/SG/ - Syria General - Lazy Sunday Edition

Links updated for July 9

>Everything you need to know

>NEW Interview w/ Assad

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Timeline map of Syria
>Fan maps

>Aleppo July 9
>East Ghouta July 9
>Manbij July 4
>Latakia July 3
>Iraq July 2

>Syrian Army seizes train station in northern Homs, closes in on massacred village
>Russian helicopter crashes during raid on ISIS near Palmyra, two pilots dead
>Jihadist rebels suffer heavy casualties in failed northern Aleppo offensive
>Syrian Army continues advance in Aleppo neighborhoods
>Syrian Army ambushes Nusra convoy in northeast Daraa
>Jund al-Aqsa militants mysteriously targeted in Hama
>Syrian Army makes swift gains in the East Ghouta amid rebel collapse
>Iraqi Army captures important base south of Mosul
>Houthi forces cutoff key government supply line to Sanaa

Prev >SouthFront July 9

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First for a successful Aleppo offensive to besiege the Eastern Sector!

you guys wanted me to sing my national anthem right?

I'll sing it too, show them how it's done.

fifth for saudis being btfo on a regular basis with no end in sight


what is the situation in yemen right now? I haven't heard much from it lately, just the usual saudis getting BTFO? Whatever happened to those american troops sent to help.

Please yes, that would be cool.

You mean North Algeria?


>mfw the box raining down on the desert as glassy dust

in your dreams


rate but no hate. i was wondering if i should have the instruments in the background but i just decided "fuck it" and went with my voice only. also, i only had to sing the anthem on 3 occasions for my school so i was not able to properly recall all the lyrics going off the wikipedia page.

the muslim is not the enemy! it is the jew, friend. don't be led astray.

for nth time: Assad must go


>comes to /sg/
>posts anti-Muslim pics, despite /sg/ supporting Assad and Syria

mah niggas

>listening to shitty nigger hiphop
So, are you black or a cuck?

Adel deserves to be a meme.

my ear is bleeding. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME

Bloody degenerate.

and islam is a degenerate 7th century arab death cult

I like that song though Czech dude


I don't think you know what that word means


i was not listening to it lol. i have absolutely no clue how that happened. :^(

Yes yes, we know. What would be a better end for the State of Israel than a mad sandnigger rush?

we killed Constantinople (thanks for your help my best infidel friend who goes sacked his own brother in religion). and if we united we will kill the vatican too. so we can see how degenerate you can be

Are you Marcus?

i expect only the highest ratings.

Pretty degenerate famh. As long as they stay at home though, they can be as degenerate as they wish.

So how is the war going? 6 months ago people were telling me it should be wrapping up now with complete victory for assad, is it true?

Dont get ahead of yourself m7. You never fought a full capable western army since the early 20th century.

i would not say 6 months but yeah, we're winning the war. it'll stay that way less shalier gets the keys to the oval office.

kinda true. but time will make people go up and down.

infact, westerners are too degenerated now. we only need 50 years. or maybe 20

its about time you know.

Are Turks actually supported Isis or are westerners cucked by zionist media?

Why not let isis take over the hole country so there is no problem for it to get nuked

There was a little setback, shall we say, on the Raqqah front, and all recent progress there has been lost. We've got Palmyra back, but not much more than that. Things are going considerably better against the moderate head choppers. Their last road into Aleppo has been cut off, they're losing ground in Damascus, and an offensive they launched in Latakia has been more or less repulsed.

>and if we united we will kill the vatican too

Come and try lad. Anyway, the Arab world is in crisis. If the so called "Armies of Islam" cannot even defeat Assad and Iran, I think the Pope is quite safe.

>He thinks people distinguish between ISIS and Al-Nusra

Dream on. Face a weatern war economy and get put back on your ass. Germany and France battled over verdun with a million soldiers involved and this was hundret years. Germany and Russia went to each others throat with millions on both sides and ten thousands of tanks and war planes. Again. 60 years ago. You just fell behind further in this time. If any western nation sees you as a serious threat you will learn it by anhiliation.

Too much collateral. They should be driven to Saudi Arabia and nuked there.

nah. you talk like this is the first the middle east went into wars. we had worse than isis and managed to triumph.

infact, we only want more hate from you guys. the more we get the more united we be. you westerners once you see a muslim with gun in the street you all would run away screaming like the apocalypse have started. so dont act like ramboo while you would be running like a deer when it sights a predator.

You're losing all the sympathy you built up over time lad.

If the west ever truly went to war against islam, two of it's pillars would be destroyed forever because nuclear fire would rain down on mecca, utterly destroying the kaaba and preempting the hajj from ever happening again.

>ironically comes to /sg/ knowing all these terrorists are just CIA mossads and hasbara then blame muslims

>blame muslims
Show me what post I did that in, "genius"?

oh i did not mean your comment....

sorry wrong comment to reply.

about yours. mecca is not important. the cube was damaged many times and rebuilt. the site itself is important and we would not give a fuck it the cube was destroyed.

Yes thats what happens. This is why every single arab army is a catastrophe. While you were playing in the sandbox about terrorist insurgencies, the western nations prepared for a total and nuclear war amongst each other.
you arabs are only strong in groups and once this feeling is shattered so is the group. You lack the discipline that is well established in western armies since the early prussian armies, you lack a civil society on which to fall back in dire times, instead your youth runs far, far away. You lack anymcapabilty of modern warfare, be it mechanized units, airforce, tanks or infantry equipment, be it cyber infrastructure or satelite images. You never faced the full might of the west, because a bitch slap is sufficient for you.


Didn't look like someone was hit though

>got owned by commies

Yes we crumbled under the soviet, british and us american war machine. Whats your point though? This were three western nations.

Try doing the circle thing you guys are supposed to do there through a crater of radioactive glass and tell me how your life goes from then on.

>got BTFO after holding out single-handedly for four years against the three biggest powers in the world at the time

>you westerners once you see a muslim with gun in the street you all would run away screaming like the apocalypse have started. so dont act like ramboo while you would be running like a deer when it sights a predator.

Yeah, that's why you live in Kuwait and not Syria, right lad?

I don't hate muslims (or care desu) but this "Hurr durr Islam will conquer the world!" shit is cringey. The Islamic equivalent of stormfags.

>now got owned by rapefugee

meh. muslims are mad enough to go blow themselves FOR THE GLORY OF ALLAH. infact try nuking the area. would be beautiful to see what will be released from that place.

im the 3rd generation here. we are just merchants living here for shekels

>you lack a civil society on which to fall back in dire times,
soviets got embarassed in afghanistan

i mean sure america bombed iraq back to the stone age but they had to spend 2 trillion dollars for it, i dont consider that a "bitchslap"

they dont shine in armies but shine in their jihad against foreigners, so basically just gorilla warfare

maybe if those western nations were so smart as you claim to be, they wouldnt had to make all those dangerous weapons to fight each other

Terribly owned by refugees. Terribly.
If everything goes wrong, it still looks better than when everything goes right in the muslim world. And the tides in public have already turned.
your whole culture is a joke, thst can never live up to the west. Your youth literaly kill each other for a chance in europe.

Gentleman, please. Let's all remember who the real enemy is here.


The afghan and iraqi invasions are bitchslaps. If you do not undertstand that go to a local museum in flandern instead of tripping on al qaida clips on youtube. This civil "war" shows it perfectly. Give any side 10000 european soldiers and the war is over.
the west killed 1 million iraqis in the 90s by economic sanctions alone. There was no mobilisation for any of this conflicts, because there was no need for it. Instead local lans sacrificied tenthousands of their kids to end the occupation after getting destroyed on the battlefield.

>If everything goes wrong, it still looks better than when everything goes right in the muslim world. And the tides in public have already turned.
you guys are too degenerated and too not reproductive. 1.3 fertility rate with my boot you guys will survive another 50 years
>German Dungeon Porn
>we are best culturally

>your whole culture is a joke, thst can never live up to the west. Your youth literaly kill each other for a chance in europe.
>Evolves from barbarian
>Basically italians have better culture than his shit culture even we Syrians have better than these krauts
>Even anglos somehow managed for super power imperial colonization creating what is now canada, USA, Australia.

a bitchslap that takes 9 years and ended in complete failure, another bitchslap that anhilated the country back to the stone ages by spending 2 trillion dollars, damn son, you have a funny idea of a bitchslap

Things are getting agitated as fuck, so much activity in northen Aleppo.

Muslim birth rates have been falling from the 70s senpai.


gorilla warfare is possible only in case of mild control of a country, nobody wanted to annex that afganistan ot iraq and colonize them so there were limited ammount of troopers.

both wars were complete failures as they wanted to impose own system on that nations by changing government. it doesnt work, you can see same attempts in tunisia, libia, egypt.

in syria such attempts caused civil war

so in 21 century wars will be to get colonies and to get\protect living space again.

in afganistan they left coutry, in iraq they left.

on own territory (like chechnia) terrorists were destroyed. all their leaders were killed, 90% of manpower were killed and 90% of foreign mercenaries were killed.

>got some info from the internet 100% is fact no doubt because it says so
in here everyone have 4-8 children. i have 5 siblings :^)

im planning for 8 children

Yes i have. In real wars no one will calculate the economic damyge. Be sure of it.
9 years of low commitment ended in failure, because of lacing interest. If the us would have cared about anything but to topple sadam and gsin economic control, iraq would still be occupied by a few million men.

Yes and 3-7 of this children die without weatern gibsmedat.

>muslims are mad enough to go blow themselves FOR THE GLORY OF ALLAH
Yes, and are incredibly stupid for doing so.

>try nuking the area. would be beautiful to see what will be released from that place.
>mfw radiation poisoning becomes the main way to identify people fanatical enough to go on the hajj

Nice role playing fantasies Ahmed. But it's fact that Arab fertility rates have collapsed since the 70s. In fact, because of Africans, Christianity is the world's fastest growing religion.


nah dont worry. most grow up and fuck like rabbits. never asked yourself we are going boom on population.

>file name
its true it is mad shit.

I hope you enjoy your medicine, your computers, your car, your industrial produced food and water, the money provided by western oil firms and western devdlopment money.
go fuck yourself. The italians are a western high culture, just like we are. You will never reach their level in your wildest dreams.

>on own territory (like chechnia) terrorists were destroyed. all their leaders were killed, 90% of manpower were killed and 90% of foreign mercenaries were killed.
yeah but i woudlnt consider the chechnya wars a "bitchslap"

the us cant, they would go bankrupt, their system is too corrupt to be efficient, having all those dangerous modern tech is all fun and games but they are expensive, and more so when your system is corrupt

besides what more could they have done to iraq? like i said country got bombed to the stone ages lol, its one of the reasons why isis became so strong

Yes. Thats what mugabe thought as well. The furrent immigrant cfisis broke free when the west cut its fundings for syria. The whole arab and africa are addicts to western help. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

>wikipedia told me

listen here kraut. i have nothing against anyone or someone. i in fact respect all and accept everyone should be protecting his own culture.

but coming in here ironically blaming us for terrorism is an ironic shitposting which means it is still shitposting. and you know well where terrorism only originates from. hell we even did not see terrorism until the "god only chosen" appeared.

Fully mobilise, print war bonds, enact complete law of war in iraq, mobilize the war economy, send more than just a small fighting force, establish lasting bases of power via military compartments? Should i go on? And this is just in case the us is benelovent towards the population.

Good footage from assault on Mallah


2:33 for close call
4:01 for rebs getting vaporized

Ah, finally back from my trip
Anything significant in the past few hours?

>Facts are wrong because they go against my own narrative/fantasies.

Yep, I'm in /sg/ alright.

Yes i know where terrorism comes from. From xour tendencies of victimizing yourself, living in the past, dreaming of panarabism, unability to establish any form of planing of economical, social or political de elopment, horrible education, pure hatred against sucess by others in your community, no utilitarian concept of society at all and islam.

>soviets got embarassed in afghanistan
Not really. They left the place with their allies controlling most of the country and hounding the muj in the mountains away from the population centres. This was only reversed big time when the SU itself collapsed and aid funding for the Afghan government dried up.


beheaders still being btfo from aleppo. prices increased in moderates held area in aleppo due to supply lines is cut.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting. looks like you come spew shit from ass as a fact. we remember the days when you filth were unhygienic fucks until we introduced toilets for you guys.

go find another thread to crybaby against muslims.

>you filth were unhygienic fucks until we introduced toilets

*ahem* that would have been the Romans, mate. You know, the inventors of indoor plumbing? The guys you got it from?

How's the government controlled part of Aleppo standing? Did mortars fall near you?

i thought they the west was supposed to be smart? are you really smart when you have to do all this just to control a bunch of goatfuckers?

okay, cool story, great "bitchslap" again

panarabism would have actually helped fighting terrorism, the idea pretty much got destroyed by the west causing islam to be one of the few ideologies to be left

that said im all for hating arabs but you cant deny the involvment of the west like its nothing

USA founded separatists in russia. SA send money and bought mercenaris. Corruption allowed them to buy weapon and to do many other things.

war was mostly guerilla, even in worse conditions that afganistan, considering the fact that after disolution of USSR everybody had more important problems, mostly economical and political.

in last war terrorists lost all battles very fast and then job was done by special police units and other special forces, many of them were locals. because it was hard to find and distinguish terrorists among civilians and in hard geographical conditions (mountains and dense forest)

from what I can see, Nusra is unsuccessfully trying to attack that SAA bulge to take them further back away from Castello

are you back?

all i know that dark age savage Europeans had no toilets until they got the idea from us while crusading

>cant see flag

the factions of "Moderates" are fighting each other. not one agree on what to do.

>How's the government controlled part of Aleppo standing? Did mortars fall near you?

Look at his flag... He lives in Kuwait. Plus, I think even in government held areas of Aleppo they probably don't have internet.

Back again

SA sent money and bought mercenaris to fight in that war.


looks similar to what we see in syria.


#AlMallah farms #alnusra terrorist recording his friends being sent to hell by SAA


>all i know
Then open a book.

How was the cruise? I thought you said it will be 3 weeks long?

yes go read how Europe used to live until they got our library

even japs called you guys western barbarians

The us did not use them, because it did not have to. It got what it wanted. End of story.
panarabism was not destroyed by the west,,but by the competition of the iraqi, syrian and egyptisnnbaath parties. It was a pipedream to begin with anyway, cause nationalism does not work in tribal societies.
Then remember them. When we were unwashed barbarian filth, you guys were even more unwashed batbarian filth in the south of the arabian peninsula. And still we killed of a tenth of the standing roman army fighting them back, while no one cared about your sorry camel hoarding asses.
i do not need to crybaby against islam. I am standing in the epitome of civilisation, looking at a cultural infant not understanding, that he is still living in a pre-modern, pre-industrial, pre-enlightened society playing with toys gifted by the west to plunder the only valuable thing you have.

>5 soldiers dead in terrorist PKK bomb attack in #Turkey’s SE


the irony here is beautiful.

I argree with you.

I would not say 20, but 50 a 80 years could be a realistic scenario.

Low birthrates among westeners compared to high birthrates of muslims as well as high immigration.

It is now onlya matter of time.

>Hollande calls for military action against al-Nusra front in Syria

French President Francois Hollande called on Saturday for international action against an al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, warning that the recent losses sustained by the ISIS group could embolden other militant groups.

"Daesh is in retreat, that is beyond dispute," Hollande said after a meeting with the leaders of the US, Germany, Britain, Italy and Ukraine on the sidelines of a NATO summit in Warsaw.

But Hollande added: "We must also avoid a situation whereby as Daesh becomes weaker other groups become stronger."

Hollande singled out al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front as particularly standing to benefit from the US-led military campaign against its arch-rival IS.

Faced with a barrage of air strikes and ground offensives by local forces, IS has lost territory in both Syria and Iraq in recent months.

"We must coordinate among ourselves to continue actions against Daesh but also ... take effective action against al-Nusra," Hollande said, directing his appeal at Russia and the US.


>Our library
Still living from the cold dead body of the roman empire you canibalized for hundrets of years until you noticed that technology had surpassed them, i see.

>our library

You just keep looking dumber with each nugget you throw out here.

Considering islam took over the middle east and destroyed centuries of Christian knowledge, it is you who learned to use toilets.

sweet jesus, the artillery at 4:00 is on point.

I wonder how there are still buildings left they can shoot with machine guns from, would've thought they got leveled by now.

I see you run out of arguments. Seeing that your only one is muh early middleages and muh evil west not really suprising.