistakenly apply this bonding technique to women, who have other preferred mate selection criteria - health and wealth, of which humor is only a peripheral indication - and bonding techniques.

Bill Burr, Christopher Hitchens, et al., were wrong. Females aren't the center of the universe, and not every male behavior is designed to attract female attention.

She's a jewess. They have no sense of humour.

Krautlads are sides in orbit witty. The beauty is, half the time they have no idea they are. Sharp observations and dry af.

awful, kill yourself please if you find this even remotely funny

I like saying really offensive and taboo things in a completely monotone, deadpan way - with no intonation, or no indication that I've even completed a thought - girls stare at me in disdain like I'm a potentially dangerous autist

joke's on them, because I am

agree, faggots like daniel tosh and seth rogan which are your male equivalent are the most popular 'comedians'

>implying intensifies

>not liking fat comedians like Cindy


Neckbeard vs 'hot' comedy slut

He's only kinda funny, she literally just stutters out 'Y...you're fat, I guess...'

It's in the genes. Humor increases your chances of seducing a woman and thus having offsprings. Woman never had to be funny until they decided they had to compete with men. Some woman are naturally funny of course, but there are very few of them.



You need to brace yourself to watch all of it. It gets progressively worse. It's like a pure audio version of a rekt thread.

LOL, I found this funny as hell although the 'joke' was very conventional and low-risk satire that even a woman could create something like that. I guess its about the shameless self-conscious delivery, also I feel there was satire in the satire, and that is something women can't pull.